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Everything posted by AzVirus

  1. Pretty sure companies care about sales periods heh
  2. I assuem it might be a setting issue? When I look in the direction (Not at) of the sun, my screen goes almost black, look away and it goes back to normal. Anyone know how to fix this by chance?
  3. AzVirus

    screen goes too dark, help?

    This is durring the day. 11am or so server time
  4. AzVirus

    screen goes too dark, help?

    :( It seems like it only started happing lately, I don't remember it from before. (I quit for a few months)
  5. AzVirus

    DayZ Standalone Closed Testing?

    I did not seee anyone give the link to the orignal message so here it is. http://dayzdev.tumbl...ase-i-suppose-i Lots of info in there as well as some concept art
  6. AzVirus

    Trains In DayZ

    run away train with zombies!
  7. It is amazing how many were totally clueless to the parody he was posting.
  8. AzVirus

    DayZ Standalone Images? (Fake)

    I love how people post without reading the comments.
  9. AzVirus

    DayZ Boats

    reminded me of dayz boats
  10. AzVirus

    DayZ Boats

    kinda meant how it looks like it is floating above the water heh :huh: Reminded me of the PBX boat
  11. AzVirus

    WTF is that?

    pretty sure it is the debug area for Utes
  12. I am assuming in the stane along this will not be a problem as the list of guns will be build into the game and not the full list of ARMA II guns. I would assume we will not see any AS50 TWS.
  13. I love the ones that think the standalone will be hack free.....
  14. AzVirus

    Yahtzee "Zero Punctuation" reviews Dayz

    was a very good and funny review.
  15. AzVirus

    [Video] The moment I quit DayZ

    I wonder if these "I quit" people do this for everything?? Quits his job, runs around with a banner "I QUIT"
  16. Why would that make you leave? It makes sense, you can store items in a car/truck - I could see the ATV/Motobike not having it though.
  17. *Attack of the Trees!* :blush:
  18. I would to see a game like DayZ based on Revolution or a Fallout MMO
  19. AzVirus

    Quick Question Regarding Global Ban

    These are the same people breaking rules and laws everyday, doing 60 MPH in that 55 MPH? lying to your friends, kids or wife/husband? We all live in a glass house, so stop throwing rocks. EVERYONE makes mistakes.
  20. AzVirus

    Selling a FAL FN ANPV-S4

    I see this ending with a free FAL FN ANPV-S4 and a free sniper rifle....
  21. But it is very satisfing when you get it build, once I found the "blue shaggy van", it needed 2 wheels and some fuel. As I was checkign it out someone run up to be. unloaded his AKM - missed just about every bullet, I heard "click click" and then Friendly, lol I opened up on him, he Alt F4'd, so I waited, sure enough, he logs back in a few mins later. I kill him and he has a wheel lol I ran around looking for fuel, never any when you want it....10m later, I find a can, no wait 3 cans in the same room!! :blush: Then I drove away in my pretty blue van! :thumbsup:
  22. I had a GTX 280, I was looking on CL and someone has 2 GTX 460's for $200 Would that be a good upgrade or more of a side step?
  23. How about a Zotac GeForce GTX 580 1536MB for $250?