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Dreygar (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Dreygar (DayZ)

  1. Dreygar (DayZ)

    Not starting with backpacks

    Would make the lesser (czech vest pouch) a much more suitable option. Though hopefully with the reworked inventory and clothing systems we will have a better management/availability of things to carry. Player starting in plain clothes would have a very limited inventory. Clothing can increase inventory. Cargo pants, hunting vests, jackets, etc.
  2. Dreygar (DayZ)

    Add AR-15s in the standalone.

    Whether or not Chernarus should have western weapons in general, making modular weapons pretty much solves all this. The M16/AR Platform is very versatile. I'd like to see things found throughout the map. Finding a scope here, an AR-15 Upper Reciever there... etc. You may have an AR-15 Civilian version but find a lower reciever that has fully automatic capabilities. A quick change over and now you're Full Auto or vice versa. One could take an M4A1 and turn it into an SPR-ish weapon. Same goes for the rest of the weapons. If an accessory designed to be used on picatinny rails, then that accessory should be able to go on any weapon that uses picatinny rails. If parts are interchangeable (whether due to degradation or simple matter of choice) they should have the ability to be swapped out for the better part. What I don't want to see is 10 variants of the M16 like in the current game. Like Arma 3, you don't need 10 variants but one gun with an assortment of attachments that can make it into any of those 10 weapons.
  3. Dreygar (DayZ)

    Crew served weapons

    Sorry Skrewy, but you don't think civilization will be trying to fortify/defend in the event of an apocalypse? Someone untrained would never be able to fire an M2 unless it was already set up for head space and timing, but there will be trained individuals still alive in an apocalypse. It isn't like the world will be wiped out and the only people who survived are those who watch honey boo boo & jersey shore.
  4. Dreygar (DayZ)

    Crew served weapons

    I would say a vehicle of some sort would be needed to transport these things. I wouldn't want to see 2 people carrying around an M2 + Tripod across Chernarus. M2 is an awesome weapon. Though it is incredibly heavy. With Weapon + Tripod + Ammo.
  5. Dreygar (DayZ)

    Makeshift silencers.

    It is all about baffling and controlling the gases (slowing them down and cooling them before they escape the muzzle)... it's not rocket science. Here is the cutaway of a supressor. This one has a pretty intense baffling system. Supressors aren't some cutting edge technology like people seem to think they are. As mentioned oil filter supressor. Pretty basic design. All they did was create an adapter that hooks up to modern day oil filters. Oil filters have a baffling system already in them for ... filtering oil. These can be effective at reducing your sound signature but obviously not as effective compared to a product specifically made for a weapon.
  6. Dreygar (DayZ)

    DE 901 - Admin hacker?

    You must be an admin? Granted it is mostly private hives, but they are still admins right? Whether they are tricking the game or not, they are still "hacking" in whatever they want right? Also, what if that "admin" also knows how to "hack" and make themselves teleport, be invincible, invisible, etc? I never used to play in high population servers so I never dealt with hackers really. Though it is boring so I came to the higher population servers. Every single server I go to there is either admin abuse or hacking involved. Public and private. Call me naive I guess.
  7. Dreygar (DayZ)

    What if you only had one life in DayZ.

    Another whining thread about killing on sight in disguise... go figure. Though "If on topic" ... I would do whatever the hell I want like I already do.
  8. Dreygar (DayZ)

    DE 901 - Admin hacker?

    As I've said before, Admins are as bad as Hackers. Whether this was a hacker incident or admin incident.. Admins still have way too much power and basically do whatever they want in the game. Oh someone shot me? No problemo. I'll just spawn in what I want and teleport where I want.
  9. Dreygar (DayZ)

    booby traps, bombs

    I think disarming a trip wire or something could be easy, but disarming an IED or antipersonnel mine would be different. I also don't like how in-game you can take down tank traps/wire kits/etc... They are pretty pointless when all someone needs is a toolbox/entrenching tool.
  10. Dreygar (DayZ)

    DayZ PC vs Console

    That is obvious. You can't make Console mods, nor is there any console games that would be even remotely moddable for the various reasons you mention. I agree that games in general (not limited to PC or Console) are easy, and generally just crap. Ubisoft, EA, etc... Only care about money and not a good product. Ubisoft released the next in the Driver series. A series I loved back in the day, 3 being my favorite (much like GTA) They decided to "return to their roots" and just make it a simple driving game. It failed miserably. They wanted to take the easy way out and make a quick buck. Also, I am completely against DLC and I never purchase them. I agree that is just another way for them to rob you blind and until people wise up and realize that $20 for 2 more maps is retarded then it will only get worse. Though that is entirely up to the game developer and not a user-created content issue. All in all it takes indie groups to create something away from the now common/ordinary, but generally don't have the budgets and resources of the mainstream which sucks entirely. That's why there are things such as kickstarter programs, etc. The PC vs Console debate will go on and on and it is all about your preference, what it boils down to is how the game is controlled. KB&M/Controller.
  11. Dreygar (DayZ)

