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Dreygar (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Dreygar (DayZ)

  1. Dreygar (DayZ)

    Remove 'Auto Hover'

    Auto-hover exists in real helicopters so why wouldn't it exist in the game?
  2. Dreygar (DayZ)

    Treat Running More Realistically

    You didn't mention any factors reducing ones speed. What is stopping anyone from running endlessly, and gaining all that endurance experience? Characters would have to get fatigued, and most likely in the Day Z environment would not be properly nourished like an athlete. I would, as another person suggested, like to see some stamina implements preventing a character from running 1km a minute. Though, I think there needs to be a good amount of player progression in the game in all aspects. It would add to the immersion and would make you care for not only your gear but your character as well.
  3. Dreygar (DayZ)

    (Original)Standalone close quarters struggle...

    Not big on the key mashing.
  4. Dreygar (DayZ)

    Nerf, Delete or Swap Optics weapons.

    I'm well aware that they aren't semi-automatic weapons, but it is not unrealistic to fire those weapons quite rapidly.
  5. Dreygar (DayZ)

    Nerf, Delete or Swap Optics weapons.

    Game isn't about balance. If you're lucky enough to find an AS50 as a noob, have at it.
  6. Dreygar (DayZ)

    Nerf, Delete or Swap Optics weapons.

    Well, don't walk out on the airfield. Weapons are going to be modular in the SA. Which might mean more accessibility as far as optics. Just get over it. Nothing unrealistic about having certain guns. A once populated area with potentionally hundreds of thousands of residents, police, military, etc... And you're crying over 20 people walking around with scoped weapons? Seriously? I already don't like how some of the guns cannot be fired quickly. Winchester, Enfield, etc. Should certain weapons be ineffective at long range when fired quickly? Of course, but in close quarters in a sticky situation I want to be able to fire as fast as my finger can allow.
  7. The focus of the game is about survival, but you're turning the focus on zombies... Zombies are probably the #1 killer in the game as it is. Zombies do not need to be faster/hit harder. Already zombies can break your leg randomly at full health in one hit. Zombies in this game, are nothing short of awful. The SA should be much better in those aspects but to think increasing their speed, and to hit harder is a solution is just moronic. Yes, increasing speed & making them hit harder will make the game MUCH harder, but it won't make it better. I'm a firm believer that the zombies need to be slow, like they are while inside a building. Zombies also need to be more aware, with better hearing and in addition smell. Smell should be the zombies primary sense. No matter what you do to the Zombies it won't do anything in regards to teamwork. Players will always learn a strategy to evade or otherwise avoid the Zombies. In the beginning days of Day Z people didn't know how the zombies acted/reacted. It was trial and error. Now after having died countless times the Zombies pose next to no threat to a player. The longer you play the game the more familiar you will be with it and that will go for any setting they try to bring. You won't get the same "Oh shit, Zombie!" you got in the first days of playing it, once you've played it for a few months. I really don't understand you people.
  8. Dreygar (DayZ)

    Vehicle suggestion- The RV

    I'm just hoping that you will be able to move around in vehicles. Whether that be the bus, the boats, the aircraft, or even things like moving to either side of a car if you're in the back seat. Not the "switch to ____" as we are used to. This will allow people to 1, shoot from the vehicle. 2, look around much more freely. Would make things like an RV much more appealing.
  9. Why do people think if you're always encountering zombies, and they sprint like olympians, and so forth that it would make for a better experience... and always... "generate teamwork" ... Do you not understand how this game works? People will team up if they want to, people will kill if they want to. There is no amount of game mechanics that will encourage teamwork unless you do a Resident Evil outbreak style forcing people to team up, which negates the whole purpose of this game.
  10. Dreygar (DayZ)

    Radios in Dayz

    I would even go as far as to having text chat removed in general. Forcing people to speak over direct chat, and then if they had some type of long-range communication (The Radio, as mentioned) then they would be able to have a means of global communication. Radio frequencies being key in avoiding unwanted chatter. They should also be battery powered and only last a few hours. Would really limit how much someone wants to chat over them less they have a good supply of batteries.
  11. Dreygar (DayZ)

    SOLUTION! Dynamic system of "bandit" recognition

    You know when you encounter someone in cherno, and you manage to escape and then talk to your buddies at your camp later that day about the incident? Yeah... same thing, except not relying on the game to supply you with data that the player might have otherwise missed out on. Doesn't do anything to enhance the experience, just yet again another indicator for those who suck.
  12. Dreygar (DayZ)

    DayZ- Blood Types

    Haha, don't get me wrong as many have probably noticed... There are a lot of bad suggestions... and some people need to just realize that those suggestions don't fit in with the style of this game.
  13. Dreygar (DayZ)

    DayZ- Blood Types

    I agree with the Op more or less. I think a lot of people on the forums lack creativity and vision, and simply see the mod and thinks the game should stay within those tight confines. Day Z mod is more or less Arma with a Zombie element and some other pretty minor changes (because it is). Weather, Eat/Drink, and Looting. I've noticed a lot of people who are opposed to certain things of the game because it doesn't seem like the mod. The standalone should, and will be much different from the mod in many aspects. There are some suggestions that just don't fit with the design and vision of the game. There are some suggestions that fit with the vision of the game but would be impossible to implement. Other suggestions that have already been confirmed, or considered. We don't know what is going to happen with SA unless Rocket tells us what he is adding, so we can only make "suggestions" that a lot of people generally have already suggested or discussed about. The Ops suggestion fits within the vision of the game, and for all we know could be something Rocket has already been considering because of that. We know he wants to get indepth with the medical system so to think this is not even a possibility would be pretty foolish.
  14. Dreygar (DayZ)

