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Everything posted by SUNKISTTUNA


    DayZ Mod 1.7.7 Patch

    Howso? Infection can only by cured by antibiotics, and only it's damage over time is balanced out by eating or bloodbagging. Without antibiotics, you cannot remove the cough, and it is much more difficult to keep your blood above zed knockout range. I guess you could be constantly snacking to stave off the health loss, but how much food do you need to carry to make it from Three Valleys to NWAF without dying of infection? And again, this wouldnt even really be an issue, but since the loot mechanic has been changed as well, on a full server it is very rare to find a fresh medical area that hasnt already been picked clean. It's a good idea, its just terribly unbalanced right now.

    DayZ Mod 1.7.7 Patch

    I like the idea of making the Zombies more difficult to handle, but I don't agree with how that extends to infection and the process of getting rid of it. Zombies themselves, and fighting them, is significantly more challenging in this patch, but not outrageously so like in 1.7.5 (where zombies chain-aggroed). I like how they do not stop chasing on Line of sight breakage, forcing you to kill them or use a building as refuge, and I like how they can knock you down. In addition, they rates of "LOL YURR BLEEDING AGAIN!" seemed to have drastically decreased, a welcome change in my opinion. Previous patch it seemed like an 80% chance to bleed on hit and a 100% chance to bleed at full health. Bravo. As far as "Infection" specifically, I have to say that it is very poorly implemented, and i say that from a gameplay standpoint. Combined with the changed loot tables, the rate of infection and the low spawn rate of anti-biotics combines to make the player effectively permanently infected. When players are infected, the first thing that comes to their mind is "I need anti-biotics." Considering that there are 6 locations to get anti-biotics (on the entire massive map), that makes players forced to stick to cities or military spawns. In addition, as mentioned, the very, VERY low drop chance of anti-biotics makes sticking to cities pointless anyways. The main problem is that players need to be able to fix a status effect reliably. Considering the very high rate of infection (especially given how much more likely it is that a player gets hit), the "balanced" drop rates effectively makes it so they cannot reliably fix themselves. Since both bleeding and infection are both on-hit effects and have the same likelihood of occurring, they both should be able to be solved at the same rate. Anti-biotics are not common enough to warrant the high rates of infection, especially given that they are the ONLY way to cure it. One of two things needs to happen. Either the drop rate of anti-biotics needs to be raised to something somewhat on par with the bandage drop rate (perhaps have it spawn on civilian zombies/houses?), or infection needs to be curable by other means. I suggest that raising your blood level to maximum should also cure infection. That way players can use a blood bag, lots of food, OR anti-biotics to cure themselves, rather than desperately searching hospitals for an extremely rare spawn. In addition, I got a "you feel full..." message while eating mutton, and was unable to heal myself to full. I didn't see this in the patch notes, how does this mechanic work?

    US 863 shutting server down

    Everyone chooses how to play, and I fully embrace the fact that destroying the camp was not the most morally sound thing to do. I turned bandit a long time ago, after being killed dozens of times on the coast by bastard snipers, and I havent looked back since. More specifically in this case, I didnt try to destroy the camp just for shits and giggles, I was trying to kill as many of the campers as I could in one blast, since the end goal was only to gain control of the Huey. By blowing the vehicles, I was hoping to distract anyone I didnt catch in the explosion long enough for me to make a run for the chopper and get the hell out of there. My friend had even resigned himself to the fact that he would probably die, but was willing to do so if his death allowed me to get the Helo. That being said, I figured it wasn't Melted who restarted, since he had gone offline about 45 minutes prior to our little terrorist action. He seemed pretty chill. I might even join the mumble server.

    US 863 shutting server down

    Someday, when you least expect it, I am going to sneak up behind you and whisper in your ear "this is for restarting..." as my team of ninja assassins executes every member of your mumble, leaving you alone and helpless in the northern forest. Then I will force you into a PBX, if we can find one, and strand you on Skalisty Island with broken legs and a czech vest pouch, where you will spend the rest of your Day Z days in isolation.

    US 863 shutting server down

    Just to preface, I had a shitload of fun on this server and I don't mean any personal attack or anything. I took screenshots of the camp before we blew it, but I forgot to take them mid-firefight. So my apologies I don't have any solid proof. As far as reporting it here, I honestly thought this was the proper way to communicate what I thought was a sudden, intentional server restart. Ill keep the email in mind for next time I have an issue, since I DO like playing here. For what its worth, my accomplice was the guy on the beach you people MURDERED and then you, Mr. Melted349, told to get in mumble. I think it was around 1140EST last night. I don't know what logs show or how they work, but I can give you a run-down of what happened if it possibly helps pinpoint the time. 4 satchel charges around the Bus, Ural, UAZ, Motorcycle, and Offroad, with one more in a small clearing north of them (where I assumed the chopper would land if/when it returned). The chopper comes back and lands about 240 yards from the camp (not near my charge at all), and three guys get out. One of them drives the UAZ out of the woods into the plains, then drives it back. When I see it back near the vehicles (my heart is pounding at this point so im not doing so good spotting), I blew the charges. Killing no one, sadly. At this point, I make a break for the now-empty chopper as my friend (Scuba Steve) runs through the camp. He manages to kill one dude with his DMR. Meanwhile, I take off in the chopper, and haul ass going southwest. Then I got session lost after about 3500meters of travel.

    US 863 shutting server down

    The good news is they forgot to save the Huey, so its back on Skalisty where it belongs.

    US 863 shutting server down

    Found a huge camp in northeastern woods, north of Berezino. Me and my accomplice waited for half an hour at the camp, having satchel charged all the vehicles. Luckily, there were various tents filled with 50 satchel charges, 50 g36s, etc etc. Finally, a huey arrives and lands, we blow the cars, kill one of the "camp owners" and steal the huey. Less than two minutes later I get session lost. Play fair, dudes.

    North American Trading Company

    Yes. I love Mountain Dew.

    North American Trading Company

    I am very interested in acquiring a Mountain Dew. Willing to trade a Ghillie Suit for it.