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About uvpurple

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  1. uvpurple

    We need Objectives....

    erm im not sure i get what your on about? the game is an open ended story you make your own objectives find a few people you know and then go and do increasingly risky missions? but you decide whats going on its your story! if there was objectives it would be by definition not be your story
  2. uvpurple

    Clamber function

    seems to me most things have issues, hence this being posted in the sugestion forum guys!
  3. use the burnt out vehical models as possible locations to spawn basic loot cars - possible food / water military vehicals - possible guns or ammo trucls - possible car parts / industrial loot if not spawning around each vehical give the possibility of a tool box or loot box similar to the medical boxes found in hospital locations
  4. uvpurple

    Clamber function

    the addition of the ability to climb onto stationary vehicals - lader climbing animation to climb onto the roof, or back of a truck to use it as a shooting platform for safety against zombie and access to low roofs
  5. dont bite my head off the removal of the kill stats from the game, i personally think the removal of the kill counters would improve the game in a passive way my pros would be its your own story - if you shoot some one they dc you killed them you dont get a +1 to your kill count you know (if you follow this up with having a time out on reconnecting to the same server people wont reconnect behind you) - do you really need to know you have killed x zombies? i know this is not going to be popular
  6. i know the issue of people disconecting will not be resolved easily and there are lots of ideas out there. is there the possibility to add the number of times a player has diconected from a server to the score board? as a way of making people think about disconecting more.. some one with 1000+ zombie kills would be justified with having 30+ discontect but some one with 100 z kills and 50+ disconects would look like a git so might be less likely to disconect? your thoughts i did check to see if this one had been sugested but could not find it in the list. cheers
  7. uvpurple

    Stuff in tents is gone

    some one probably used your vehicles to run down the tents.. .as this causes items to be destoryed
  8. uvpurple

    duct tape - the possibilties are endless

    the game engine supports the cooking of meat so it should support some of the suggestions made such as changing one item into another type of item, as for pathing wounds the bandage dynamic is already in play, any other possibilities any one can think of?
  9. we all know it has a light side and a dark side and holds the universe together.... but its not in day z add duct tape into the game, uses; flash light to guns extra ammo slots tape ammo to self muffle movement by taping anything that jangles or makes sound down double / quick reload clips save on space / quicker reload plus anything else you could do with duct tape... so pretty much anything .... the muffle movement would be nice and could only be achieved by another player applying duct tape to you... any thoughts?
  10. Firstly can i say i love the game and dont want anything taken out but would like zombies to sporadically spawn in the woods/not near any buidling maybe roaming zombie hoards or z trains as discribed in the z war or zombie survival guide? just something to keep me on my toes a bit more when i am roaming the woods.
  11. uvpurple


    my feeling would be that night is dark and pitch dark is the only option for night time because if there was any light, would you not be able to increase your gamma so you could see? and if people could do that why have night at all?
  12. uvpurple

    Respawn Confirmation

    if this mod teachs ones thing, it is that mistake are punished in the most painful way possible.
  13. uvpurple

    Allow stmovement!

    this looks like a bit one sided, the only people who would be better off with this system in place would be bandits? what benefit would it bring surviors who dont need to storm building to get there next murder?
  14. uvpurple

    Respawn Confirmation

    surely you want a darwin award rather than a confirmation box?
  15. uvpurple

    [suggestion] finding out info on bodies

    just curious on seeing how you would see this one being described? i run into a bandit.. he shoots me i kill him/get away but im hit i also get hit by a zombie or too then i starve to death/bleed out / dehydrate to death due to player neglect.... not being too facetious just curious