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Everything posted by Centego

  1. Centego

    In game Brony Meetup!

    well ill see when he replies / Writes :)
  2. Centego

    In game Brony Meetup!

    well yahh that glitch is a pain i have lost 2X CZ550 to it and a lee Enfield to it.. but well yahh about us smell fishy, you are right about that.. and its just sad that ppl starts succh threats about kill all Bronies as @HuggeThe Druggie said...
  3. Centego

    In game Brony Meetup!

    well he can ask me enything about enything and ill answer :P but i only created this account becuse of this so. becuse i thugt it sounded like fun :) i came here Thru eqd otherwise i wuld never have known of it
  4. Centego

    In game Brony Meetup!

    well @HuggeTheDruggie maby ppl have ben playing this stuff just as long as you but never ben active on the forums becuse they dont need to promo themselves like some ppl ( no offence to enybody here ) maby they just have some freinds they ben playing whit or just for themselves?
  5. Centego

    In game Brony Meetup!

    This sounds fun ill se if i can be there :)