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Everything posted by prochaos

  1. Just logged onto the server DE 887 at approx 10:33 to play with some mates, only 4 ppl on the server including me, these people being myself Elliot, Jacob, SLAVA_62rus and Dr. Who All of a sudden i died and then another died 3 more times in order to understand who the hacker can be, i also noticed 2 other people dieing them being Jacob and SLAVA_62rus so i can only assume Dr. who is the hacker and once he lost connection the deaths stopped... and then he came back on and i died once more and then he left for good. so id appreciate the admin of this server to look over this post and the hackers name for the future and hopefully the hacker will be able to get banned for this, unless there isnt enough proof, im not entirely sure who this works. i was unable to get hold of his ip unfortunately. Server - DE 887 (v1.7.2.4/beta 95660) [REGULAR][3DP ON][CH ON][GMT+2] dayzmod.com - hosted by mattymurder Local time - 22:56 UTC/GMT +1 hour Suspected h​acker - Dr. Who Kind regards, Elliot