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Borys of Ebe

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About Borys of Ebe

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  1. Borys of Ebe

    Teamwork Rewards

    I know, I know, this topic has been covered comprehensively. I've just finished reading three threads on the topic but I wanted to draw together some great ideas that I've read in other posts. I imagine that these are going to have to wait for standalone. Most are related to teamwork in some fashion. Their inspiration is the BF3 system where teamwork is encouraged but never enforced. 1. Server cycles. This has been covered before by people who have put forward the "over run" situation where teamwork is made mandatory because the PvE becomes so difficult. I don't advocate this but I would like to see a hundred day cycle where zeds become more numerous and aggressive as the cylce goes on. Lone wolves and new spawans shoud still be able to survive however. 2. Groups tasks I like the old 'fix the power plant' idea. The plant could be fixed and all major towns lit up at night. It would need to be an involving task requiring the efforts of many and would need to be shut down the same way. There could be a 'fix the generator' for smaller towns and villages. Other variations on this could be accessing a soviet bunker through assembling a device to open the steel doors and fixing an APC. Fundamentally it boils down to giving players reaons to work together that are mutually beneficial. 3. Player Perks I believe that Rocket has said that there will never be a class system and that is fair enough, but I think that perks would add to the game immensely. They can be simple, say for example: - Medic: only one able to give transfusions and bandages at twice the rate - Pilot: can fly the choppers - Locksmith: can open locked doors - Mechanic: able to repair vehicles with less fuss I'm sure people could think of more. They wouldn't be classes but it may make people think for a moment before they pull the trigger, "That guy may be able to get that door open. Maybe I'll risk the chat." 4. Construction I would like to see player constructed wooden structures including walls. The Freeside trading company sets up in Devil's Castle (?) and I would like to see clans being able to build their own structures. This would provide huge variation between servers and would allow teams to have a real impact. Imagine a situation where a bandit clan has a fort near NW airfield. They could really make life difficult for people on that server, maybe so much so that another clan will organise an attack and dismantle the fort. What do people think?
  2. Borys of Ebe

    Kid zombies

    I am loath to lend my support to this, but I have to say that this would add to realism and immersion. Day Z lore would have to ensure that they took the "Walking Dead" route where zombies are animated corpses as opposed to the "28 Days Later" route were the zeds are infected people. I say add canibalism too... "Fallout: New Vegas" has it and it wasn't banned anywhere as far as I know. This game is supposed to be like "The Road" isn't it? Make it terrifying as hell I say...
  3. Borys of Ebe

    Hacked or just rubbish?

    This was really helpful. If I'm honest I'd have to admit that I was harboured up, checking my in game map and taking a bearing at time of my latest death. It would have been the perfect time to hit me and I had, out of necessity, just crossed a clearing. Damn, I had almost conviced myself that it wasn't carelessness that got me killed, but maybe I was just outplayed this time. It galls me because I love to run in to a pine tree and take a postion to watch the path that I just travelled and I do the 'go to ground and watch the hill I've just crossed' thing to see if someone is tracking me. Man, just how tac do you have to be to survive in this game!? I was kitted too...
  4. Borys of Ebe

    Hacked or just rubbish?

    Thanks for the repsonses... So I guess the answer is that I may have been hacked but may need to get even more paranoid because there are a lot of other paranoid people out there doing the same thing I'm doing. Maybe I should just sprint down the road to Cherno... I should have known though, when three guys in the server went down in quick succession. I should have logged then! I am satisified now though as atleast I know what probably happened. Cheers again!
  5. Borys of Ebe

    Hacked or just rubbish?

