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Dreygar (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Dreygar (DayZ)

  1. Dreygar (DayZ)

    Standalone in June what do you think?

    I'm sorry, but... Games are going to be released with bugs and glitches no matter what. Nothing is made with any kind of quality control in check anymore. Day Z, whenever it releases will be no different. I have my own rating scheme, and my own opinions... I don't pay attention to game awards or magazines as they are more than likely paid to advertise and praise the game anyway. I've seen some games that get 10/10!, Wow! Best game ever... and I have to sit back and go.. really? Games like Call of Duty come to mind.
  2. Dreygar (DayZ)

    Standalone in June what do you think?

    This is a pretty bad example as it's the same chick and she is obviously hot regardless?
  3. Dreygar (DayZ)

    DayZ Devblog 22nd February 2013

    The Day Z mod experience has grown stale on me, so I anxiously wait for the Standalone. Primarily the performance of high population servers/scripters has ruined the experience. The one thing I took out of this dev blog and the other video blog is that this game doesn't seem anywhere near ready to be released. So... we wait.
  4. Dreygar (DayZ)

    Base Building. Barracading windows/doors

    I suspect the underground structures will be pretty private, and only enterable by who you allow. I could be wrong, as the development team seems unforgiving in many aspects (which people like) in that nothing you have, other than what is on your person, is really safe. I agree, a safe would be ideal. Maybe a suitcase with a combination... Maybe a locker with a padlock... but none of them should be player proof. If they are going to add lockable items, then they need to add a way to get into those items.
  5. Dreygar (DayZ)

    Base Building. Barracading windows/doors

    That argument is hardly valid, and I think Rocket said above ground structures was more of a "performance" issue. Requiring blueprints, and a lot of resources such as scavenging for nails or making lumber would definitely cut down on "clutteredness" as it would take a lot of time to gather. Structures were done brillantly in Starwars Galaxies. They didn't require instancing, and they offered a ton of customization/options/styles. Also, they weren't cluttered around. Granted they required ingame money to maintain them or they would be removed (which aided in no cluttering) but getting a house in that game just meant you had to have all the stuff to build one... or more easily just buy one from a builder. It would be a lot more rare in Day Z, especially if blueprints were relatively rare.
  6. Dreygar (DayZ)

    New Update Makes DayZ Extremely Difficult

    Did they fix the windscreen damage leaks fuel in helicopters problem? Beginning to think that is a "design feature" instead of a problem.
  7. Dreygar (DayZ)

    New Update Makes DayZ Extremely Difficult

    Sorry, there has been discussions on several features that do not make sense. Also, the patch doesn't make you do anything you just said above. I can still run into a house, loot, and go out and on my merry way. I can still shoot a player with a Lee Enfield from a rooftop, and escape unscathed. I can still run through NWAF and loot it in under ten minutes. No where on the mainpage description do I see "Must be stealthy... Take 30 minutes looting a building that only has 2 spawn points." If you've played this game long enough, you know how the game mechanics work and how to defeat them. That will happen in ANY game. If you're one of those people who try to play the game "realistically" like obeying speed limits, driving on the proper side of the road, insert something quirky... Then that is fine, but understand no one person is going to play the same way you do and this game is an open world sandbox meaning they can play it however they want. The standalone will require some learning for sure as we adapt to the changes, but after a few weeks people will know what type of buildings to go into for what they want or where to look, etc.
  8. Dreygar (DayZ)


    I've yet to see one.
  9. Dreygar (DayZ)

    Who else LIKES the new update?

    Someone can still sit on a rooftop or on a hill and snipe players.
  10. Dreygar (DayZ)

    Who else LIKES the new update?

    Game isn't hard if you know what you're doing, and you don't need to sneak around either. The only reason to sneak around is to avoid detection from other players. Players generally have bad aim however, so as long as you're moving that isn't a factor either. I took a newbie to NWAF to get him a better weapon yesterday. He wanted to sneak around so we did that... Though spending an hour at NWAF sneaking around is not the best idea, especially in areas such as the hangars where you have no way of concealing yourself against players. Finally, I was like... "Look guy, we're going to change this up..." and I expedited the process.
  11. Dreygar (DayZ)

    Top 5 things the latest devblog told us.

    I realize oceans can cause wetlands, but it just seems way out of place for me. Would have much rather seen something like this inland more, but I realize it wouldn't have a very high traffic area such as the coast where you spawn. Ah well..
  12. Dreygar (DayZ)

    Top 5 things the latest devblog told us.

    Why is the swamp right next to the ocean? That part still puzzles me...
  13. Zombies, in every sense (less you have some kind of I am Legend or War Z Zombie running at you...) will never be practical in causing an apocalypse anyway. Though, it's still pretty simple. Next time you're playing and you get Zombie aggro, don't run into a building or a bush. Combat them with your weapon. You will either A ) Run B ) Die ... Pretty high chances of C ) Killing the Zombies and surviving if it is in small numbers... but most likely have either a loss in health, broken leg, and/or an infection. Zombies running indoors, with a poor Melee system, is as stupid as it gets. Arma was built around shooting, not melee. Games like Dead Island were built around melee, and so zombie's running at you can be easily contained in small numbers and really difficult in large numbers. I am really curious as to what the development team is doing in these regards to the Standalone since it's been confirmed that Zombies will now run indoors. We know animations are being fixed, pathing is being fixed, zombies glitching through walls will probably be fixed, but melee needs a serious overhaul still and those changes are still unknown to me.
  14. For anyone who thinks Zombies should sprint indoors, you are absolutely 100% retarded. Try to combat 20 zombies outside, while they are running at you/hitting you. Now imagine that in a close-quarters environment. The game is way too clunky, animations are way too glitched, and the melee system is pitiful. You want Zombies to run indoors? Those things need to be addressed. Like I said, I challenge anyone to run through a city and attract some aggro and then try to combat them all with your hatchet out in the open and let me know how that works for you. I suspect you won't make it, and if that is your idea of "hard zombies" then ... well, I don't know what else to say to you.
  15. Dreygar (DayZ)

