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About seanybob011

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. seanybob011

    Banned Appeal

    Can i have the link please
  2. seanybob011

    Banned Appeal

    I called a friend around after it happend and he checked, He has used computers for a long time and is a very techy household. he looked at my antivirus and stated it can't be one due to the antivirus as one would have told me about it by now as those things get caught with in a month of being on your pc is not less, but it is a definate catch. So it's a bug on the servers end not my own.
  3. seanybob011

    Banned Appeal

    Hello Admins, Moderators and other staff of the DayZ community. A few months ago i purchased ARMA2 for my little brother just for him to play the mod. well when he told me a showed me i found it odd because he logged on and straight away was told he was banned, Now i checked his computer and he had no hacks and whatever the bug was wasted my money at the time and my brother got very upset. If this issue could be resolved i would be greatful. Thanks in advance for the support.
  4. seanybob011

    cant seem to get DayZ to work w/ pic

    i got that restart your computer thats how mine worked it was glitched try it may work for you