    Adding RPG Elements

    Maybe I did, though I do not notice my character panick. I hear him breath heavy when I'm moving around but that's about it. Maybe my sound settings aren't high enough? I just don't want to have my weapon sway uncontrollably because I encountered a zombie. Well, I can certainly say there are people who definitely struggle with the concept in one form or another. I've seen people who can sit at the range all day and can't even hit a 25 yard target. I wouldn't classify a pistol as a difficult weapon to shoot, generally used for short range with really good accuracy. I do agree you need some knowledge and practice, especially using rifles ... you would also have to zero the weapon to you. Which means you'd have to reset all the sights and shoot at your desired range trying to close the sights into a grouping. Though I think that would be a little complicated/too indepth. You could make it simple like pacing out 100 yards, grouping together a few shots on some random object; burnt out car, etc and the game then calibrates it. No matter what you do, if you include something like this there will have to be a certain threshold for the game to "advance" you, whether it tells you or not. Then it's just going to be added on a wiki page. "If you want to get better at X, just do Y so many times." If it's going to be so subtle that you don't really notice it... then I don't think there is a point to it being in the game. I like the idea of players being able to do whatever they want in the game but I think a player should have some automotive knowledge before repairing an engine. Whether they gain that knowledge from books, doing basic automotive repairs (changing tires, glass, whatever other minor repairs and so on up the tier of difficulty). and so on. From watching the interviews with Rocket, he really strikes me as an against the grain type of person; which I like. I hate the mainstream ways of gaming these days and I'm hoping for something new, exciting, full of depth. If it's going to be DayZMod+Plus+ then I'm going to be thoroughly disappointed.
  12. Dreygar (DayZ)

    Add Martial Arts fighting to the DayZ SA?

    Muzzle-thumping should definitely be in the game, and if equipped with a bayonet whether real or makeshift it would be lethal instead of a quick deterrent. Would even go as far as to include butt-strokes, but not some overpowered Halo styled version.
  13. Dreygar (DayZ)

    Add Martial Arts fighting to the DayZ SA?

    My character takes 20 seconds to get a grenade out, throw it, and then pull up his weapon again so I can move... I can only imagine what it would be like if I wanted to do roundhouse kicks and such.
  14. Dreygar (DayZ)

    Takeonhelicopters Controls (SA)

    Hehe, it's not that easy. :) Even if someone could figure out how to start the helicopter, and get it off the ground. I wouldn't expect them to live very long.
  15. Dreygar (DayZ)

    Adding RPG Elements

    1) Over time, your character become better at rationing out food and water, requiring less of it over time. I'd honestly prefer a system that required you nurioushment via the activity you are doing. If your character isn't doing very much, not exerting themself then they won't require as much food/water depending also on the weather conditions. 2) Panicking. The more time your character is introduced to situations that make him panic, the less panicked he becomes. I don't want things like this to be forced on character controls... Honestly during player engagements, something I'm still new to. My heartrate is pumping and I'm hoping I can land a good shot, or flank him before he flanks me, etc. There is enough going on for me as the player than the need to include restrictions on my controls/ingame player. 3) Accuracy. Here's one of the bigger ones. The more you use your gun, the more accurate you get with it. However, as in real life, getting better with a gun requires throwing THOUSANDS of rounds down range. Seeing as how ammunition might be rare it might be difficult to get shooting practice, and I don't think it would take thousands of rounds to familiarize yourself with a firearm. First time I ever fired a weapon was during my Army training. We practiced sight pictures, trigger squeeze, etc without live ammunition. We then zeroed our weapon, we spent a couple mags practicing.. then we went on to weapon qualification. Qualified expert. 4) Books/Knowledge. This is one I'm wrestling with, wondering if it would be a good addition or not, but can't decide. I think the more you do something the better you should get at it. Bandage 10 wounds and you learn to stop bleeding faster, etc.. Unfortunately that is kind of like a level system but there has to be some type of structure within it to make it complex. If items are going to be craftable you aren't going to come out the gate making some awesome melee weapon, but it's going to be pretty crude and probably not very effective. The more you work on it the better. Books about automechanics that helps you diagnoise a car issue to better repair, etc... Knowledge that can be gained and expanded on, but upon death all wiped clean along with everything else.
  16. Dreygar (DayZ)

    DayZ PC vs Console

    Yeah, that's great that DayZ is a mod but this style of game has been something that people have wanted for a long time so it was only a matter of time. What I mean by player created content is things like user maps, etc. To my knowledge Rocket was in the gaming industry already and it's not like he was some joe-smo who modded this game to his vision. So it was only a matter of time before he made his own game. I honestly don't see why a console would have to "dumb" down features from a PC version. If the console can handle the PC requirements, what needs to be dumbed down? I've played DayZ on the higest settings and it is NOTHING special in the graphics department. I think it's just the stigma PC gamers have in thinking they are the top tier in gaming and that kb+m rules the world.
  17. Dreygar (DayZ)

    Standalone Poll: First Person Only?

