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Everything posted by 101anavirn

  1. 101anavirn

    DayZ PS4 Discussion

    I hate the fact that its coming on PS4. Whats next Xbox too, Both Sony and Microsoft battle against each other, ruining gaming, trying there best to get games exclusively for Xbox or PS4. Remember the good old days where a game would come out and both PS and Xbox users alike could buy the game and play. It sucks more for us also. As those game that are exclusives would be allot better on PC. We should start boycotting these companies. You won't see Sony bringing games like The Last of Us to PC. Sony is all about selling more systems, same with Microsoft. Bringing DayZ to PS4 is all about them selling more systems, nothing else. Won't be long til other companies will have DayZ coming out.
  2. 101anavirn

    endgame zone

    You know what, someone may as well come out and say this. THIS GAME IS IN ALPHA. All the shit you want will come into the game later down the line, very late. And as far as End Game goes. There's a video game series that goes by the name " Call of Duty " that may interest you more if you want an end game.
  3. 101anavirn

    Improvised sound traps!

    Copied from the walking dead but none the less still a cool idea that I wouldn't mind having in game. Also the wind could also shake it. IS IT A PLAYER or IS IT THE WIND.
  4. 101anavirn

    endgame zone

    There is an end game. It ends when you die. Then you repeat.
  5. 101anavirn

    Stable - 0.47 Discussion

    People moaning about the game being unplayable, and I'm just over here playing the game just fine.
  6. 101anavirn

    The Extraction! (Hardcore, Feedback wanted)

    Bravo Good Sir. Bravo.
  7. 101anavirn


    Cool Episode. There is some great potential here for these guys.
  8. 101anavirn

    What types of DAYZ videos Do YOU like to Watch?

    I just sent you a couple of PM my friend.
  9. 101anavirn

    Safe a Ranger

    ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ What he said.
  10. 101anavirn

    What types of DAYZ videos Do YOU like to Watch?

    I do wish you and the GF the best of luck, as being a hit on youtube is hard, especially gaming. With so many people doing it. If I could give any sort of Advice, it would not to give up on it and don't stick to DayZ. Play and record a mixture of games, which I think you plan on doing anyway. Ill check them out when you make them for sure. Just send me and the rest of the community the link. If you need any help or good constructive criticism let me know... I know this doesnt count for much when it comes to making Video Game videos or maybe it does in a way but I am a Actor/Director/Writer...and like I said help or good constructive criticism, let me know.
  11. 101anavirn

    What types of DAYZ videos Do YOU like to Watch?

    TBH You should be creating videos you want to do and not what other people want you to do.
  12. I watched a few of your videos, you are pretty entertaining.
  13. 101anavirn

    When Does The " ALPHA!" Excuse End?

  14. 101anavirn

    How to deceive people in DayZ.

    you are fucking awesome, best dayz video ive seen in a long time.
  15. 101anavirn

    Impression of Standalone (from a DayZ Mod Veteran)

    Just play something else if you are not happy with the game. Simple. Come back when it's better.
  16. 101anavirn

    Earning the right to access new map....

    Hey orlok, could you tell me more about this picture!!! Cheers
  17. 101anavirn

    [Discovery] Source of Infection

    good effort
  18. 101anavirn

    My Character has a Peeing Issue?

  19. Maybe we should check to see if the search function still works.....
  20. 101anavirn

    Post Your Gear So Far

    Pretty sure.... no I am sure there is a thread already created for this.... Yup just used the search function and there it is. Boy would you look at that.
  21. 101anavirn

    Group System - no more shooting friends

    Yeah lets make a realistic game unrealistic