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Everything posted by classicmax

  1. classicmax

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Big shout out to Scarecrow for saving my ass at green mountain, had a lot of balls to go there and give me some morphine and a bloodbag. Thanks a lot man
  2. classicmax

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Still need assistance at green mountain! Blood bag and morphine
  3. classicmax

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Fml, I was just at Green Mountain with a friend, I kept trying to tell him that we shouldnt go there, and that its not worth it. I end up going to the top of the tower and I glitched through the guard rail and fell. Luckily it didnt kill me Currently at 4000 blood and need some morphine for my broken leg. I am willing to crawl away from green mountain if you dont feel safe enough getting to me. Assistance would be greatly appreciated