    SOLUTION! Dynamic system of "bandit" recognition

    It has been confirmed for the SA.
  15. Dreygar (DayZ)

    Radios in Dayz

    Side chat is a feature that probably won't exist in SA.
  16. Dreygar (DayZ)

    SOLUTION! Dynamic system of "bandit" recognition

    Apple sauce pls! Though seriously, there is no point to this system. All of these things are done via the player and should be up to the player and not some game mechanic. This is yet another case of... I want the game to give me tools and indicators to locate bad people. There should be no indicators that a person is bad, unless you have visually seen this person commit an act or a fellow survivor has and told you about it. Which is pretty obvious can be done without any need for an added game mechanic and something people do anyway. The beauty of this game is in its simplicity. PvP is a part of this game. Whether people do it for fun, for your gear, or whatever their reason it is their reason and choice; again the beauty of this game. There are no rules governing peoples choices and they are free to do what they want.
  17. Dreygar (DayZ)

    DayZ- Blood Types

    I think this goes with the need to overhaul the blood/health system in general. Blood should only needed to be given in serious blood loss situations. Blood should be regenerated over time with the consumption of food/drink. Would also be nice if you could extract blood from another player. The only downside is how will this be added? Will it be randomly generated when you created a player, or will it be something a player can choose upon creating their character. Reason I ask, is if it is unknown to the player then there will obviously have to be a means to determine what blood type you have. I think we will see something like this eventually in the SA though, it is fitting in the "spirit" of the game.
  18. Dreygar (DayZ)

    Weapon Misfire and/or Jam

    Considering I've been issued a variety of those platforms from unit to unit, I must say I have never had an issue. Maintenance being the key to that, and not dousing it down in lubrication. Whether in training or in a combat environment you are moving around and can't always compensate for debris and dust in your maneuvers, either way it fired flawlessly. On a side note, having trained nearly 2,000 Iraqi Army and Police and Pershmerga forces I gotta say their care in regards to the AK-47 is pretty much nonexistant. That weapon is extremely reliable because it's not complicated and built with some lasting parts. As I said most weapons when properly maintained will take care of you, but sometimes bad ammunition can cause their own problems. Modern firearms are generally pretty accurate and reliable as we've come a long way.
  19. Dreygar (DayZ)

    DayZ PC vs Console

    What it suggests to me and you may be two entirely different things. I have never played that game so I do not know what is actually being hacked/altered/etc. What I can assume is the automatic looking grenade launcher and a part where one guy flies up in the air (and not rag doll physics) ... and it appears there is a lot of things going on with some pretty bad video quality. To me, it suggests there is a lot of hacked/altered things happening which would tell me that it isn't just one individual but many and thus a server allowing hackers to play on over XBL as a workaround. With any technology there will be people out there that can find a way around things. All I am saying it is much more unlikely using an Xbox than a PC, and more difficult. My opinions, again... and you're welcome to disagree with them. I'm not a subject matter expert in regards to hacking and I doubt any of you are either, but going from my own experiences that is the case.
  20. Dreygar (DayZ)

    DayZ PC vs Console

    Best I could find was people who have been banned from XBL found a way to play on XBL but could only play with people who also did the workaround; IE other people who were banned. (Which your video suggests)
  21. Having a really good stamina system will be the only real way of doing what you suggest, though even still a player can eventually make their way to Elektro with their high powered sniper rifle and bullets. Just because the item might be heavy doesn't mean a person cannot travel long distances with it. It might be slower than it is in the game but we still don't know what the developers are going to do in this department. It could be identical, it could be radically changed.. It's all up in the air.
  22. Dreygar (DayZ)

    Add Dust. How awesome would that be?

    I thought this was going to be something else... I don't like it, sorry.
  23. Dreygar (DayZ)

    Weapon Misfire and/or Jam

    This isn't something I'm for if it's just something done at random with no real reason. Primarily because weapon jams/misfires are generally represented by poor maintenance and/or malfunctioning ammunition. I don't think the game is going to get too indepth about ammunition inspection, and it has already been confirmed weapons will suffer degradation. What that means is anyones guess. Will it be like fallout where the more you shoot the weapon, the more it's condition wears? (That would be stupid fyi) or would it require you to actually clean the weapon to prevent things like jams, misfires, etc. (which would be cool)
  24. Dreygar (DayZ)

    Sniping needs to be balanced

    Most people are bad shots, myself included. You gotta be running straight away from me or straight at me, or otherwise stopped for me to get a 1-hit usually. I've gotten a little better on leading targets. but if you're coming at me and zig zagging, I wouldn't be able to hit anything or would use up a lot of ammunition. I really encourage people to KoS, for the simple fact that it gives you practice. For the longest time I was only PvE, and trying to hit a player is much different. So if you're not into shooting players, that's fine but if they are shooting at you... You might want some experience shooting back at them. There will always be some people who play by themselves, some people who already have a group, and then of course the newbies who roam around looking for people to play with. You might find someone to play with or you might find that lone wolf who wants to dispatch/avoid you... and same for the group. They might have all the people they need, don't trust you, and would rather kill you off than risk you shooting them or following them back to their encampment... Possibilities are endless and that is what makes the concept of Day Z good.