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Posts posted by plan_be

  1. Hello everyone again,

    this is part two of the things that matter, at least for me. ^_^

    I put the first thread into general discussion if you are wondering, but the questions I have now I think are more suitable for the new player discussion.

    So let's start:

    1. I know that it is possible to break the windows of a hospital. But how? I shot the glas three times with an AK without busting it and then beat it over 20 times I think with my axe. Did i do something wrong? Or what do i need to do to break the windows? (I shot and hammered at the same window)

    2. Where do the orders in the loadingscreen come from?

    3. I'm using Six Launcher to get in the game but nowadays it is very complicated for me to find a working server. I think that belongs to the three different "programms" (?) that need to be on the very same state as the server. Or am I wrong? Have ArmA 2 CO, BETA and DayZ have to fit the requirements of the Server?

    4. What does the button "Rearm" in your Inventory do? Didn't figure it out by now. <_<

    5.Is it possible for me to delete my notes on the map?

    6. I've seen in various videos that it is possible to mark a point on your map when you have the GPS in your inventory. I found my first one and dont know how to do that. Can this be deactivated on servers or am I too dumb? How do I do that?

    Please excuse my english, it's not my motherlanguage.

    I tried the search function for every single question before, but couldn't find an useful thread. So I'm sorry if one of the above was dicussed earlier.

    Thanks for your answers.

  2. The safe way is to first transfer all the items from the pack you are wearing into the pack you have found. THEN take the new pack. Sometimes if there is other loot near the new pack you will not even get an option to pick up the pack or interact with it because the other loot is "bugging" out the pack. you can fix this problem by removing all the other loot until the pack is the las item left. MOST of the time this will work, occasionally even this will not work.

    You got me wrong: I meant is it safe to drop the backpack before suiting up the ghillie suit?

  3. As I'm shot every time I see another player which is not one of my friends, i did not expect so many helpful anwers in such a short time!

    If someone is still reading this thread to this point and does know the answer to the following question: please reply! :D

    Is there a benfit to the player whom I'm giving beans or is it just an acknowledgement for the reply?

  4. Hello out there,

    i've got some questions and couldn't get them answered with the search-function, so i hope that you could help me out. Some of them are newbish and others not, but i couldn't figure them out alone. So here they come:

    1. Is it possible to hunt down rabbits and gut them? Never hit one or i didn't want to waste ammo.

    2. Once i lost myself without a compass in the very far north of the map and luckily made it way back into "civilisation". And because of that, I asked myself: Has the map of Chernarus an end? Like an invisible wall or do I fall out of the World? And if not, what is out there?

    3. I start the game via Six Launcher and have chosen a server which I call home. Sometimes my friends are on the Server but I can't find it. How does this come? The server is not full neither shut down, as my friends are still on it or told me, that there were plenty of slots left.

    4. Now to one question which is very important to me: when I'm looting one spot in prone-position sometimes it occurs that I'm getting in to kneeling position (don't know the right word right now, sorry, i mean the position as if you were pressing "x"). As you can imagine, this can be very bad in some situations, i died once as this happened at an heli crash site. What are the causes for this or how can i avoid it?

    5. I had an Coyote backpack and found a ghillie suit. Put the suit on and the next time i looked into my inventory the Coyote backpack was gone and i had my previous ALICE Pack on my back. Is this happening every time so far or did i have bad luck?

    6. I often see a message from BattleEye that sais soemthing like: PlayerXY cannot play/edit mission (I'm very sorry for this inaccurate quote of BattleEye but I just don't remeber the full message and I hope you know which one I mean). What does this mean? Has it something to do with changed scripts like hacking? I don't have the slightest idea of hacking/cheating etc. so please excuse this formulation of the question or the question itself if it is just stupid.

    I'm looking forward for your answers. Please excuse my english. It's not my motherlanguage.

    Wish you all a crash site without Zeds.

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