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Dreygar (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Dreygar (DayZ)

  1. Dreygar (DayZ)

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    That has more to do with politics and congress than soldiers on the ground, and my mentioning of that has nothing to do with war.
  2. Dreygar (DayZ)

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    It's called a discussion, on a discussion board. Deal with it. People are going to disagree and bicker but that is what people do. Should we all hold hands and frolic in the woods?
  3. Dreygar (DayZ)

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    Nothing from what we've been told from the startup of the Standalone suggested that it would just be a "patch job" of Arma 2. It always had that "New, old, tweaked" mentality that it still has. Every screen shot is same ole Arma with maybe some additional decor, and even in the comparison picture of the latest release there is no new buildings or any changes to the landscape other than that addition to the far right. (And some toned down brightness)
  4. Dreygar (DayZ)

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    That's taking things way out of context. Please go shoot yourself now. Vietnam was the most intense war in history, period. Be respectful you little twit.
  5. Dreygar (DayZ)

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    Updates to the mod, aren't something that I'm really concerned with since they don't really improve anything at all. I think 1.7.4 added the combat indicator? Great improvement, my biggest concern with Day Z was people combat logging; not. Oh, and they removed a couple weapons and added some vehicles. Yet I still break random legs going over terrain or passing by a buddy through a hallway. Though I just pointed out that while the game was in development the mod was also supposed to be improved upon which it hasn't. If anything it gets worse and worse over time. I've played off and on since May. No one is whining, either. That would be the FPV folk.
  6. Dreygar (DayZ)

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    I'm not being turned off without a date, all I am saying is that a date shows that proper planning is in place. I don't know what your "profession" is, but if something slipped from being done in a week to now a month... then an assessment was never really done in the first place. I come from a military background, like Rocket. We train and plan for everything and if something never happened on time it was due to human laziness.
  7. The biggest problem with all of this is that it really doesn't progress your character. If at any point you dislike something, maybe you get a disease or an infection or you can't carry as much stuff because you were wounded... A player will just kill themselves and start over. There needs to be something that makes you value your characters life, but all I've seen is things that make someone not value anything and would just wipe the slate clean.
  8. What is this 'hero system' you speak of?
  9. I think books should be found throughout the world. These books can be traded and burned. Though the purpose of these books are to study whatever material that is inside of them, and in turn your character will develop the knowledge to do whatever task. Now, not to be confused with insta-skill books these are something that will have to be activated and stay inside your inventory for a certain amount of actual game time (You do not learn while offline) before you "learn" said skill. More difficult skills take longer, etc. It would bring meaning to your character if he was pretty knowledgable in weapon smithing, engine diagnostics, insert whatever skill you want... It would also make him value his character more because if he died all that knowledge is then lost. Also, you could study the book and then trade it off to someone else (or just trade it if you don't want to bother learning it) so that they can learn it as well... Or, you could simply destroy the book so that you create a smaller niche of experts of said skill. When/if a crafting element arrives it will play a real big role as two players might be knowledgable in weapon smithing but one has also learned advanced weaponsmithing and can offer weapons with perhaps better quality or better features... Or... we can just scratch all that and simply use "equipment" as player progression which changes nothing from the mod.
  10. Dreygar (DayZ)


    If your connection is any good you can host your own server... I've played with people who do that and could support about 20 people. Though, like anything in the mod there is little things to do. Loot, find a good weapon and maybe a vehicle... and that's it. I guess try to have the highest zombie kill count? Other than that, engaging other players is sadly the only thing left to do and pretty much why it's just a deathmatch game.
  11. Dreygar (DayZ)


    A safe?
  12. Dreygar (DayZ)

    What's your best moment in DayZ?

    We were playing in the same area and there was a crash site on ours too. Buddy ended up finding an M107 and I got an FN Fal out of the deal. We shot a cow, cooked its meat in all of our glory... Then something weird happened, and low and behold a hacker turned everyone's gear back to default setup. Joy joy.
  13. Dreygar (DayZ)

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    I understand your point, but the comparison was only to stress the point that a "subject matter expert" fully knows the details of what it takes to complete their project. A point that seems to be overlooked time and time again. Movies and games have release dates all the time, it is nothing new.
  14. Dreygar (DayZ)

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    Also, just out of curiosity how long was Minecraft in development before it was released to the public? I honestly don't see Day Z releasing anytime soon which appears to me that it has gone away from the minecraft development and more into a typical game that offers updates/expansions (not necessarily paid expansions but things like base building and vehicle modifications is what I am implying would be the expansions).
  15. Dreygar (DayZ)

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    Just to clarify, I know nothing that goes in in developing a game. If I did, I'd probably be out there trying to make my own game the way I want it to be instead of relying on other people to make something that eventually falls short; but that's beside the point. What I do know is analyzing the information given to us. If the game was scheduled to be released "December 2012" then that would suggest that the "core" functions were pretty much good to go. Clearly Rocket didn't plan properly, and he even said if that date was missed it was due to his inability to plan properly. I will also like to point out that the main "structural" changes, were done back in November and those "assessments" were supposed to be released to us, but never were which is obviously the delay and now why it is being retested again. I never expected a December 2012 release, and I think it was more of a "Rocket's wish list" than a concrete date. Also, there are games out there that have release dates sometimes 1-2 years in advance. The latest Rainbow Six was supposed to hit shelves this january and now slated for 2014 even though it's been in production since like 2010. Though that is because Ubisoft sucks. Day Z SA is not going to be that much different from Arma 2. It is the same map, tweaked. It is going to have for the most part a lot of the same modeling, some tweaked, some new. Some things under the hood that are new, and some old, some tweaked. Basically. "Old, new, and tweaked" is how one could describe how Day Z is going to work. We also know that a lot of the major additions for Day Z are not in development. The only problem I see, and maybe because it is "New" for bohemia is trying to incorporate MMO styled architect.
  16. Dreygar (DayZ)

