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Everything posted by JadeQueen

  1. It's simple... 1. most Players want to behave in game like they can't do in rl. beeing an asshole, mocking others, bully others is a big part of it . the opposide is out there too but not even close to the numbers of "trolls" 2. newbies get trained to be assholes. if you get a bullet in your head 5 times after spawn and you didn't even got a can of beens in your backpack you damn right if you think this fellas will kill everyone on sight. 3. It is part of the game let's be honest at a certain point in the game there isn't mutch left to do after you got equipped, the risk is high that you get killed with better equip because others want it so you shoot everyone you just dont know just to avoid it. as long as the tents and vehicles are not fixed that players can save their stuff they will defend their gear at all cost. i would make the zombies extreme hard to beat so that players HAVE to group up to survive and get good stuff there would be mutch less bandits out there. as ever sorry for bad grammar :P Have fun IG Jade
  2. JadeQueen

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    War Z and Day Z maybe sound like they are kinda be the same but they are not, not even close... i'll stick to the original its worth far more then the anounced cheap price. Hope there will be some kind of Gameplay Videos soon. Can't wait to Survive in the real thing. :)
  3. My Wishlist even if some of this already posted: Zombies: 1. Zombies should be way harder to beat, bodyshots just slow Zombies down ONLY Headshots kill them for example. 2. Zombies get attracted by sound on greater range, they do chain reakt in big citys so you HAVE to be quiet going there or you fight all of them :D 3. Zombies should be verry infectious, not like in the movies that you die for sure, but you should getting sick if a dead rotten one scratch or bite you. 4. a bigger variation of Zombies... like some without legs or one arm near headless ones and so on..would be great for the gamefeeling. 5. Zombies use ALL openings in Houses not just one or accidently two 6. Zombie Hordes roaming Loot 1. less loot overall it has to be a real fight to survive as the things are now u can get loot in 30 min to survive forever. 2. make hunting and using Refill- flasks more important. 3. Good Guns should be the hardest thing to get in Day Z. 4. Ammo should be rare to get to avoid run out of ammo you should be able to get them of dead bodys/Zombies with some kind of tool. 5. Crossbows should be more useful 6. maybe a system where simple weapons can be handmade like a Wood Spear or a Bow if you got a Knife or special tool to craft them. Inventory and UI 1. Backpack should be more easy to handle 2. getting items out of your backpack should cost some time so you have to think about what you got on your body and what you put in your backpack 3. some kind of trading window would be nice 4. a stamina bar for running cause i dont belive ppl can run with a 30 kg backpack for 2 hours without a break. Chara 1. Female Skins 2. clothing should be decided by player not random 3. Ghillies and camo maybe selfmade? MAP and Weather 1. Bigger map *g* 2. Most buildings should be accessable 3. Weather impact should be way more important slower movement in Snow and Rain for example or faster need of water/food 4. Rain could be a thread for tunnels and buker if they where placed at the wrong place (happy drowning) Realism 1. House spawning - you spawn in a random city in a house to make the first minutes more exiting and "realistic" like the plague just spread... in this house you have one can of beens and one cola/pepsi sure spawn (and only at spawning for preserve camping) and 2-3 random items like a knife, watch or something like that. 2. first minutes ur are always in panic mode 3. you have no starting gear only the clothes you wear.. 4. weight of items you carry should have an impact on moving that would make building a base more important. 5. more Vehicles but mutch harder to repair. 6. refill tank without cherrys at some places like gas stations 7. nerv bikes 80 kmh downhill with a citybike is a bit over the top xD Bugfixes and Cheaters No need to tell i think :P thats my list sorry for bad grammar
  4. you know.... internet is a place where men are men, woman are men, kids are gangster,s and dorks are models. BUT if there is a error in the matrix a real woman can appear!!!
  5. That don't change the fact that this problem Isn't getting solved and thats just sad i would like to play as "me" not as a Queer. But the fact that it takes weeks for solving a problem like Graficial Artifacts tell me this will be solved in the stand alone IF it get fixed anyway
  6. lets be honest most (95% atleast) of players, who get the chance to lay their hands on a good sniper will do exactly this ---> Killing Survivors ofc it is anoying sometimes, everyone i know got hit by a sniper out of nowhere atleast once, its just part of the game to avoid it. and yes you can avoid it i get shot by ONLY good sniper or average ones with a lucky day ^^ the key is don't run uncovered in big citys dont run straight use Hooks stop n go etc if he missed first shot he never get you unless u do stupid things like going firewatch if u know a sniper is watching it. ^^ The only thing i hate and can't stand are snipers with no balls, logging off when spotted or once hit, just stay like a boss and fight xD
  7. JadeQueen

    Your reaction when...

    Just Bad Losers...nothing special like alt + f4 :/ players with no Honor are everywhere in DayZ sadly...
  8. Sounds like itsy bitsy Spider :P And seriously i rather have hacker like this but the ones killing you simply and loot your stuff. everyone i saw till now on these videos had the chance to disc so np for me. Beans for this guy giving me a chill down my spine ^^
  9. JadeQueen

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Graphical glitches with barbed wire Fixed i think haven't any Problems since now. Graphical glitches with Corpses gone even stronger it Flares like sun getting worse and worse Restart resolves problem for that Area Confirmed that it's the Corpses for sure because i was at the small Lake at Berezino there lies one Corpse nothing else for Miles :).