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About nafienx

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. I don't know if this is just people ALT+F4'ing or it's a bug, but sometimes me and my buddies will bandit like bandits we are, and after they're dead sometimes, or sometimes not bodies will disapear and we can't loot them.
  2. Hey guys I'm here to throw out my ArmA 2 Realism Unit has a Day Z server we play on. Now we all normally place ACE Mod, but some of us do like to have fun killing each other on Day Z. If you do join, you may see a bunch of us with RCT 19 Tags. Make no mistake, we're not all teamed up. We're here to play Day Z the way we want to play, as maybe a group, solo, you name it. The server is called 'Regimental Combat Team 19 - DayZ Private Hive or our IP address is Hope to see you there!
  3. nafienx

    DayZ is now way too hard for noobs

    Lol. It's a simple learn to play issue on your end buddy.
  4. nafienx

    Is this a good GPU?

    Yeah that'll run the game really good. I have a GTX 550 Ti and I run the game on High around 50-60fps
  5. nafienx

    ALT+F4ing after death

    Well hey we got Combat Logging fixed. I'm really grateful about that. But now a new problem has come up, ALT+F4ing after death so players can't loot gear. Now I don't know much about coding, but I would assume there would be some way to fix that. And I would like to see a punish system when that happens, I'm not sure how we could do this? Maybe make a system where if you wanted to leave the server after dying you had to respawn first so you couldn't ALT F4 and punish the player that killed you and wouldn't be able to loot that said body.
  6. nafienx

    How seasons would help DayZ Game.

    That sounds awesome. Month long seasons for sure.
  7. bump. not really looking for a server right now guys mainly players but will keep you in mind.
  8. Okay I'm wanting to either join or create a bandit group. No home server has been chosen yet, will decide when I join or someone joins up. What I'm looking for; I'm looking for people who are the best at everything. Each time we play, we will be on our A Game whether we're sniping/spotting/CQB/Looting/going down the Fatal Funnel. I'm looking for 17+! You need to know your location, heading, everything around you at all times. We won't be Elektro Bandits, we're going to be true Bandits. We will fight North, loot North. But if we are down south at the time and an unarmed player comes between us and our objective we will kill him. Means of communication will be Skype unless someone is willing to lend us a Vent/TS3 server to use. I want a group of 5-7 anything above that gets too big and we start losing track of everyone. I don't really want to or a require a specific group setup. Just the one thing I do want is when we're looting a town or clearing a camp/settlement I want at least 1 or 2 men on sniper/spotter over watch to cover our asses. Post here for questions, if you're interested in starting up this group send me a message and tell me about yourself.
  9. nafienx

    Creating/Looking for Bandit Squad

    Sent you a message
  10. Looking for or to create a Bandit Squad. I play all maps and am ready for whatever. I'm not looking to join with kiddies, so keep it 17+ please. I'm not really looking for a realism group, but playing with active military, or veterans is always fun and is mainly preferred. Just reply to this, or send me a message. And we can talk about everything.
  11. nafienx

    Why you should not enter Object A2, Namalsk

    If you're stupid enough to enter A2 with all the flies around, and clearly seeing all those dead bodies. You deserve to die.
  12. nafienx

    Day Z Bandit Stories

    All true, but that night we decided to just go on random servers. I didn't pick the server, I simply played on it =). We usually play on veteran with none of that care bear crap.