    I know that this topic has been covered extenstively but please indluge me. I've been killed in the back end of nowhere twice now. I put the first one down to poor tactical awareness but twice? I travel almost exclusively in the forests and only hit small towns when I'm alone. I harldy ever fire my weapon and check my back regularly. Veteran bandits, am I am legit target or has some guy teleported behind me? Do I just have to harden up and admit that I've got to get better or is this a hack? Cheers for any feedback...
  6. Borys of Ebe

    Being a hero versus being a bandit

    Bandits are necessary and add to the fun with two really important exceptions. Camping snipers who don't even need the kit and hacker bandits. Being run over by a teleporting car driven by a zed (not me but two of my mates) is not fun. I love the idea of the overwatch teams. If you think that you're the God of Sniping then being "God" from Navy Seals is a true test of your abilities rather than picking off the guy with the hatchet. At its core Day Z is really basic, but guys like the overwatchers, the medics, the traders and other general good samaritans add so much more variety than the guys who are just playing deathmatch all the time. There are games that are all about that you know?
  7. Just out of interest, why are the Aus/NZ/ANZ servers more prone to hacking? Are Antipodeans more likely to be tossers?
  8. Borys of Ebe

    Dayz = PvP

    PvP is a vital part of this game as most of the tension comes from fear of other players especially considering most of the shallow end of the gamer pool probably isn't playing this game yet. However, I have to say that all the coolest Day Z stories come from survivors. Dr Wasteland and the Freeside Trading company spring to mind. Camping a high traffic area is obvioulsy efficient but whatever quite frankly. Good for you bro if you kill me. As to the shoot on sight, I've let any number of people go on their way. There is enough stuff out there for everyone. This is really the closest thing to a survival simulator that we've seen so far and how you play the game says a lot about you...
  9. Borys of Ebe

    Drinking from a water source?

    I'm relatively new too so please forgive me offering my whole hearted support for this idea. In relation to the chance of infection idea, I like that too, but I would like to see some pure streams and springs that could be used with no problems. These could become new places of bandit infestation too I guess.
  10. I really like these ideas. A perk system would be a great way of adding some difference between survivors. I like the idea of some more RPG elements without turning Day Z into a full on RPG.
  11. I definitely like the idea of more melee weapons and the added realism of actually being able to use the stuff that you see including the axes in the wood piles. I would love to see more clothing items and more general customisation. I raincoat could stave off illness and a jacket could keep you warm. There were a couple of immersion breakers mentioned here like dying of thirst in the rain and not being able to eat the pumpkins. I agree with the posts that say these things have to go! Generally I would just like to see any real option that could be undertaken in this situation being viable in game. Stuff like: - raincatchers - caches - traps beyond bear traps - working radios - a radio station - drinking directly from wells - eating insects - bare fisted attacks or atleast a push off - improvised weapons (already suggest here) - horses - cannabalism (massive humanity hit) - tasers
  12. I really like the idea of there being some kind of reward for cooperation, because at the moment there are plenty of rewards for being a bandit. These particular end game mechanics sound like they could work. Good call...
  13. Borys of Ebe

    camel pack

    Excellent idea. Most military personnel carry these, often instead of canteens. Thirst is a pain and this would help.
  14. Borys of Ebe

    Horses and wild animals

    Absolutely agree with the horses, but if there are hostile animals make them realistic. Its hard enough to survive the zoombies and the bandits without suicidal animals chasing you. They're zoombies because they're fast by the way...
  15. Borys of Ebe

    Escape ending

    I would love to see a system through which you can escape and this being the ulitmate goal of any 'good' player. This would involve procuring an aircraft and flying off, a long and involved process probably requiring help. At the end of each 'escape' players could receive a score based on how much humanity they retained and how much kudos they earned. I envisage kudos as being something that you start each life with and that you can give to players if they assist you. So for example a player appears out of nowhere and dumps some weapons on you. Instead of just thinking "What a great dude!" you could award him twenty kudos points out of your total as a way of thanks. If this player escaped, these kuods points could be added to his escape score. There could be some sort of reward system for players who escape, maybe involving marginally better starting equipment, increased blood or better thirst resistance on their next life. This could go some way to removing the rampant banditry that exists at the moment without destroying it entirely. Being a bandit would still offer the same rewards but being a top bloke would be more viable.