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About Timberfox

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. Timberfox

    MH60-S ID?

    MH60S handy reference: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA_2:_CfgVehicles
  2. Timberfox

    CommunityDev - "Private" hive testservers

    I strongly recommend playing on SE1, its performs significantly better than most servers i've tried to play on lately.
  3. Timberfox

    Ambushing CQF (and stealing their Ural).

    I logged off in combat once, while combat with CQF. I felt so ashamed. I made sure to tell everyone the terrible story, so that they could shame me. Cedarbear and I were out looking for CQF. We find 2x pulling security at the polana factory. We were both armed with DMRs (booo as50s suck), and synced our shots. Cedarbear missed his target and he was able to take cover. I decided i would be bait, as long as Cedarbear didnt miss the next shot. I start running into the open down towards the factory, and just as i thought, the target stood up to take shots. It was a fucking long 5 seconds, and Cedarbear hadnt killed the target yet; so i end my rush at a rock and fire an m249 towards the target right as Cedarbear finally kills the target. I'm about to stand up, to finish my rush into the factory, when DMR shots start rocketing through my bush. There are tons of DMR shots; it was either 2x people, or 1x guys doing a hell of a suppressing job. I try locating the shots in 3rd person but cant. Cedarbear isnt much use either, as he scans the treelines and buildings failing to find anything. One of the bullets hit me, i assume i'm dead, and i call out that i'm down, but really i just have a slow bleed, with a knock out timer. Luckily, the DMR shot hit a non vital area and i was just down to 8k blood. Panicing, and calling for counter sniper support, i kept rolling around untill the fire lets up again. I bandage, painkiller, and morphine. I know that retreat up the hill is impossible; so i just wait while praying that Cedarbear kills the sniper. After being behind the lone bush for almost 2 minutes now, cedarbear start taking fire from behind him. Our terrible intel had placed the majority of the members between the hospital and militarty tents, over 1500m away; but it looked like there was uncounted CQF members running to their fallen comrades. After a short CQF battle, Cedarbear was able to kill one of them, but he himself was shot, and died without anyone to give him aid. I watched up the hill, hoping to shoot anyone who stormed at me, but alas, they knew they had the stronger position and played it safely. I hadnt been hit for over 3 minutes now. I could of logged there, being on the middle of a hill, behind one bush with enemies now on 3 flanks of me. I wanted to go out fighting; i knew if i could make it into that factory, i could play a defensive CQB fight, and hold off significantly greater numbers. I get up and sprint. DMR rounds start wizzing by me, and unexpected 1911 fire comes from the factory, but i continue on. STANAG bursts come from the top of the hill where Cedarbear died. I didnt care, i was going to storm that factory, use the walls as sniper cover, and make them storm me like at the end of full metal jacket. By the grace of god, i made it to the road. But thats when i saw it. Fucking barbed wire. I mean fuck. I couldnt get into the factory, i couldnt die in a blaze of glory. I quickly turned around and used some bushes as concealment. With fire comming in from 3 directions, i cant even concentrate and get a visual on anything. I decided i could run to the left side of the factory, using the walls for cover from the sniper, and 1911 guy in the factory. Then only the STANAG guy on the hill could shoot at me. Fucking barbed wire. But of course, it turns out, STANAG guy had line of sight on me. This time, i know i didn't die, no KO timer, 4k blood this time. I am down on the floor again though, so i bandage and pull my spare morphine and painkillers out of my backpack. Despite staying still for another 20 seconds, the fire around me remained sporadic, and inaccurate. Before i could use my last painkiller and try out my plan, i hear g17 shots. I went prone and looked around, still not seeing any easily identifiable targets. I'm at 1.7k blood, still bleeding. I'm going to die here for nothing, alone, surrounded. Fucking barbed wire. I log out like an asshole pussy. For the rest of the day, i tell everyone this story, putting extra emphasis on how they need to make fun of me. They of course make the easy jokes, but no one really judges me. The overwhelming rational was, 'they do that to us ALL the time,' you don't need to feel bad. Yet i do feel bad, and i should. Thats why i'm telling you this story now. I am a fucking faggot.
  4. Timberfox

    Chernarus Quarantine Force {CQF}

    To jump into someone else battle after reading your post... You used to run a squad in NWO, kilo iirc. Your a good player, from what i've been told/seen. You are now a part a CQF, and have been putting your time in there much more heavily in the last 4 weeks. I'm 90 % sure you and a friend shot at me in a field west of gorka; i got hit; dropped to 7k blood and got a KO timer; was expecting to be killed. When my group turned around to return to my position, you were gone, and on the login screen. I was like "LOL what?" i really expected you to kill me D:
  5. You really shouldn't steal logos like that :(. Everyone i would be weary of this site; they likely just want to steal your passwords/info.
  6. Timberfox

    Ambushing CQF (and stealing their Ural).

