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Dreygar (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Dreygar (DayZ)

  1. Dreygar (DayZ)

    Rezzed - June 2013 - Developer Session

    This brings excitement for me. I'm so happy to see more things and not the same ole... "Yay, Motorbike helmet" While I knew there were more things being added I thought the repetitiveness of showing off the same things bore me. Poop filled syringes for all! Edit: While the combining items is cool and desired, I hope there is some actual crafting in the future. You know, making stuff and not just taking existing things and adding them together. Even if it's as simple (in thought, maybe not function) as finding reloading tools, collecting shells, powder, manuals, bullets, so you can reload your own ammunition.
  2. Dreygar (DayZ)

    Will the SA Ever Feel like This?

    First thing I'm going to do when I log into Day Z. Find a weapon and go on a killing spree. Simply because I'm tired of people complaining about kill on sight. There are no laws in an apocalypse, combine that with the fact that this is an open world sandbox game and it's self explanatory. You will have new areas to explore, but still the same chernarus more or less so you aren't going to get much disorientation unless they spawn you in the forest someplace; which would be better IMO. The medical additions should hopefully make for an interesting experience and I suspect a lot of people will be rummaging through buildings for all the various weapons, clothing, and food/drink that they can find. Interesting ideas such as the need to poop and what not will add another element and make sure that you manage your diet and such, though I think this idea has been shelved; we'll see. I think a lot of people will be happy as long as the most hated bugs of the Mod have been fixed, and others will be disappointed with the non-existance of vehicles, but having new content added frequently will be welcomed. So in short ... No, you won't feel the same way about this game as you did about the mod. Simply because you've already experienced the mod, and grown accustom to its ways. The standalone just expands upon that. Edit: I don't play this game for the Zombies. I play it for the Post Apocalyptic Survival feel, and it's open-world sandbox nature. I don't think Zombies will ever feel "right" and they are and forever will be just a nuisance. I honestly don't care what they do to the Zombies as long as it doesn't get stupid like you not being able to fend them off with melee effectively or them hacking you down mid-sprint just because.
  3. Dreygar (DayZ)

    Day Z Videos

    Funniest Day Z video i've seen.
  4. Dreygar (DayZ)

    Holding a key to raise weapon? Your thoughts

    In typical games you do have to hold down a button to aim down the sights, but that's for consoles. For keyboard and mouse I like right clicking and going into aim mode and focusing the rest of my fingers on movement. I don't think it brings anything to the game by making you hold down a key to aim. A simple solution should be... If you are not aiming down your sights, your weapon will be lowered. If you are aiming down your sights, your character is shown with the weapon raised. If you fire when not aiming down the sights, you are hip firing. Less accurate obviously. No crosshairs for firearms - Crosshairs for melee weapons only.
  5. Dreygar (DayZ)

    SA: Departure from ArmA Animations?

    Does the gun look weird when aiming down the sights to anyone else or just me? Maybe it's the resolution but it's just so skinny and minimalistic.
  6. Dreygar (DayZ)

    SA: Departure from ArmA Animations?

    You seem to be afraid of grenades? They are incredibly dangerous but they aren't heavy and aren't hard to throw. They are designed that way for a reason. You can deploy grenades fast and as accurate as your aim and arm will allow. Typically you would throw them from behind cover and into your supposed enemy position to eliminate them. Maybe you've watched too much of "In the Army Now". Anyway. We've seen what animations look like when they are too slow, unresponsive; IE, Arma II. We've seen what they look like when they are too fast, super fluid; IE, Day Z (Can we stop calling it standalone??) So we just need to find the middle ground. I am not aware if they are using the new skeleton in this build, I think I heard them mentioning it but not sure if that's confirmed or not, but I do think the Arma III movements (aside from instant grenade throwing) were good. Rainbow Six 3 (and possibly earlier versions) had perfect grenade animations. You switched to grenade, making it your primary weapon. You aimed your camera, up a little higher if you wanted to throw it farther, and then you hit the trigger. A fluid animation of pulling the pin and throwing the grenade started, and that was it. Back to your primary weapon.
  7. No. I'm concerned with the Zombies in general. I really hope not all Zombies are going to jump at you like that or it'll feel like I'm facing some giant spider from Eight Legged Freaks or something. Sadly, that frenzied zombie attack animation is still there too ; but who knows if that's here to stay.
  8. When I played Day Z I would nearly always be on foot. Trying to coordinate with friends to meet up when you're on two sides of the country sucks though, and when you have a goal like.. "Hey, we're in Kamenka lets go to NEAF" ... You basically are forced to just run through the woods for 40 minutes to reach your destination, but that is kind of where the Standalone will hopefully shine. In the fact that any area could potentionally have good loot and you won't know unless you look for it, although I still think high end things should naturally appear in their respective locations so things like the military areas will still be popular areas to b-line for.
  9. I think you're in the minority. It's a nice achievement to get a vehicle working after you searched for hours or days looking for parts. Now you can travel to locations quicker with a higher level of protection all while painting a huge target on yourself. I really like what they've done with vehicles in Arma III so I think not porting over Arma II stuff was a wise choice, plus again I like the customization features proposed with the new ideas.
  10. Probably because it's a free roam world and you might want to setup camp in a structure. Board up a window, a door, or whatever to fortify your position... People like choices and customization.
  11. Sorry. Exploits, bugs, and glitches should never make it into a release. They do, and it has become a common thing, and so people find it to be "normal" but not something anyone should expect. Games should be tested, bugs and glitches should be reported and fixed, and this is all done during our Alpha/Beta stages. Once the game is solid then it moves to release, but I guess that's a perfect world. Adding new content may create a new bug/glitch so I understand the need to patch, but releasing a game that hasn't been fully tested on the premise that you'll just patch things later is ... crappy ... I realize that games years ago would have glitches and bugs, and it's just something we lived with because they didn't have the ability to patch games, but I think developers rely too heavily on that function now and release games without proper testing just because they can "patch it later". That's just my opinion on the gaming industry as a whole. That all being said I think this game needs a lot of work, but I think it's in a stage where it's alright to release to public so mass testing can be done and proper feedback can be given. I am liking the clean and simplistic inventory system, minus the font. Something about that font bothers me but otherwise I think it's good. Will see how they improve on it.
  12. Dreygar (DayZ)

