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Bonkey (DayZ)

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About Bonkey (DayZ)

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  1. Aha yea O.o don't know what happened there. Text didn't show up? EDIT: Just rewrote it :P
  2. So finally, we have got a new Day Z Private hive up and running. The server has its own dedicated PC all for it self!. We have 3 Very active admins as well as the latest anti-hacking security! Shortly we will be expanding the map, including: Better Kamenka spawns, Better N/E Airfield, several hidden camps around the map(Camo-netting+fueltank) with 2-3 Cars at each. Currently the server has about 75ish cars(5 Helis), I may add more soon. Side chat is off, We were thinking of putting it on, but most of the community like it off so it probably won't be on (not saying it will always stay that way :P) Anyway, if you would like to join our humble server the name is: Chernarus Coffee Club Or IP: We also host a public Teamspeak, which you are more than welcome to use for anything. IP: Yospos is designing a Community forum aswell. It's nearly finished. www.chernaruscoffeeclub.com EDIT: Forgot to mention, we have an anti-alt F4 system. Your body stays behind for about 30 seconds after you log out. and when you log out, you cant log back in for 60 seconds (to prevent people just relogging all the time to despawn all the zombies when your in trouble (this may sound stupid, but it actually makes zombies more of a threat, not just annoying things that get in the way, with a quick relog despawning all your troubles.
  3. Bonkey (DayZ)

    AU 500 Private Hive

    Survuval servers still havn't put the server up. So we cancelled it and went to a different host. It'll be up soon. 24 hours max =D
  4. Bonkey (DayZ)

    AU 500 Private Hive

    Sometime today/tonite.
  5. Bonkey (DayZ)

    AU 500 Private Hive

    Server down for maintenance, this will be occurring less, i promise D=. But its for the best. We are making the NEAF like the NWAF (not as big, but it will give people reason to head up there). We are also adding some more random camps (with car spawns ;D) and fuel tanks with camp netting to peoples camps who have requested. If you would like a fuel tank or some camo netting added to your camp, Let Bonkey or Yospos know on our Teamspeak. (don't worry we wont raid your camp if we know where it is, we are trying to go hero/friendly this time 'round =D)
  6. Bonkey (DayZ)

    AU 500 Private Hive

    Yep server is down for a bit atm, adding even more extra buildings and i think Yospos is adding more guns too. and thanks jdz :) also that was Yospos and I in that heli, we were derping around at camp trying to figure out what to add to the server. We were trying all the different guns etc (Don't worry, we delete all the stuff. as i've said before, we only keep the stuff we earn legit) Anyways, we really needed blood bags, so i was going to drop one of our clan members off on the roof of the hospital. We saw a guy in a building but as i was saying before to Xing, if your a threat, we take you out, he was only looking at us so we had to take him out (the heli was dead still so he could have nailed me, then we would have lost our heli. Then that other guy shot Yospos clean out of the chopper. We didnt want anyone having that gear, especially the radio, but we thought he kinda earned it for such an awesome shot and the radio does nothing, so its not game changing. And Godoo, We have got a few added buildings not in DayZ, but weapon wise, we dont like the idea of snipers 1-shotting people (excluding headshots) so we were going to remove the AS50 and replace it with something from ARMA that was just as cool, but not as powerful. As for the M107, we will probably keep that because of how loud it is. So atm there is nothing extra added in so please do report anything to us on our teamspeak or on this thread :)) EDIT: Server is back up!
  7. Bonkey (DayZ)

    AU 500 Private Hive

    Thats great! =D You should be thanking Yospos (Greggy ingame) he pays for most of it and do all the coding, i just so all the posts, manage TS etc. But Yep, we can see literally everything in the logs, from what you say, to what you have in your bags. We banned a clan the other day, we caught them with a heap of AS50 TWS's full coyte backpacks, nvg's etc. We don't check it often, as it might give away a location of someones camp or something, and we want to play legit like everyone else :P And that's okay, Not so fun when your they prey, but theres nothing more annoying when you've lined someone up and they see you and log out xD. Yospos is going to add a code to make your body stay there for about 10 seconds after you log to stop people from doing it though.
  8. Bonkey (DayZ)

    AU 500 Private Hive

    We are glad you like it :) most cars have a chance to spawn in 1 spot or another, we have it so that basically every car spawns in a spawn point (Like for example, the heli can spawn in 4 different places, but it only spawns once and we have just added the extra helis in) plus we put a few extra spawn points in. The guy in our clan who is coding it all put in camp sites scattered randomly around the map. Which comes with a camp car shelter with 2 random cars in them and a fuel tank. Which will be pretty fun =D
  9. Bonkey (DayZ)

    AU 500 Private Hive
  10. Bonkey (DayZ)

    AU 500 Private Hive

    Lmao xD that was 2 of our clan members heading up to check our old camp that got raided. Props to you for taking them out though xD (they are pretty annoying anyways) ahha. But im not sure about the ping, its slowly settling for us, not sure about you guys. and tbh, i think its actually hosted in america (im not the one who pays for it and manages that stuff) >.< Its good your enjoying it though :) so are we
  11. Bonkey (DayZ)

    AU 500 Private Hive

    Yup, they both need a lot of repairing though >.< and we are gonna leave them for other people =D
  12. Bonkey (DayZ)

    AU 500 Private Hive

    =D Thanks, the owner of DayZ 9999 is giving us hes coding, so it will be even more optimized and they will be some new extra buildings in pointless towns and getting regular players on ther server will make good community =D
  13. Bonkey (DayZ)

    AU 500 Private Hive

    Yea, that was probably us, someone stole our second heli and was flying away toward cherno, basically we wanted him dead xD so we followed him to cherno where he ended up crashing :P
  14. Bonkey (DayZ)

    AU 500 Private Hive

    Hmm, that weird :/