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    So you want to have Zombies that are faster than you, and will pretty much kill you in a couple hits? Let me know how well that game works for you. Average Life expectancy 36 seconds. Every time you attempt to loot a town, you will never be able to obtain 1 single tin can even without being killed by a zombie. Great job.
  17. Dreygar (DayZ)

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    No, I'm fine. You ok?
  18. Dreygar (DayZ)

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    How stupid and bias are you to think that your job "game designer" is any different than anything else in this world? The only thing that changes is the knowledge and tools. A painter has the knowledge and tools to paint. A game designer has the knowledge and tools to make a game. Simple enough for you? Just because one job is more "complex" than another doesn't change anything because the person doing that "complex" job is trained to do it.
  19. Dreygar (DayZ)

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    No compadre, I read it right the first time. The game will (bolded that for you) have glitches, hackers, and issues.
  20. Dreygar (DayZ)

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    Yes I am comparing having a professional painter paint my car, and a professional game designer design a game. It is apples to apples. They may not be the "same" thing, but it is still a professional doing their job. They know what needs to be done and how long it takes to do it. That is the point but obviously you're too stupid to understand that. There is always the inevitable, but someone that is adding an addition to your house isn't going to experience some job-stopping catastrophe every single time. So they can effectively give an estimate regardless. Good try though. In any case, dealing with "software" you are more in control of issues than any of the examples because you are the ones writing the software.
  21. Dreygar (DayZ)

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    Wanting a "release date" is a far cry from complaining compared to the endless threads of... "Lets get rid of 3rd person... waaah why is there no humanity indicator... waaah I need bandit skins so I can tell who is good/bad... waaahh as50 is too powerful that big bullet kills me in one shot... waaaah L85A1 needs to be removed because 99% of the people don't play on night servers anyway... waaaaah" Also, having a release date has nothing to do with patience. I don't recall ever saying. "I want the game right now." I just want to know when the Developers have effectively planned its release. You know, goes back to proper planning ... I don't know everything that goes into making a game, but they do. So they should know how long it takes to make X Y Z work and have the game ready to hit shelves.
  22. Dreygar (DayZ)

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    No, it is not about me at all. It is about being a professional. Something that clearly lacks in many ways today. There are issues that arrise in ANYTHING in this world. If I had my car painted, you think I just drop it off and the guy says "when it's done it's done?" No. He gives me a date when it should be done. In his "date" he already anticipated having issues, incase he ran out of materials, extended prep work, etc. That is what proper planning is all about. If I had an addition onto my house, I am given a date. There might be issues with permits, or weather... but those things are all accounted for in proper planning. Do you see where I am getting at? Probably not. If you plan properly you will not fail, because you give yourself time for "oopsies". They might think the game will be ready by March, but have a release date of mid-April just incase. If they finish early that gives them time to do things like extra internal testing, media, and so forth. What you again fail to realize is that no matter when they release the game it will not be a finished product. Whether they give it to us now, or 6 months from now it will still be unfinished.
  23. Dreygar (DayZ)


    I agree with the Op, and instead of things like defensive AI... You could secure the door from the inside (brackets connected to door and wall and just a piece of wood/piece that you slip into it, not really sure what that's called but typically seen on barn doors), and maybe put a padlock on the outside. There are things to deter thiefs but I like the fact that you can do whatever you want in the game, ie break into someones shop. A padlock would be pretty easily broken into by an experienced thief, others might decide to shoot it and attract attention, etc. In any case I think these ideas are way beyond what the game will be like anytime soon, or at all.
  24. Dreygar (DayZ)

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    No one is asking to know about their deadlines, all I am saying is that giving people a "release date" shows that they are making internal deadlines and goals that must be met/reached before said release date. These are "industry professionals" and not amateurs like Draxx down there, this isn't their first game and they should know by now how to quickly resolve or prevent issues. Furthermore, anyone who sits there and says "Let them finish it so that it will be a great product" Stop being dillusional. The game, when released, will not be a finished product all I am saying is where is the product we were promised end of 2012, and now "who knows" per 2013. You sure you don't have some rocket ass on those lips? The replayability of Day Z, and it's maps and counterparts is hardly anything to hold one over. Remember how we were told that the mod would be updated and improved upon as the Standalone progressed? One update and no real changes in all that time, except removing weapons that you whiney forum members cry over. Don't confuse me questioning the Development team and their lack of proper planning with complaining. Day Z has been in development for quite some time, and we aren't recieving a completely finished product when it does release (we all know that). They are also not building a game from the ground up, some things may have been removed or new features built from the ground up but the entire game has not been. Like I said, the thing that bothers me most is Rocket was convinced he'd meet his end of 2012 deadline which showed that the game was progressing towards completion/confidence in that date. Fast forward a month and now the status of the game is "who knows". Though before anyone chimes in with "but they are redesigning everything" comments... EVERYTHING they are doing to the game is pretty much was was promised months ago. I know it's hard for forum members to accept anything but praise for Rocket, but I think he needs a little criticism. This is the general consensus from the forum. I'm glad so many people blindly think as you do. The game will have glitches, will have hackers, and will have issues. Let me know when a game that comes out, that doesn't experience any of those issues.
  25. Dreygar (DayZ)

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    It matters because it shows proper planning, and that they are creating deadlines for projects to be finished so that they release it on their actual release date. Instead of the completely unprofessional.. "Yeah, we're not gonna be able to make that end of 2012 release... and we're not sure when we're releasing it... Oh, and by the way... Should we remove cross hairs? We're still not sure what we're really doing with this game."