    Are you a PC Gamer?

    I got to thinking a little, and my curiosity has obviously led to this post and poll. I know there is generally a few types of gamers out there. Console gamers and PC/Mac Gamers. When it comes to large persistant worlds and multiplayer consoles tend to fall short and offer very little. (GTA 4, Red Dead Redemption both had open world and multiplayer but in a very lame way, as examples) Now this is not a debate on which system you like better, but just trying to get some insight on the audience of Day Z. For myself, I have always favored console games but I realize that there are some games (particularly some MMOs) you can only really get on a PC. Nothing beats having a controller in my hand for gaming, and this is my first KB+M shooter experience. I've played Rainbow Six Rogue Spear in the past for the PC, but I was so terrible at it that it doesn't even count. So I'll try to generalize some groups and you're welcome to give me some insight for the Poll. I know I am probably not the only one out there who is primarily a console gamer but am playing Day Z because it offers an experience I can't really get on a console at this time. Thanks! Lets hope the poll thing works.. First timer.
  16. Dreygar (DayZ)

    Base Building. Barracading windows/doors

    Standalone content like base building and more end-game material has been pretty much promised by the development team. How they decide to implement it is still up for grabs. It would appear that "underground structures" is the primary leader when base building is discussed. So as much as people would like to barricade windows and doors, and put a padlock on something to secure it... while not impossible, it's probably unlikely. Subject to change of course, but from everything I've watched/read/heard would suggest that it's not going to happen.
  17. Dreygar (DayZ)

    Are you a PC Gamer?

    I realized the "Why Day Z" Part didn't really fit for a title... I just threw something in there to give a secondary function to the poll. Just updated it infact to reflect it better.
  18. Dreygar (DayZ)

    Are you a PC Gamer?

    Well, technology is technology but consoles are a slightly different breed in that they are designed to function one way. PC's are more open ended and have multiple uses. For instance, I have an Xbox for Windows controller (It's an Xbox controller with an USB Adapter that lets you hook it to your computer instead) ... but PC games are not designed and therefore not optimized to use a controller. Controllers do have enough keys... I don't understand that train of thought. Where as PC has some pretty designated keys for certain things... A controller will change the function of the keys depending what you are doing. Right trigger might mean fire your weapon, but when you get in a vehicle right trigger now controls your gas pedal. On a keyboard, you probably have two keys to do those functions. (Left mouse/Up arrow.) A controller just utilizes what it has with less keys. But anyway, off topic... This isn't a Console vs PC war, or why you think one or the other is better. It is just to see the demographic of gamers who play Day Z and their preference in gaming. Day Z might come as a challenge for someone not familiar to PC gaming, and it requires a large learning curve. Someone who is familiar with Arma has obviously no problem adapting to the slight change that Day Z makes.
  19. Dreygar (DayZ)

    Are you a PC Gamer?

    As quoted, I am open for your opinions. Though in general the poll was to serve no other purpose than my curiosity. I was hoping to see more non-PC gamers who came to PC for Day Z specifically. Probably more than two out there, but they hadn't voted. You see all the time. "What do I need to play this game?" , "Will this run this game?" etc... Obviously from non-PC gamers.
  20. Dreygar (DayZ)

    Are you a PC Gamer?

    It's not a competition or anything.
  21. Dreygar (DayZ)

    Are you a PC Gamer?

    Fair enough, to be quite honest my console has collected some serious dust. Partially due to my overall boredom with games in general, and then I picked up Eve Online for a little bit (till again bored) and then picked up Day Z again. Sometimes I even load up the Arma Armory and enjoy that too. I suspect come March when GTA 5 comes out then I won't be playing computer games till I burn myself out with that. :P
  22. Dreygar (DayZ)

    Are you a PC Gamer?

    I'm aware that the majority here will be from PC/MAC gamers, as it should be considering the platform we are on. Though I'm more interested in seeing what the breakdown will be like. I think a game like Day Z has the potential to draw a crowd from any platform because it's not the same ole linear BS shoved down your throat.
  23. Dreygar (DayZ)

    Are you a PC Gamer?

    Haha, I knew it was coming... :P Atleast I included Mac?
  24. Dreygar (DayZ)

    Thank you R4z0r49and other devs!!!

    Heeeey yooooou guuuuuys. :P Sums up the op I think. Sorry for being mean, I can't help it. :'(
  25. Dreygar (DayZ)

    New Update Makes DayZ Extremely Difficult

    You need to have an empty tin can/soda can in your inventory, along with a full water bottle and a fire obviously. So it seems all you're missing is a can.