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About NiteEknight

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. NiteEknight

    Battleye not responding

    Try joining a server that has DayZ version It worked for me. (Though I still get the long loading times) If your using DayZ Commander, you might try rolling back your DayZ version to as well. Hope that helps.
  2. NiteEknight

    Question regarding the Map

    I got the map in my toolbelt, which I think it goes without saying is a really handy thing to have. I like that I can mark locations on the map, like a spot where I placed my tent, for example. But I'm worried that, in the extremely likely event that I'm killed at some point, that player loots my body, takes whatever they want, etc. Will they be able to read the map complete with all the locations I've marked and then be able to go and loot my tent, etc?
  3. Looking for a casual, friendly group or individuals who are likewise looking for the same, for possibly hours of good clean fun in land of Chernarus. I'm 25, male from California. I'm just a simple, laid back, somewhat quiet person. I get along well with just about anyone. And I'm fairly good shooters and can hold my own pretty well. I've played shooters since the days of Quake, Doom, Wolfenstein, when I was just about 7 years old. I've played Halflife 2, Stalker ShoC, Halo CE-Reach, Tribes Ascend, (I need get back into that one, it's been a while), countless hours of Tf2, and prob a bunch of others I can't think of, or would rather not. (cough, cough, CoD, lol) That said, I've got a lot of experience with shooters, so I'm no noob. I play all kinds of other games, too. Rpg's, Mmo's (Played wow since vanilla, quit near the end of WotLK) Really looking forward to gw2, Planetside2, among other things. So you can hit me up for some fun times there as well. (I plan on rolling a tanky support Guardian for my main) As far as DayZ goes: I guess I'm the kinda newb who could hold my own in a firefight, but my main problem is that I get lost (and kinda lonely) easily in the vast world of Chernarus. (I suppose there's something to be said for getting lost and thoroughly enjoying it, though.) Tl;dr: If you're a casual/friendly/mature/newb/vet with a focus on a casual, fun, social kind of experience with your fellow survivors, or if you have clan or group of friends looking to meet new people, look to me for a friendly face. I can play whenever and I have mic and can communicate by whatever channels necessary. Sorry for the wall of text and hope you will just take a moment to look it over. Thanks again :)
  4. NiteEknight


    I'm game if you guys are still looking for more
  5. Sounds interesting. I think I might join your server, so if you see me (Nitely or Nite0wl) in game don't shoot! I'm friendly!
  6. Hi, I'm new, as of about 4 days played. Looking for a nice, active server that has friendly survivor types as well as bandits. But I don't shy away from high pop servers as I crave the challenge and the thrill of battle! (wouldn't be much fun without a little competition). I'd prefer to play on a Veteran server if possible to avoid the problems that come with playing on recruit/normal servers. (See I'm learning things about this game already!) About myself: I'm a 25 year old dude, I live in California so Pacific timezone. Though time zone may or may not even be an issue, as I have a tendency to be up late nights and occasionally bounce back to more of a 9-5 or "normal" kinda schedule. In short: I just want to find some friends to play with and a server community that I will feel compelled to return to often for some fun times. If you have a server or clan in mind, or a group of friends that would like to add more to your ranks, than you might find a friendly companion in me. I'm a fairly chill person once you get to know me, and with that said: I look forward to meeting new friends to set off in search of adventures! Oh yea look for me (Nitely) ingame. And as far as Skype goes, I'm not really comfortable giving that out at least until I get know people better.
  7. Enjoying it immensely so far, but it does get a little lonely out here in the woods. Which makes me think: one thing I think holds true irl as well: Life in a post apocalyptic world would be a battle for one's sanity as much as anything else. Anyway, what I'm trying to say is it would sure be nice to have some friends to roam the countryside in search of adventure, pvp, or whatever (none of my irl friends live nearby or have steady internet access, oddly enough). I'm not ruling out the possibility of either bandit/hero playstyles. I should also mention I'm a fresh recruit, as in 2 or 3 days played, so don't count on me for being a tour guide or something, lol. I'm no weakling when it comes to fps/pvp skills, though. I've played a great many hours at TF2, Tribes Ascend, and all kinds of shooters going all the way back to classic Doom when I was a "wee lad". I've played a few mmo's as well so you might hit me up if join me some of those in the future. I'm a pretty chill dude, actually. So I don't mic spam like an annoying child or anything like that. I look forward meeting any like-minded people who are (hopefully) likewise interested in having more friends to adventure with. :) Ingame name: Nitely
  8. NiteEknight

    Last Resistance - Needs More

    Steam Username: Nitely You must have a mic: Yes Age: 25 Are you willing to use Team Speak 3: Yes Have you been in a clan in the past? If so why did you leave? I've for the most part been a lone wolf (aka forevore alone type xD) these past few years. Not opposed to the idea of teamplay, though. Questions you have for the Last Resistance?: Do we get to hunt bandits? What's the best time (ex: Gmt -8, or 7pm pacific) log to join the activities? How much lenience do you have as far as, dorking around, trashtalk, etc is concerned? And most importantly perhaps: Can I join you guys? :D Ps: I'm looking for a group/partner/etc to run with ingame if anyone's interested.