i just purchased Arma and Arma operation arrowhead on saturday. have never played either one, but I mainly got it for dayz after hearing about it. I have perhaps played 3 times, slowly learning the controls. trying to figure things out on my own. within 2 hours of playing everytime, i get randomly teleported to a bunch of people shooting, I have not even managed to find a gun yet. so i either die from gunshot wounds or succesfully runaway only to somehow get a broken leg or teleported into the sky. they only plus side I have seen is i saw someone get global banned by battle eye. 2 others get kicked and the whole room get kicked me included. how am I supposed to learn this game, when crap like this keeps happening. im really not trying to find spoilers about the game, or a online map. want to play this how it's meant to be played for a new player but as somebody who is very busy working. I don't have that much free time. but in order to save sometime im about ready to start looking for spoilers. i don't want to as i enjoy the scavenging aspect of the game, but i can' only restart so many times with the few hours i have per day