And as for my credits, I represent 3 players, myself and 2 others. 1) 22 ( all of us ) 2) We all live in Texas and play at midnight central time usually. We don't like to play unless it's all 3 of us, so yeah, it's either all or none for us. 3) Our Roles: Sniper/Support, Medic/Pack Mule, and Looter/Navigator. We all know our roles, 1 of us is clearly the better shot, the other has a bad pc right now, so he simply carries our stuff, and I am the navigator. 4-5) Sniper-DMR or AKM (currently carries and AKM) Pack Mule-Shotgun of any class (accounting for the lag, his spray and pray is the best he can do for now) Myself-I'm a AR carrier, currently have the L85, but I want to get my hands on an M4. 6) We work together, using skype to avoid in game chat getting us spotted. Our communication skills are excellent and we have done well despite the few times we've been hacked. The 2 of us are familiar with controls, landmarks, AI, and navigating. Our pack mule is new to the game by 2 days and is currently working to buy a new pc, so in the near future, this 3 man squad would be more than most 6 man squads could handle (LOL just kidding). Run down of our gear: 2 alice packs and a backpack coyote..L85, 2 PDW, AK-74, Remington 870, Makorav, 1911, ammo for multiple weapons including: M249, AKM, AK-74, CZ-550, DMR, and a few others. We have morphine, food, cooked meat, blood packs, and a few other useful items in our inventory including the necessary survival kit (bottles, matches, hatchet, etc). We know the game well and just want to have a good time playing through the zombie apocalypse...let me know if you guys would like to play with us some time. Look forward to rampaging some zombies.