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About Siignal

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Siignal

    US 127 Exploding Body

    I started laughing when it happened. Then I :(
  2. I killed 2 players North of Elektro. One was named Uglysticks, one was Macun or Macaun (one of the two). I went to loot Uglysticks body and it exploded, killing me. My name was Astronomica Happened 1:05 Mountain time. Edit: Everyone on the server was just teleported and then killed. I saw Uglysticks die however. I don't know who teleported. Hacker appears to be [soS]Hockeyshot98. 2 people killed by friendly fire during next mass killing
  3. I didn't know the PDW SD I picked up off a body in Elektro on another server was a hacked weapon. I have disposed of it and will not soon be picking up another. An unban would be appreciated, but if not, oh well. My in game name was Astronomica. If the admin responds, I will provide my player ID. I apologize for the breaking of rules, but now that I know it's a hacked weapon, it won't happen again. Thanks!
  4. That is the IP.
  5. Shit, I missed this thread :/ Can someone who is still out there (NW side of map so I can run to map) PM me and help me out tomorrow?
  6. Siignal

    DayZ Lingor Loot Map

    Offroad pickup - 2082, -2407
  7. I don't have a friend with a ghillie suit :( :( :(
  8. Siignal

    World without buildings or trees?

    You will spawn in the debug plains until your hive character data is reset. There are many with the same problem. Post in here http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/68304-stuck-on-setup-completed-please-wait/page__st__20
  9. 4/6 people with Ghillies in the plains displayed survivor, suit yourself. I'm not even going to bother explaining this again either, read the thread or don't post, I check their stuff. I'm done responding to people not willing to read the entire thread. I'll respond to real posts.
  10. Do you people even read the thread. 3 times now I've said that I can not spawn anywhere but the dev plain. I've run to the airfield, died, spawned back in dev plains. I don't need to reconnect to respawn. Hell I even included a screenshot like 3 posts up. I CAN USE THE DISABLED RESPAWN BUTTON FOR CRYING OUT LOUD LOL. SOMETHING IS WRONG. I just want a reset.
  11. With a Coyote patrol pack... Yeah. Don't care. Odds favor hacker. It's not like I haven't killed hackers before. I spent 5 days in Elektro up on that hill killing hackers. I know what I'm looking for.
  12. I check their weapon, their backpack size, and whats in the backpack. It's not random kills. I'm not exploiting anything because there is nothing I can do to prevent it. I don't want to be stuck out here, I don't want to really be doing this, but I spawn here every time I join a server/die. Because y'know, I totally want to run all the way to the map with no sound (yes, there is no sound), die from something, and start back in the plains again without shit Edit: And on the picture on the other post. I didn't kill him. He was just dead. I just took the picture. I hadn't started looking for hackers until after I made the post.
  13. You don't seem to understand. I SPAWN ON THE DEBUG PLAINS EVERY TIME I DIE.l I HAVE THE RESPAWN BUTTON. I CANNOT PLAY THE GAME. http://dayzmod.com/f...ost-characters/