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About Freddie3279

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  1. Freddie3279

    Admin abuse on US 1040

  2. Freddie3279

    Admin abuse on US 1040

    I didn`t drop dum ass I was pulled out I`m TALKING AOBUT THE GAME CHECK YOUR EYES !!!
  3. Freddie3279

    Admin abuse on US 1040

    I don`t know maybe one of your friends that is too stupied enuf to buy it again for you if you are playin.
  4. Freddie3279

    Admin abuse on US 1040

    A) You better look yourself in the mirror cuz if I`m a cunt then what are you? a manwhore probably, and B) I`m doing this thread so The higher admins from hunter can decied what to do with him sisnce he can`t handle a server correcty.
  5. Freddie3279

    Admin abuse on US 1040

    I`m not you idiot.and i`v been palying arma for the past 8 months Dayz is jsut a mod. Lies hunter lies, You restered the server is cuz you can`t find the SUv or the truck or any shit that you care about. I would tell you to ask your so called colony friends but they will take your side ofcourse, and yes hunter you did give pepole hacked weapons yes for example the sniper with thermal scope, I once heard you say this: someone asked for something and he said " I go find it" then you was like "bro I can spwan all the shit in the whole server" If your not scared send the DayZ logs from your server to a higher admin then :) because from the looks of it you are to cover your ass which there is no way tihs time and yes you said you where globaly banned from Battle eye you told me over VOIP that you got banned more then three times (5 times you got banned) and I said do you keep buying arma you said no I said because if you told me yes you would be crazy then you said not as crazy as you freddie.
  6. Freddie3279

    Admin abuse on US 1040

    Yes I am talking about Ts and I`m talkni about the dayz Server too because you always keep restartin the server when something happens and shit and plus you banned that russian dude which I do myself don`t trust russians but now sisnce I know what a shitty admin you are I kinda trust him that you banned him for "Hacking" which only you assubed he was
  7. Freddie3279

    Admin abuse on US 1040

    Not the team speak server the DayZ server chat logs you won`t be affriad to send them to a higher admin then.
  8. Freddie3279

    Admin abuse on US 1040

    You have been permanently banned from this board. Please contact the Board Administrator for more information. Reason given for ban: Herp Derp, goodbye. A ban has been issued on your username. From there website, oh and not to mention that hunter is Globaly banned from Arma Right now from battle eye he got banned more three times he said it himself, all I gota Is that we Can`t trust this admin
  9. Freddie3279

    Admin abuse on US 1040

    Well then yuo won`t be scared to give your chat loggs to the higher admins. oh and how dose the snipers got the sniper with thermal scope? or how dose Mike or tyler got the m4 with holo and grenade launcher in their truck you will probably tell hem to removed them now and restart the server so you will have no proof of it but why don`t you give the chat loggs to the admins to higher admins,
  10. Freddie3279

    Admin abuse on US 1040

    Here is jsut his kicks <02:58:12> "Charlie" was kicked from channel "Inside Colony -DONT ENTER IF NOT INSIDE-" by "ȞʊɳɫȨʀ" (IQ level too low) <02:59:03> "Charlie" was kicked from channel "Inside Colony -DONT ENTER IF NOT INSIDE-" by "ȞʊɳɫȨʀ" (IQ level too low) <02:59:12> "Charlie" was kicked from the server by "ȞʊɳɫȨʀ" (dumbass) <02:59:35> "Charlie" was banned for 7 days from the server by "ȞʊɳɫȨʀ" (ORLY?)
  11. Freddie3279

    Admin abuse on US 1040

    Here is an other kick, kick,kick and ban for someone asking when is the update gona be : itched from channel "Group 4" to "Group 1" <02:58:33> Channel group "Guest (32)" was assigned to "Domo" by DayZ | ACE | US 1040 | Swift-Gaming. <02:59:03> "Charlie" was kicked from channel "Inside Colony -DONT ENTER IF NOT INSIDE-" by "ȞʊɳɫȨʀ" (IQ level too low) <02:59:03> Channel group "Guest (32)" was assigned to "Charlie" by DayZ | ACE | US 1040 | Swift-Gaming. <02:59:06> "Charlie" switched from channel "Entrance" to "Inside Colony -DONT ENTER IF NOT INSIDE-" <02:59:06> Channel group "Guest (32)" was assigned to "Charlie" by DayZ | ACE | US 1040 | Swift-Gaming. <02:59:08> "EvilBetrayer" connected to channel "Entrance" <02:59:12> "Charlie" was kicked from the server by "ȞʊɳɫȨʀ" (dumbass) <02:59:27> "Charlie" connected to channel "Entrance" <02:59:30> "Charlie" switched from channel "Entrance" to "Inside Colony -DONT ENTER IF NOT INSIDE-" <02:59:30> Channel group "Guest (32)" was assigned to "Charlie" by DayZ | ACE | US 1040 | Swift-Gaming. <02:59:35> "Charlie" was banned for 7 days from the server by "ȞʊɳɫȨʀ" (ORLY?) <02:59:42> "Idioteque" disconnected (leaving) <02:59:45> "Loriki" connected to channel "Entrance" <02:59:52> "Loriki" switched from channel "Entrance" to "Group 3" <02:59:52> Channel group "Guest (32)" was assigned to "Loriki" by DayZ | ACE | US 1040 | Swift-Gaming. <02:59:56> "Wesley" switched from channel "Inside Colony -DONT ENTER IF NOT INSIDE-" to "Group 3" <02:59:56> Channel group "Guest (32)" was assigned to "Wesley" by DayZ | ACE | US 1040 | Swift-Gaming. <03:00:00> "Evictus" switched from channel "Inside Colony -DONT ENTER IF NOT INSIDE-" to "Group 3"
  12. Freddie3279

