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Everything posted by Timberfox

  1. I'll will pay for footage, or alot of screen shots of ambushes against legion targets. Payment will be 1 good rifle + ammo. What ever i am keeping in my bag at the time as a backup; m14, m16a4 acog, silenced m4 can be expected. Alternative payments may also be a 24 slot bag, or GPS upon request. Trade location will be on my terms because, er, i'm not crazy.
  2. Timberfox

    DayZ Screenshot competition winner

    Is that why the whole picture is black and white, despite the flashlight being on?
  3. Id drop my pack in a second for one. The group of people i play with gladly support the players who find them. If you are playing solo, it might not be the best decision to go for it. Especially considering how easy it is to spot a player from long distances who has one. It'll all be worth it if you ever see a hovering helicopter though. Hell in that case, it is almost worth it to buy a second ARMA account as a dedicated anti-vehicle sniper.
  4. Timberfox

    So about the crashed helicopters

    Still bugged as of 1.5.7, a cleanup script was clearing everything too fast. IIRC, a rocket post says they are already fixed in next patch.
  5. Timberfox

    Beach respawns..

    There was a database problem, and some players had to be reset to the beach, according to the rumor i heard. As always, this is an alpha. Additionally, it doesn't take *that* long to make it all the way north.
  6. Timberfox

    MERGED: changing Humanity

    Try suggesting this 'forgive' button on one of the already created humanity posts. Also...Use paragraphs and sentences... not just ellipsis...
  7. i'm working to lower it, one bullet at a time
  8. Timberfox

    Dogs: Discussion

    I have a feeling alex isnt going to be contributing much to a thoughtful discussion
  9. A single person can easily repair a vehicle by themselves, as long as you have a good pack. its even easier if you check the car before finding the parts. Some parts can be dark orange, which means you can drive without fixing them. Once you have the car moving, getting more/extra parts is sooo easy.
  10. Timberfox

    Signal Flare... is it possible?

    is the flare gun in the default game, or was it an ACE thing?
  11. Timberfox

    Night time darkness levels. (ATI Vs nVidia)

    also, include your watch in the screen shots to ensure that its not a time desync problem, aka no moon yet.
  12. Timberfox

    Some minor questions about loot drops.

    Gad is wrong, some houses have spawns on their porches/outhouses, despite being 'non-enterable'. IIRC a good area example of this is the small hamlet north of chernogorsk, and west of vysota hilll.
  13. vehicles are in a pretty good working status right now. 90% sure choppers can get a bug where the fueltank can not be repaired. I've never had a huge problem since the introduction of the save feature, except that sometimes your player might not be saved if a server crash/restart happens really close to a save. Also, sometimes players seem to get saved even while traveling in vehicles, so upon logging back in after a crash, sometimes various people are scattered along the road, and no one is exactly at the vehicle.
  14. Timberfox

    [FS] now own 3 helicopters and 1 jeep :|

    agreed, with the fuel leak problem, the helicopter uses about 1/6th of a tank of fuel in 3 minutes, allowing about a 15 minute flight time. Once landed, and turned off, the fuel leaks at about the rate of 1 person traveling back and forth with 3 jerrycans to a refill can about 10 meters away.
  15. Timberfox

    Day for others, night for me.

    Was experiencing this, 99% sure it was a US2 server problem. When ever a player would relog, his time would always begin around 5pm, aka daylight, and this persisted for hours. Saving was not gaurenteed(despite unsaved counter acting normal); players who relogged would log back in with their character set back several hours. This was not happening to everyone, all the time. Eventually the server stopped spawning zombies, and then items. Server reboot fixed all above mentioned problems, and luckily vehicles persisted \o/
  16. Timberfox

    Vehicle disappeared? (v1.5.6)

    lol, so... an unattended, fully functioning vehicle, in the middle of a city disappeared. Must be bugs.
  17. Timberfox

    m16 or m4a3 cco

    They arent in the game. You just found a TXT file that is just a rough draft of how he wanted to sort the weapons; its not actually part of the game code nor a official classification.
  18. Timberfox

    Just a idea

    *Just a terrible idea
  19. Timberfox

    Turn Off Passive Humanity Increase

    My wish for how the system will work 'down the road' is a web based interface where you can choose the skins available to you. When combined with the stat system, skins could almost be a sort of achievement system. However, i do fear that this could encourage people to grind for the reward, thus almost forcing an artificial structure/guidance into the game. With that said; talking specifics about when/how skins should be available to people i think should only be done after looking at current player averages. Instead of just randomly picking a number of murders before someone becomes a bandit, make sure you are actually looking at player statistics to back up your positions. Perhaps more importantly look at cases where someone is trying to be good/bad but is constantly stuck around the middle ground. See if you cant find more stats than just murders to define a player's intended role.
  20. I know the carebears will run the world eventually; but i figured i had afew more days of camping beginners at the beach before the game digressed to the level of Hello Kitty Island Adventure
  21. I've had several people explore the world, and a few server hop on known car spawns, and no hulls have shown up yet. Can anyone confirm if they have found any? For now, I'll assume they are turned off on the master database side of the game.
  22. Timberfox

    files dont work

    lol@Brooklyn. 'i paid 40 dollars for a game; the alpha mod should always work'
  23. Timberfox

    [Legion] Sorting this all out

    Ignoring my own group's stories and complaints about Legion; why do Legion complaints keep arising if you guys arent doing anything abnormal? There are plenty of other clans and server hosts who receive no bashing on these forums.
  24. Timberfox

    Any friendlies in Cherno?

    half of them have bandit skins tbh
  25. Timberfox

    Car spawns since 1.5.6

    Thanks, i'll just keep at it then.