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Dreygar (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Dreygar (DayZ)

  1. Dreygar (DayZ)

    Zombies should be harder!

    Zombie's in almost all forms (until more recently. 28 days later, Zombieland, I am legend, etc) have been slow, stumbling, stupid that are only an advantage in numbers. It is really far fetched to think that Zombies could have wiped out the population. A Zombie/Infected/Whatever you want to call them like those in the previously mentioned movies would make it a little more plausible. Even still I don't see how increasing the Zombies difficulty is going to encourage teamwork.
  2. I only used the food as an example because of the people who always joke. "I want your beans" and such. I honestly think the way people view an apocalypse and how they think people would react in one is really... unrealistic. Most people aren't sociopaths, so in the event of a struggle they would actually group together and not be trying to war against one another. This of course means different things for different people. Maybe those street thugs will think they have an advantage, go around doing what they want to who they want (bandits). Though there are far more good people in this world than bad. In DayZ's case, you could gather a group of friends and frolick in the woods shooting at zombies but that only keeps you entertained for so long. The only solution would be to add more content to keep people busy. You aren't worried about shooting people when you're desperately searching for some type of weapon to defend against zombie/player. So adding more content for you to busy yourself with is the only thing to do, and that is only temporary. The only real solution, and I think everyone agrees against it, is making PVP optional.
  3. Dreygar (DayZ)

    game achievements?

    I think they are planning some type of personal page on the website, to show your stats and shows your ranking within those stats.
  4. Dreygar (DayZ)

    Please stop the hackers

    You should video tape some of these... sounds hilarious in a way. I haven't encountered a hacker in ages..
  5. Dreygar (DayZ)

    Would you quit if servers went expert?

    Multiple times tonight I tried playing in FPV only servers, and it is just not for me. I like it when I aim down the sights or am looking closely at things, but that is it...
  6. Dreygar (DayZ)

    DayZ Inventory Redesign

    I really liked that you included the loaded magazine with the weapon.
  7. Dreygar (DayZ)

    Standalone Poll: First Person Only?

    Be a few mils off on your compass. Land navigation days were fun, just don't let someone forget to calculate the difference in true north/magnetic north.
  8. Dreygar (DayZ)

    Would you quit if servers went expert?

    I'm at the barracks and there is a DMR & M4A1 but I don't want to get rid of my MP5SD. :(
  9. I dunno. Making ammo scarce might influence even more violence? Instead of killing for food, you'll be killed for ammo?
  10. Dreygar (DayZ)

    Would you quit if servers went expert?

    I agree with everything about the "expert" difficulty, with the only exception being third person. I don't think there should be waypoints, I don't think a player should open their map and get a "hey, i'm right here", I don't think a player should be able to hover over someones name and see who they are / have a magical range finger. It's just first person, the best way I can describe it, is claustrophobic when that is the only view. If the game is going to dumbed down to two settings. "easy" and "hard" then I am somewhere in between. I don't want to play on the easy, but I don't want to be forced into a 1st person view only. Another gripe I have is that servers edit the loadout. Players starting with hatchets, maps, compasses, etc...
  11. Dreygar (DayZ)

    Standalone Poll: First Person Only?

    Fair enough Trizzo and everyone else. I stand corrected. Apologies given. My intentions stay the same in that you would still need to make sight corrections in the game to shoot targets below your zeroing. As far as the bore being upwards, I think that is grossly exaggerated. Weapon has always appeared horizontal, but I suppose it can be misleading to the naked eye when a small projectile is coming out going 3000fps, even the slightest of changes could greatly effect its trajectory.
  12. Dreygar (DayZ)

    Standalone Poll: First Person Only?

    I thought the moderator suggested we stay on topic? Though if you must... I still want to know how a weapon can hit a 25m target, and a 300m target but overshoot a 150m target if there is no rise in its trajectory. (Using the same sight picture, same zeroing, no adjustments.)
  13. Well, I think the subtle progression can get better. Lets use your car repair as an example. Changing a tire is pretty common knowledge, so everyone will know how to change a tire. Maybe once you change so many tires you can tackle another level, maybe now you can put new glass on the windows, the more cars you fix up... Maybe now you can replace the fuel tank, more you fix up maybe now you can repair an engine. So the person that wants to specialize in repairing vehicles goes through all those steps, where as you or me might be like.. That's not important to me. So essentially that person is a "Mechanic" but it's earned through gameplay and not just something you picked in the beginning.
  14. Dreygar (DayZ)

    Would you quit if servers went expert?

