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Everything posted by MisfitOEF

  1. MisfitOEF

    Banned on US 2372

    Why don't you explain to these people what you really did. And how your previous account was globally banned for hacking. And how you wanted us to whitelist your account. Then you go about killing clan members, And lying to all of us when all of us were being completely nice to you. But of course you'll go about denying it like the coward you are. Just sad i stuck up for you because i thought you weren't a complete ass. Boy was i wrong. And you can't deny that. Complete liar. Wonder what else you lied about. Only response you're getting from any of us.
  2. Age: 25. steam name: gimmiedatgaup how long have you played: Been playing DayZ since the beginning of june. Experience beyond that with ACE mod. Timezone: EST. equipment you currently have: M107/AS50 (in tent)/M9SD/M4CCO SD/Medical supplies/NVGs/GPS/Rangefinder. Figured i'd post some strengths/info about my playstyle. Strengths: -Up to speed on real world tactics. (Serve in the army as a SDM) -Calm in hectic situations and not afraid to float around major kill zones. -Know when to hit the kill switch and when to be passive. -Confirmed kills of up to 800+ Meters. -Knowledgeable on milldots and kentucky windage and can adjust fire quickly. -Work with a 2 man sniper/spotter team usually. Sometimes with a 3rd bringing up rear security. -If i'm going to post up at a spot i always set up a shot card prior to engagements with points of interest on the card with distances for quick adjustments on the fly. -Love to counter snipe. And wait other people out. -Noise and light discipline is a must around me. Cant have you stomping around and waving lights like a complete idiot. -Like to maintain 360 security at all times. -Tough skin and open to a crude sense of humor. -Love to sit back and bull shit with people.
  3. MisfitOEF

    Stuck at loading? Try this.

    I myself after trying this. Am still stuck at loading. I have rinse and repeated the whole process twice over now and still came up with the same results. It could be just me. Dunno not trying to downplay the OPs suggestion. But i'm still stuck at the loading bar with loading below it.
  4. How's it goin DayZ community, Misfit here. As the topic states. I'm looking to squad up with some people in DayZ. Preferably a 4-6 (possibly 8 but thats stretching it) man squad. I do have heavy experience with DayZ along with the ACE mod. I am currently serving as a Infantryman in the US Army. And have served my country proudly overseas as a Squad Designated Marksman. Not a internet wannabe. So as far as small unit tactics. And real world tactics go. I'm pretty up to date on them. (Most of you may think it's just a game. But the diehard players here know real life tactics work in game). Strengths: -Calm in hectic situations and not afraid to float around major kill zones. -Know when to hit the kill switch and when to be passive. -Confirmed kills of up to 800+ Meters. -Knowledgeable on milldots and kentucky windage and can adjust fire quickly. -Work with a 2 man sniper/spotter team usually. Sometimes with a 3rd bringing up rear security. -If i'm going to post up at a spot i always set up a shot card prior to engaements with points of interest on the card with distances for quick adjustments on the fly. -Love to counter snipe. And wait other people out. -Noise and light discipline is a must around me. Cant have you stomping around and waving lights like a complete idiot. -Like to maintain 360 security at all times. -Dont just snipe anyone i see. Usually i try to P ID a target and confirm if he's up to no good or if he's a fresh spawn looking to just get started. -Tough skin and open to a crude sense of humor. -Love to sit back and bull shit with people. Open play times after duty day which would be at late afternoon-night time. Free on weekends mostly. If i happen to fit your criteria with what i've said above. Please feel free to contact me at hxchomicide@gmail.com or post below with contact information. Thanks and looking forward to hearing from some of you. Jay.
  5. MisfitOEF

    Army vet looking to squad up.

    Thanks for the link. I'll look into them. And thank you so much for the support. We do it for people like you.
  6. MisfitOEF

    Army vet looking to squad up.

    Afternoon bump. EDIT: Meant to add. I'm well stocked on equipment as well to handle any situation.
  7. MisfitOEF

    Army vet looking to squad up.

    Bump before heading off for the night.
  8. MisfitOEF

    Army vet looking to squad up.

    Thank you so much for your support. It's greatly appreciated.
  9. MisfitOEF

    Army vet looking to squad up.

    And to davey. Will do. Wont be logging back on for the night. But i'll hit you up on PM in a minute and we can get something together. EDIT: Glad to see more servicemen playing this shit. It gets addicting. Lol
  10. MisfitOEF

    Army vet looking to squad up.

    Sending you a PM shortly. Dont get me wrong. I'm glad to get feedback in my message box. But keep in mind i am looking to squad up with a group that has some resemblance of a functioning unit in game. So i am looking for serious inquiries only. Competitive and Charlie Sheen mode is a must.