    Admin abuse on US 1040

    Added : he updated my ban for an other day due to I re applied for security : http://swift-gaming.hiddencorner.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=29&sid=182548ffba028bced4fabc5282afd03a
  13. Hello There my name is freddie and I would like to stop the admin abuseing no the US server 1040 the admin that is hosting the server is hunter, he kick pepole from teamspeack bans pepole because he thinks they are hacking give ppl hacked weapons and all that stuff I am takeing steps due to that I got banned from his teamspeack for one day which he banned me for lieing which I didn`t do, sometime when we are in the teamspeak players keep saying like spwan a helicopter and then he kicks evreyone that he dosen`t trusts and say " stop asking me to spwan shit when new players are around" this happens on VOIP and I think he got banned once already, here is a conversation of me and him on teamspeak after he banned me for lieing which I must say he wasn`t even in the channel he was in the afk channel <10:47:38> "ȞʊɳɫȨʀ": http://swift-gaming....5175311ad09#p28 <10:48:01> "Freddie™": I only asked you once <10:48:07> "ȞʊɳɫȨʀ": nice lies <10:48:10> "ȞʊɳɫȨʀ": you ask everyone 500 times a day <10:48:18> "Freddie™": No I didn`t <10:48:23> "ȞʊɳɫȨʀ": bullsht <10:48:29> "ȞʊɳɫȨʀ": u asked at least 50 times in direct yesterday <10:48:33> "ȞʊɳɫȨʀ": i get 20 pms a day easily <10:48:35> "ȞʊɳɫȨʀ": so you got denied <10:48:39> "ȞʊɳɫȨʀ": everyones sick of u spamming them <10:48:41> "Freddie™": I asked Ian where the base is <10:48:47> "ȞʊɳɫȨʀ": you just asked wesley about security <10:49:01> "Freddie™": No I told him you gave me the wrong tag <10:49:05> "ȞʊɳɫȨʀ": kk <10:49:07> "ȞʊɳɫȨʀ": you like to lie <10:49:10> "ȞʊɳɫȨʀ": have fun being banned <10:49:13> "ȞʊɳɫȨʀ": come back in a day <10:49:22> "Freddie™": who said I`m liein? <10:49:32> "ȞʊɳɫȨʀ": me cus im not fucking stupid <10:49:32> "ȞʊɳɫȨʀ": good bye and this is the ban he banned me for 2 times one for 5 minutes wihch he said I keept asking for something which I did I asked an admin called wesley that he gave me the wrong tag he gave me "trusted trader" insted of "Colony Security" and I will psot the link for the Denied he gave me on my security application for his "Colony" and not to menstion is that he got a report from some russians that he banned cuz he tought they are hacking, Now I don`t trust russins but Now I know who this person is real is after this he might ban me from his Server which is on "US 1040" <10:43:56> You were banned for 5 minutes from the server by "ȞʊɳɫȨʀ" (QUIT FUCKING ASKING) <10:43:56> Disconnected from server <10:45:50> Trying to resolve hostname swift-gaming.hiddencorner.org <10:45:50> Trying to connect to server on swift-gaming.hiddencorner.org <10:45:51> You are banned temporarily. Reason: "QUIT FUCKING ASKING" Try again in 00:03:05 <10:47:02> Trying to resolve hostname swift-gaming.hiddencorner.org <10:47:03> Trying to connect to server on swift-gaming.hiddencorner.org <10:47:04> Connected to Server: DayZ | ACE | US 1040 | Swift-Gaming <10:47:04> Welcome! Check the announcements on top of TeamSpeak!!!!!!!! <10:47:04> Welcome to Swift-Gaming! Check out our site http://swift-gaming....ner.org/forums/ <10:47:04> The icon for server group "DayZ Player (200)" was not found. <10:47:19> You switched from channel "Entrance" to "Trade Room 4" <10:47:19> Channel group "Guest (32)" was assigned to "Freddie™" by DayZ | ACE | US 1040 | Swift-Gaming. <10:47:26> "ȞʊɳɫȨʀ" switched from channel "AFK" to "Trade Room 4" <10:47:26> Channel group "Channel Admin (29)" was assigned to "ȞʊɳɫȨʀ" by DayZ | ACE | US 1040 | Swift-Gaming. <10:47:29> "ȞʊɳɫȨʀ" switched from channel "Trade Room 4" to "AFK" <10:47:29> Channel group "Guest (32)" was assigned to "ȞʊɳɫȨʀ" by DayZ | ACE | US 1040 | Swift-Gaming. <10:47:36> "JubJub20" connected to channel "Entrance" <10:47:43> "JubJub20" switched from channel "Entrance" to "Chernarus Coffee Club" <10:47:43> Channel group "Guest (32)" was assigned to "JubJub20" by DayZ | ACE | US 1040 | Swift-Gaming. <10:49:34> You were banned for 1 day from the server by "ȞʊɳɫȨʀ" (Quit fucking lying, take a break. Cya in a day *NO ONE REMOVE THIS*) <10:49:34> Disconnected from server here is the link to the denied thingy : http://swift-gaming....5175311ad09#p28