    Just out of curiosity, how would you feel if the game was third person only. Would you quit?
  15. The game is shying away from "classes" ... but I would like to see the ability to do things and get better at them. A little better than the typical grinding system but I'll use an example. Lets say they go ahead with weapon degradation, and also let you maintain your weapon by cleaning it. Subtle things like, you clean the weapon and you become more proficient/faster at it. Do it enough times and you now have the ability to maintain weapons better. Apply enough bandages and you might be better at stopping wounds. No limit on the things you can do, you could be a pro at absolutely everything in the game, but guess what? If you die... you lose all your skills learned.
  16. Good guy vs Bad guy. You know what that sounds like? Sounds like death matching to me. Determining the status of a player is through communication. You shouldn't walk up to a player and be like. "Hey, you friendly?" You should be cautious, observing their behavior. Who is to say that bandit skinned guy isn't actually a really friendly guy? Who is to say that survivor skinned guy isn't secretly plotting to stab you in the back? Just admit it, you want an indicator to give you a heads up of who is potentionally good or bad. I say potentionally because again, that bandit could have just killed in self defense. That survivor could have a hankering for killing people, maybe he was a bandit and died and so now he's returning to his roots. Skins do nothing for game play. I'd rather see each person able to customize their own look, then maybe you can have some interaction. "Hey man, the guy walking around in the bright yellow pants likes to hatchet people. If you see him you might wanna be cautious." Or I suspect bandits/evil doers will want to have a more mischevious look with some creepy mask and so forth. Or you could have the Mr. Rodgers looking serial killer, list goes on and on. You see what I did there? I added customization to the game to allow a player to play their story and not be adapted to the game saying. "This is what you're going to look like if you help/kill people."
  17. Dreygar (DayZ)

    Would you quit if servers went expert?

    I would hate this idea if it meant the only way I could get the hardcore options is if I was stuck in 1st person. I want all the hardcore features, I just want third person as well. First person gives me that claustrophobic feeling.
  18. Dreygar (DayZ)

    Expert/Mercenary/Hardcore Servers Are Empty

    I joined some random expert server just to get a fresh take. This server must've been a private hive because I started on the shore with nothing, and the lack of seeing a weapon taking up some of my view really gave me that... motion sickness feeling. Headbob turned down, minus button toggled to pull back as far as possible, so it wasn't that. Immersiveness is unique to everyone. There are things about this game that immerse me, that might not immerse other people. Playing in a certain view doesn't affect my immersion. When I'm playing a first person shooter, it is fitting. When I'm playing in an MMO, where you could be doing anything your heart desires, locked in first person only. I just don't get the enjoyment factor. I think it also boils down to how everyone plays the game. A lot of my play is tedious, go out of the way type of things. There is very little interaction. I might go 6km just to go around something, and it simply is not fun/enjoyable/immersive/insert whatever positive word you want being strapped in first person only.
  19. Dreygar (DayZ)

    Expert/Mercenary/Hardcore Servers Are Empty

    This is a given, and anytime someone mentions 1st Person vs 3rd person I already know why. I love the realism this game is trying to achieve. I don't need to "abuse" third person, I use it because it is something I am comfortable with. There is nothing immersive or enjoyable about running 9km through the woods, or operating a vehicle in game in first person. What irks me more is like walrus said, people who play in 24/7 daylight, or people who whine about the need for indicators, etc. I've played on expert servers, and it's just a pain in my ass to have to manipulate all the buttons just to get a horrible non-seamless feeling I would get if I was actually doing it. It's not bad on foot, but in vehicles it is simply atrocious. Oculus rift type peripherals are the only solution to a real first person experience... What server are you playing on? Mine is down, I'll come join.
  20. Dreygar (DayZ)

    Considering what's not working on DayZ

    It's insecurity. They want to know if someone is good/bad. That ruins the tension. The tension is about the unknown. Do I trust them? I don't care if there is any indicator, but I think it will detract from the customization of the game.
  21. I read your first two lines and I was about to give you beans, and then it all fell apart. You seriously think having different skins is going to create an in game community? That's the definition of dillusional. The beauty of a sandbox is that anyone can do anything they want, giving them a skin isn't going to stop that. That skin is going to mean nothing to that bandit sitting in the treeline sniping people over and over and over again. Skins are going to nothing to that newbie who gets on and finds their first weapon, sees another player and wants to slay them down for fun. You give people weapons and you give them the ability to kill another player and they will. That's reality of a game..
  22. Dreygar (DayZ)

    Would you quit if servers went expert?

    Reality is, if people wanted to play in first person they would be. There's 4000+ servers and only a handful of servers are playing in first person only. I use a mix of them because that is how I immerse myself in the game. This whole.. "lets make it first person so everyone can play the game how I want to play it" is just silly and childish. I want my ball and i'm going home mentality.
  23. Dreygar (DayZ)

    Would you quit if servers went expert?

    I think more people who come on the forums come to complain about a given feature than anything, so you might be right with your poll.
  24. Dreygar (DayZ)

    Expert/Mercenary/Hardcore Servers Are Empty

    I'm waiting for the moderator to merge all these threads because we're just talking about the same thing on another thread. Here is something I just posted over there. The reason why I mention this is the PVP is not the primary focus of the game. There is more to the game than just shooting people so for all that extra content, it's not fun being stuck in first person. The way I consider 3rd person and first person is this... 3rd person gives me that large FOV that is natural to our eyes, first person lets me focus my eyes on any given area within that FOV. So essentially if you took the two views but removed the character from the center of the screen in third person you would see what I mean. In the "third person" view would duplicate your FOV more naturally, while the "first person" view would simultate your eyes being able to focus on a certain area within narrower FOV. I don't need to turn my head to read something on this screen I merely move my eyes and focus on that part. Though as mentioned being able to see your character enables you to get an idea of where your character physically is within their environment.