    Again, this game isn't a first person shooter. It is an MMO with an FPS Combat System. To restrict the game to FPS only would be the stupidest decision and would never be considered. Third person may allow you to "peek" around corners without being seen, and other ways to avoid exposure but it also allows you to conceal yourself within a bush properly, or maneuver through a structure, etc. Not to mention extended play, vehicle operations, etc. I'm so glad the die-hard first person only-group loves their way of gaming and plays every game they own to be "immersed" in first person only. It's a hopeless notion that this game will be first-person only, you'd have as much luck getting Bohemia to change Arma 3 to be FP only. If you like first person, go make a first person server. If you build it, they will come right? If they don't come, that's because your server doesn't appeal; which is the case anyway.
  18. Dreygar (DayZ)

    Everyone shoots me on sight.

    We generally kill on sight. There is nothing to do in this game, period. So if we play we group up, loot and find what we need. If another player is in our way we may kill them/let them go/or get killed. Depending on what they have really. Sometimes we even go out of our way to help out new players. It all depends on what we feel like doing.
  19. Dreygar (DayZ)

    DayZ PC vs Console

    You can mute people whether on Xbox or PC... So who cares. There are a lot of mature players on both sides as well. Call of Duty is the most accessible game out there. I don't think many 7-8 year olds would fare well in Day Z (PC or Xbox)
  20. Dreygar (DayZ)

    DayZ PC vs Console

    If a DayZ-type MMO were released for console I would probably drop the PC version in a heartbeat. I don't think consoles have a problem making a massive game, I just think they haven't touched that market because they don't feel like they can compete against PC. Though what you can get with an XBox. A game optimized across the board for each and every player. PC, it's all about who has the better system to run the game. Better controls. PC fanboys can say what they want but this game doesn't require many buttons at all. Plus the xbox has a lot of buttons/key combinations that it isn't even an issue. Hackers? Yeah... not something you'll get on console. I was hoping with the release of the 360 we were going to finally get some MMOs, just didn't happen. These are my opinions and you're welcome to not agree with me of course. Edit: The only thing PC games can beat Console games over is player created stuff, which I don't even care about. Though I'm sure there could be some program to allow players to create things on their PC that translates over to the console.
  21. Dreygar (DayZ)

    Makeshift silencers.

    Craftable silencers won't be 'pew pew' but should have a larger sound signature but not as loud as a non-silenced variant. I don't have any problem with everyone running around with craftable silencers if they find the resources/have the knowledge to put it together. We don't know what Rocket plans to do with his concept of crafting for this game so we'll see. Also, a production silencer would be pretty hard to "fix" ... I'm not sure what you mean by broken? Bent? Hole blown in it? Good luck fixing them.
  22. Dreygar (DayZ)

    Makeshift silencers.

    You can make supressors/silencers (same thing) from a lot of things, and anything is better than nothing. There is a company that makes a threaded adapter for barrels that then threads to automotive oil filters. You do not need subsonic ammunition when using a silencer, whether crafted or not crafted. Subsonic rounds just use less powder and eliminate the crack you get from the sound barrier. They also have less powder so the round won't have the same energy/velocity (won't hit as hard, or go as far) which in turn helps with reducing the volume of sound... Then you have wet/dry silencers, there is a lot more things out there than you may think. All in all nothing will beat a proper supressor/silencer but there are alternatives that can be put together and be quite effective.
  23. Dreygar (DayZ)

    Battleye Ban-wave

    Probably through the Ban section of the forums.
  24. Dreygar (DayZ)

    Takeonhelicopters Controls (SA)

    The land vehicle controls need much more attention IMO.
  25. Dreygar (DayZ)

    Takeonhelicopters Controls (SA)

    I didn't like Take on helicopters. Plus, the startup sequence is not that hard to do at all and you could just use the keyboard shortcuts. (Which is the same for all the helicopters, with only a repetition for some with multiple engines.) All in all I think Take on Helicopters is a pretty bad simulation. Look how how real helicopters fly, land, take off, etc... Rotor wash in TOH is just silly. Inability to control throttle is also silly. I'd much rather have the DayZ styled helicopter controls.