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About naphi

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  1. naphi

    heavy desyncs

    60mbit down / 5mbit up - cable connection ...
  2. naphi

    heavy desyncs

    cant imagine that's the problem ... i5, 16gb ddr, gtx570 .. installed on an ssd
  3. naphi

    heavy desyncs

    i guess since i play arma2 & dayz (including every mod etc) i have the following problem and i am freaking out, cause i dont know how to fix it: from time to time i am not able to drink, eat or do any other actions ingame like give a blood transfusion - i simply dont have the menu option to do it ... my "personal" indicator for being in this broken status is when my debug monitor suddenly disappears ... the only solution is to relogg or to wait until its synced again i really dont know what to do about it .. half a year ago i already contacted my internet provider and told them that something must be wrong with my connection but they told me everything should be fine .. and of course i know ... they can tell whatever they want .. is there any options in come cfg files or anything else where i can optimize the netsettings of arma2 ? any other suggestions ? i am open for every little advice cause its soooooooooo fucking annoying
  4. hi guys, maybe and hopefully someone can finally help me with the following problem: i connect to a server and play for a certain time - it differs from time to time how long i can play UNTIL suddenly the debug window disappears (its my indicator that my game is broken) - in this specific broken "condition" of the game i cant eat/drink without a huge delay - i am not able to give players a blood transfusion, cant repair a vehicle and so on .... this broken game "conidition" lasts for serveral minutes ... it differs a lot as i already said i cant imagine that my connection is a reason cause a friend of mine has also connection troubles / lags from time to time but he never had those problems in dayz itself. ... sry for my english skills ;) /edit: and of course .. when the game is "broken" i do not trigger any zombie spawns or loot spawns ... :|
  5. when can we expect the patch going live ?
  6. which fixes do u yearn for ? ... the biggest problem was fixed with this hotfix ... artifacts are gone !
  7. do you hear yourself coughing ? if yes you definitely have an infection and you need antibiotics from hospital ... i am not sure but if i remember correctly u can't die from it - bleeding will stop at a certain amount of blood
  8. i simply do not understand why rocket isnt removing the dead soldier models which are certainly the reason for the artifacts. so anyone can play without any troubles and he can check the problem offline without being harrased by players
  9. hm maybe i should try the latest driver for my nvidia gtx570 .. didnt come to my mind until now :rolleyes:
  10. i5 - gtx570 - 4gb - steam version manually updated (also the previous versions) ... but it doesnt work for me .. still have the artifacts in cherno and so on. the fix to change video details to default or change them helped just for a moment ... after some time the artifacts were back
  11. hi guys, just registered here and wanna know what is the best method to patch dayz now ... already installed the newest AO beta patch, but i am not sure cause of so many different replies in this thread which method is the best ... is it a problem to use the dayz updater ? regards