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About Cibiksebak

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  1. I would personally love to see a reworked melee system with more sespons added. Also spawn rates of ranged weapons and ammo should be lowered atleast by half to make the game feel more like a survival horror then as a PvP action squad-wiping shooter it has become now. And as mentikmed before, spawm percentage for military grade weapons should be like super rare thus dramatically lowered. Also weapon attachmenty would be cool to see in-game. Though the system wiuld be hard to work on due to the variety of weapons ingame.
  2. Cibiksebak

    Cant refuel tractor

    Oh no. Now you have to flip dung using your hands. Yiks.
  3. Cibiksebak

    time limit on servers?

    Coincidence I'd say. Find a decent server to play on - preferably official one and you should be fine.
  4. Is DayZserve the name or? I can't find it in DayZCommander. IP maybe?
  5. Cibiksebak

    DayZ character saving

    There is this system called "hive". When you play on a private-hive server your character data save for that server only so that when you connect to another server you spawn as a freshly new survivor. When you play on official servers using the public hive it will just save for all the servers.
  6. Cibiksebak

    How to surrender!

    You never surrender in DayZ unless you want to end up packed in a can of beans.
  7. Cibiksebak

    stackable items

    No, I believe that as of now you already take probably unrealisticaly too many items with you. In my opinion the number of inventory slots shall be lowered rather than increased. Just my opinion.
  8. 100+ vehicles? Insane! I might check it out, thanks for the info.
  9. Cibiksebak

    passwords on servers

    I would recommend you to use a third-party program in order to boot the game like DayZCommander or SixLauncher (both can be downloaded on forums or just google them up). I personally use DayZCommander because I find it easy to use. You can simply check the "Hide Locked" box and all password protected servers will be hidden from the list. Feel free to choose one of the servers that suits you the most and go feel some DayZ atmosphere. I hope this will help you.
  10. Cibiksebak

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    20 out of 100 people are female-zombie lovers, how comes I haven't met any?
  11. Hello there fellow wasteland wanderers, My name is Cibiksebak and I am looking for a small group of friendly people to join. I am eighteen years old and I come from Czech Republic which is in the middle of Europe. If there are some friendly faces out there who'd like to make their group grow a bit here I am. I would also like to play with same-aged people since I don't really fancy immature acting on teamspeak or whatever communication program you use. Steam: cibiksebak
  12. Cibiksebak

    My Story: Road to a Bandit

    I was shot down by other players almost instantly anytime I tried to engage them with voice chat on, saying: Friendly dude, wanna team up?! Boom, headshot. So yeah, I became a bandit after being constantly killed, during my whole dayz experience (one month) I encountered only three people I remember that helped me. One of them even gave me a blood transufusion, so there really are good people out there. I don't shoot on sight, however as soon as I see the other player aiming towards me, I take him down.
  13. Cibiksebak

    DayZ is out of control.....

    A lot of hackers started to appear in the last few weeks, it happens from time to time. Well, it's the whole point of DayZ - gear yourself up, go in war, die. Sad thing is that most of the server anti-cheat bots cannot detect newest hacking software therefore they cannot ban those players.