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Everything posted by BigRig

  1. BigRig

    Computer Spec's

    It could probably run Day Z if you upgraded your video card but I would try getting more RAM first. See if you can get a friend to lend you some because if it doesn't help you might just have to get a new motherboard which would take ddr3 instead of ddr2 ram. You won't be playing it on medium to high graphics though.
  2. So today as I playing some Day Z, a magical thing happens; I get shot by an Enfield. But wait! He comes back and revives and heals me. How amazing is that! He also apologizes, and then I suggest we group up since we were both looking to kill some snipers at electro. We then group and talk over direct chat and almost kill two decked out snipers at the top of a hill overlooking electro before they alt + f4. We head into the city to see if we can find anybody else when I get shot dead outside the supermarket. Before I could get back to my body, he was already gone. So if you see anybody named "Captain Hindsight" let him know my steam id so we can team up again some time. Steam page: http://steamcommunity.com/id/a3defw6 If that doesn't work, my steam name is Innocent Bystander.
  3. BigRig

    Day Z Urban Legends

    I do not have an urban legend to tell like many in this thread, but man, sometimes when I'm in a town or city, I hear a chain-link fence rattle but no one is around. I assume it's just part of the sounds of Day Z since I hear it at least once every time I go through a town/city.