    Standalone thoughts?

    I have been out of the loop with Day Z and its Development for a few months now, just waiting patiently like a good boy. I must say that I'm disappointed in the lack of content from the Development crew. Disclaimer: My opinions are my opinions, and I do not have fan boy status so if those opinions are against the development team, so be it. All right, so there has been a flood of standalone leaks from people whom I'm assuming were able to get some copies of the build. Now I'm aware this is "alpha" and not the completed polished version, but I was expecting a lot more. Breakdown; a ton of glitches, bad optimization even without zombies or weapons being used. Monotonous loot and gear. Seriously how many motorcycle helmets and hoodies can there be at every wreck? There may be limited content in these builds so I won't harp on that too much, but I seriously hope the initial release has a bundle of content to not get extremely dull quickly. Just from what I've read and heard about they are stripping most weapons and all vehicles from the game, leaving very few things so I am hoping they are in turn adding a lot more variety of items to interact with instead. Zombies look really bad. I am reminded by War Z zombies when I look at them. Day Z Mod zombies were better at this point... and every time I see the zombie animations it's nearly always the same one (The one where Rocket was moCapping like he had a broomstick shoved up his...) yeah... I'm sure that the new skeleton hasn't been applied but even still I'm so far not impressed. They are also incredibly glitchy (falling through the ground, etc) and honestly I think being glitchy is just a part of Bohemia. There's a reason why it's patching 3+ years still after Arma II's release. I commend them for keeping up the support for their games where most companies toss support out the window as soon as the game launches, but there seriously needs to be some better quality assurance checks in gaming in general. Delays and Public Relations seem to go hand in hand. While I'm not going to go into delays too much but it does seem that the development team does way too much PR. PAX? E3? When I think of E3 I think of trailers and some short polished demos of games. I don't even think this game deserves to be at such events if it wasn't for the fanbase and the popularity that brought the game. The game is still a slightly improved version of the mod. You can change a few internal aspects of the game but it's still more or less the mod and Arma II. My words to Rocket and Matt are to stop doing PR and instead use that time and resources to focus on the game. There will be plenty of time for travelling and getting praise from the gaming world once released. I felt really good about the development blogs and just keeping the fans, who made this game as popular as it is, in touch with the development but all this premature PR is simply not needed. This looks, feels, and smells like... Arma II and as expected quite honestly. That's not necessarily a bad thing as long as cheating and scripting are basically a thing of the past, and of course tons of content. I know, I know... This isn't Arma II, it's... Arma II with Take on Helicopters with a Dash of Arma III... Except Take on Helicopters is pretty identical to Arma II anyway. I'd really like to see Day Z take its own approach. I'm tired of seeing the door open icon, or the loot/gear icon, and basically the same UI. Add something fresh and fluid. Conclusion I'm willing to let those opinions go though, and not because "it's alpha" as many people will immediately use as their default excuse, but just because I hope that they will do better than this. I still do not see this game being released to the masses anytime soon. These are again, my thoughts, and you're welcome to agree or disagree but I am interested in what the community has to say in regards to the wave of leaked footage and progress of the game. Only constructive feedback please I don't really want to hear the fanboys screaming that I'm impatient, whining, or excuses that this is only pre-alpha as pretty typical responses when you're not bowing in praise. If you disagree with something then you can make that known but again these are my opinions and I'm interested in yours.
  13. Dreygar (DayZ)

    Standalone thoughts?

    I disagree. Bohemia games all look the same with just different elements and that is their proven track record. If you think Take on helicopters is leaps and bounds over Arma II then... well, I guess you've been fooled. It's nearly the same exact game with a few different elements. Day Z will be no different. Though having the same feel as Arma II isn't bad like I said, as long as the game is optimized and completely eradicates the major problems of Arma II/Dayz Mod. It also needs a ton of content as they've already confirmed having ripped most of the content from the game. (Weapons, Vehicles, etc.) It's only going to take a few hours to get a feel of the standalone once we have it, so there definitely needs to be a large amount of content from launch or else it'll be the same ole... Lets find guns and go shoot people, which can be fun but just hoping for more from the game. The problem forum mods and Bohemia has with this leaked footage is it gives Day Z a really bad rap, because it simply looks awful, and we get to see the truth behind all these months of development. All the footage i've seen has included all the latest things from the Dev blogs, so honestly the builds can only be a couple weeks old at worst. Considering the closed alpha was launched, I am pretty sure someone from that group leaked the data files and that is what we are seeing.
  14. Dreygar (DayZ)

    Standalone thoughts?

