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Highway (DayZ)

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About Highway (DayZ)

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    On the Coast
  1. First Name: Christian In-game name: HighwayForYou Age: 16 Country: Denmark What time you are mostly on: Around 3pm to around 10pm GMT 1+ Why you are searching for a group/clan: Well i feel like it's much more fun to play in DayZ with a group. specially considering i bought my own server! Skype: Highwaydk Experience: Played DayZ a couple of months, though had a break.
  2. Highway (DayZ)

    Last Resistance - Join the humanity's last

    Location: Denmark Age: 16 Steam username: wonderkiddet Where did you hear about us? Read about you How often do you play video games? several houhrs a day. it really depends on what i'm doing troughout my day. What kind of games do you most enjoy playing? DayZ, League of Legends, BF3, Minecraft(Tekkit also), Borderlands 2. What do you expect to get out of joining the Resistance? i except to have a good time, with some friendly folks. :) What made you choose this community over any other organized community? cause i'm not really interested in what big time communities can offer, i'm interested in what smaller can offer, cause most of the time, that's where you get the most fun. :) Were you ever a member of any previous Clans/Guilds/Communities? If so, which? Why did you leave? no, never ever joined a community in DayZ before. What other kinds of hobbies do you have? i play and produce music, create films using Sony Vegas, like to run, like to Kite surfe, and so much more! Anything else you'd like us to know? can't imagine anything currently :) Any questions? no, i'm afraid you've told enough :)
  3. Highway (DayZ)

    Worst Way You Ever Died

    This just happened to me. i had just killed a guy, that I and my 2 cousins spotted around Pustohka, when suddenly a zombie comes up behind me, i press c, to stand up and run into the forest to chase it of, as i had only my sniper rifle, and a pistol without ammo, but while trying to stand up, i get hit by the zombie, and instantly break my legs, and go unconscious and die. all by one hit. my cousins where near me and where like "wtf" and they did not hear a shot or anything, so it couldn't have been anything beside the zombie.