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Bullet Catcher

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About Bullet Catcher

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  1. Bullet Catcher

    The Cruelest Act

    At first I lol'd, then I frowned...but couldn't help lol'ing again
  2. Bullet Catcher

    My murder and my helper.

    I lol'd Beans to you
  3. Bullet Catcher


    lol why can't these things ever be on the US servers I play on :)
  4. Bullet Catcher

    1.7.3 - Lets Wipe the Hive

    Grand idea sir, you have my beans
  5. There are some questions you really don't want answers to.....
  6. Bullet Catcher

    Who the F*** is The Man From The Woods

    I have met this man. I was starting to shiver, he gave me heatpacks, I was almost starving, he made a fire and cooked me meat, I was thirsty, he gave me Mountain Dew. I told him I wanted to repay him somehow, he smiled...well at least I think it was a smile, and said, no need young survivor, and faded into the tree line
  7. Bullet Catcher

    a DayZ MOVIE, this is Day Zed the Intro

    Beans to you sir, that was impressive, I await more....
  8. Bullet Catcher

    very serious counter hacking :)

    That would be too simple, and we can't have that....
  9. Bullet Catcher

    Close Encounter With The Deadly Tent

    Tents...trees...stairways, doors...all of these pale in comparison to what happened to me....on Green Mountain.
  10. Bullet Catcher

    Would you Abort if in Danger of death?

    I have been killed by so many different players, be they hackers or legit, I dunno, don't really care, I respawn, start over, and hope for a longer run than the last time. Combat loggin cause yer afraid to lose gear is the definition of pansy-hood, take yer lead salad like a true bean hunter, and start again. What's the big deal?
  11. First off, nice shot BBQ. Second, apologies Snake, I didn't see the message untill after the shooting had started, normally I am friendly, but I saw ya creeping up toward the apartments, and I assumed the worse. Bad move on my part, hope you guys grabbed some gear off my corpse!
  12. Bullet Catcher

    1 makarov shot brings down a helicopter...

    For this post, you sir have my beans, I need to re-read them books, been too long
  13. I'll give beans to you. I Like what yer doing in this game despite being on the west coast of the US and not being able to make your trade shows, I think it's a grand idea. That being said, I also think what Dan is doing is pretty interesting as well. Things like these threads and the thoughts of what can happen in this game now and in the future make it worth the glitches, hackers, and lack of me ever finding a damn pair of NVG, coyote back pack, or a good sniper rifle (not that I could use it worth a damn, but would be nice to find). Anyhow, beans to you sir.