    Lets not try to make any group of players better than any other group. There is huge anticipation for this game from all groups of players. Not just the hardcore or extremely devoted Rocket-followers. Fanboys can attack all they want, but all they are doing is being sheep. We have pretty good evidence on the current progress of the game. Whether you want to believe that evidence is old or not, that's up to you. I'm pretty confident that they are infact not using old builds as it's the same updated inventory UI and everything we've seen from Official footage. The popularity of Day Z means that even in its unfinished, horrible shape that they can bring it to PAX and E3 and show it off. Telling everyone that it's not finished, pre-alpha and so many things are going to be changed and this is just a rough sketch, and people eat it up regardless and we've seen that during the PAX videos.
  15. Dreygar (DayZ)

    Standalone thoughts?

    In any case I changed the title. Thanks Steak.
  16. Dreygar (DayZ)

    Standalone thoughts?

    No one is posting videos of leaked footage, nor is this post completely about leaked footage. I know you're pretty regular here Steak but I am also pretty sure you can read. :)
  17. Dreygar (DayZ)

    DAYZ Lego Creations.

    Nice work Orlok.
  18. Dreygar (DayZ)

    DayZ Standalone Helmet Idea

    Many kevlar helmets, and I can only speak for the US Army, are designed to resist 9mm rounds point blank; but can be effective against larger rounds at longer distances. They are also testing an enhanced helmet to resist 7.62 rounds, which is more or less the largest common small arms round.
  19. Dreygar (DayZ)

    Dayz for Xbox One?

    I've used the Xbox controller on Day Z, just to test it out. The game wasn't designed to be used with a controller so it wasn't very optimized. I could play all those things, the only problem was trying to find a balance of keys (and I didn't know how to use the key mapper very well) to convert controls when getting into different types of vehicles and then being on foot. I'm just amazed at how people think that they keyboard has so many keys that a console controller cannot handle it. You aren't using all those keys, and there are a ton of key combinations for the controller as well.
  20. Dreygar (DayZ)

    Dayz for Xbox One?

    Remind me just how many buttons are needed to play Day Z? WASD + Mouse. Occassionally a menu (start button). Crouch/Crawl? Yeah, Consoles can make multiuse out of their buttons... Switching to a vehicle? Yeah, Consoles don't require additional keys, it just changes the layout of the current controls. With that being said, I don't think I'll be getting any of the next generation consoles and I am a long-term console fan. They just do not have any interesting games, and I'm really tired of paying for xbox live and it really doesn't offer much. Maybe they will finally be able to bring good new IP MMOs to Consoles, we'll see. Open worlds are a must in gaming.
  21. Dreygar (DayZ)

    DayZ in a way, has ruined gaming for me!

    Day Z is a great concept and something I think everyone has wanted for a long time, am glad it's here. Though I uninstalled Day Z and Arma months ago simply for the fact that it's a broken game and nearly impossible to enjoy (was admin for a server as well) without some retards trying to ruin everyone's day with scripts. Though many fond memories even on some private servers. I instead wait for Standalone and hope I can get a spot when it releases, or just watch videos of people playing it till more spots open up.
  22. Would be nice, but doubtful.
  23. Dreygar (DayZ)

    So, what happened to the weekly Devblog video?

    The development team was doing more PR stuff and now Rocket is on vacation for a few months so don't expect anything. Rocket's right hand, Matt, did a mini update telling us that pretty much everything that was being worked on is still being worked on... nothing new.
  24. Dreygar (DayZ)

    Stand Alone zombies

    Were the zombies difficult when you first started playing the game? The answer most of you will say is probably yes. They aren't difficult now though, because you've learned how they operate. SA will be no different. Difficult at first until you get used to them. This is not an answer to kill on sight, as that is part of Day Z and will remain that way until there is more content in the game for people to entertain themselves with; and then when they get bored of that they will resort to killing each other again. Zombies are, and will forever be just a minor nuisance. They are a small element of the game.
  25. Dreygar (DayZ)

    Dayz SA to be a failure

    There is nothing "casual" about wanting 200+ vehicles in a map. I'm sorry, but people who think that is just lame. It adds to the realism. Rocket stated that Vehicles won't be in the SA initially, and I hope they make them more indepth in regards to repair and the parts they need to fix. There shouldn't be one-size-fits all parts, and we should be able to scavenge from other vehicles. My major gripe with Day Z is that it isn't straying away from the Arma/DayZ mod formula in how it works the server. I don't think there should be any player-run servers, or private hives, period. This is a standalone game and they should invest in their own servers, even if that means us paying a subscription fee like a normal MMO.