    Also, i pushed for less usage of L85s and AS50s. The game is sooo much better without them. The last 2x weeks i downgraded to DMR and MK48, and i've seen alot more people using DMRs. I cant order people to do things like not pick up weapons; but generally i agree with you that most found L85s are likely duped. With that said, how as a player can i ensure i dont loot a duped weapon? If i only loot from CQF weapon stores will that be fine? I shall join a server where you have access to RPT files; you can watch me spawn in, and respawn, and go to get a full kit from tents that CQF members use. Do mix the war against duping items entering the general population into the war against us; its not really a valid/fair argument.
  7. Timberfox

    Ambushing CQF (and stealing their Ural).

    BlueShock, people started using my name because of all the hackuasations that were being thrown against me :(. Boy, people enjoy making you guys mad. I would say cross reference GUIDs with names, but LTC Still is smart enough to know if he gives admin roles to the servers to people like you, there will likely be alot more complaints of admin abuse. However, I guess since you now have a lot more CQF member ran servers, that aren't EU1, EU2, US20, and US21, you can do more admin related things; and quickly realize how wrong you are.
  8. Timberfox

    Ambushing CQF (and stealing their Ural).

    I'm sorry to say, but its true, i'm not a hacker. I do however laugh like a girl :(
  9. You may have better luck on the BIS forums. I know what you are talking about, and you arent crazy. I've never found good documentation on it, nor a solution.
  10. Timberfox

    Chernarus Quarantine Force {CQF}

    That is great, i'm glad. Just treat our group as a roleplaying group of bandits, who play on the same servers as your guys. Once we begin to suffer losses on your servers, we'll likely move on. A lot of times, when we are low on gear and supplies, our bandits hit up your survivors to replenish. Sometimes when we are geared up, we know we can try to take vehicles, so we hit your survivor's vehicles. We only represent a tiny portion of the attacks against you, but dealing with our bandits will be easy; make it more trouble than its worth, and we will move on. You definitely have enough players, and i think with alittle more organization on the squad level, you'll quickly be able to counter us a lot more. Smaller squads, with a designated leader who knows, who and where everyone is will eliminate most 'bad' fights we've been having, where its almost one sided. Also, i think turning off player tags will help force better communication and situational awareness from your guys; especially since people can freely use your tag to begin with <_<. ~Timberfox
  11. Timberfox

    Chernarus Quarantine Force {CQF}

    Hi guys, I have just a few things to mention. Firstly, Johny i think it is considerate that people are posting here, and keeping the discussion relatively confined to non trolls. I have a feeling if some started a "CQF call out thread," it would just become full of vile hatred that we see all over the place on these forums. Remember the 20+ pages of anti "Legion" threads that used to float around here? Secondly, Izmak was one of the few people who continued to use his 'real' name, and i was so horrified when Mad Vengeance started kicking people. I felt so bad for the other public guys who were on his server, and not even part of our group, who were being kicked for no reason. Abuse of the kicking and restart powers of a admin can completely destroy the persistence of this game, and that is one of the things that makes this game special. Thirdly, this one is also directed at Mad Vengeance, throwing around hacking accusations is childish. Multiple times, we have explained exactly how we tracked you down and engaged you. Calling people hackers, and treating them as such, when ever they kill, you is crazy. I would appreciate if you would stop, and not incite similar sentiment amongst others in your group. Thanks, ~Timberfox
  12. Timberfox

    Some feature ideas requesting feedback

    Radio towers/generators should take damage from small arms, making ranged attacks still viable. However, if they are vunerable to ranged attacks, you will likely have coordinated sniper attacks, along with assaulter logins, ruining people's day. Increase their performance at night. aka an incentive for more people to play at night. Is it possible for radio towers to effect other mechanics in the game, such as zombies or loot piles, without a hit on performance? Having a no zombie spawn area would allow alot of people to pick some nice spots in the game as bases. This will bring people out the the north forests more. Possibly make it so loot piles dont respawn, but i'll leave that one in the air for some other opinions.
  13. £350 will be pushing it.
  14. Timberfox

    back end/HIVE issues?

    !Hive oh that doesnt work here.