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About SinOfFathers

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. ok f*** dayz I just joined a game and it killed me before I even loaded in and then the admin kicked me from the server for no reason so f*** dayz I'm going to get The War Z instead its a way better looking game, not build off ARMA II, and has a better feel than DayZ. So if you are having problems with dayz I suggest you go look at The War Z. they are shoot for October for a public release of the game for a small $30 and thats it. when new maps, updates, and DLC come out for it, it will be free. Sorry DayZ I really liked your game but it wasn't worth buying ARMA II and I would like a refund but I know that you won't do that so goodbye :)
  2. SinOfFathers

    Becoming a bandit PVP montage

    my friend is a bandit and he has killed 70 ppl and it has kept his character alive for a month now :D
  3. I'm looking for some people to join up with. I'm tired of lone wolfing it though the land of dayz and ether getting shot on sight by other players or getting eaten alive by zombies. At the moment I have nothing but I usually have everything i need in a day. You can Skype me at gruntslap. My pic is of me sipping a straw.