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Everything posted by Jonny45412

  1. Hey guys me and some mates have recently started up a new Dayz Epoch server on Chernarus and would like you to come play :D. Some of the features we have are: Arresting, Self BB, AI Missions, Very active admins, Regular admin events, Snap building, A dueling events were you can bet gold and fight others, Custom buildings, tweaked loot spawns, and we are currently giving out start up kits :). We are also running the latest INfistar Anti hack :) Ip :
  2. Jonny45412


    Age:18 Ts Name: "Jonny :D" Experience in Dayz (Time Played):1800 hours, Started pretty much when the mod was released. Possible Role in Community (medic,scout, etc..) :Hero, Bandit, Scout. Anything really. Previous clans (not needed): Reason for Choosing This Clan: Because I want a bunch of cool guys to play DayZ regularly :).
  3. Ok heres what happened. I was sitting on the eltktro hospital and shooting people who went by and getting my mate to loot their bodys for what ever we could get. while doing this it happened that some one who was very well geared managed to climb up the ladder and me having my m107 I cannot kill them at close. I was pretty save being on the most upper floor of the building and in the end we shot and killed each other after he had killed my friend to. As I was walking back I kept seeing the admin talking to someone about a hacker and then I saw "whats the name of the body?" right after that I got ban from the server. A it worked out the person had gotten back to the body and could not loot his ghillie off his own body and being the butthurt person he was cryed to the admin and said i was hacking... now I cannot play on any good ping private hive severs. If the admin of Glovine ANZ private dayz server is reading this could you please unban me it would be much appreciated.
  4. Jonny45412

    New to Arma and Dayz. Looking to learn some things

    Hey bro im really into mentoring new players and if you wanted to add me on skype here my name jonny.jackson
  5. So tady i have been looking for a ghillie suit all day and since they spawn in residential areas i went to berizino and cherno looking for them. But it just so happened that dayz gods where not on my side... so far toady alone i have found 4 sets of camo clothing and a mountain dew but when I finally found a ghillie after finding 2 sets of camo a 3 zombies hit me through the wall dropping me below 9k blood and knocking me out whilst this is happening the sever restarts and I spawn in kamorovo... I dont think i will ever find all the key to my key board I was so mad. On another note who is getting their spawns reset all the time?
  6. So tady i have been looking for a ghillie suit all day and since they spawn in residential areas i went to berizino and cherno looking for them. But it just so happened that dayz gods where not on my side... so far toady alone i have found 4 sets of camo clothing and a mountain dew but when I finally found a ghillie after finding 2 sets of camo a 3 zombies hit me through the wall dropping me below 9k blood and knocking me out whilst this is happening the sever restarts and I spawn in kamorovo... I dont think i will ever find all the key to my key board I was so mad. On another note who is getting their spawns reset all the time?
  7. Jonny45412

    LF High Skilled Players for Tactical Squad

    Hey man i would be interested in joining you. I have had the game since about 2 weeks after it came out and been playing it ever since, I regard my self as quiet tactical and high skilled player and im looking for other to play with who enjoy being tactical too :). Most of my mates would just like to run into the air field gun blazing but i prefer to take a lot more careful and planned route with known escapes. my gear at the moment is a ghille suit as50 akm (m4a3 cco sd got deteted last night) m9 sd cyote back pack nvgs, gps, and a ranger finder :) My skype name is jonny jackson ( I should be the one from new zealand) and my steam name is jonny45412 :)