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Everything posted by Kaizh

  1. Kaizh

    Gunrunners Arms Dealing

    In game name: Kai What you're trading: (negotiate on the following) Satchel charges, NVGs, Ghillies, AS50, L85, DMR, What you want: M4A1 CCO SD, Rangefinder and/or M4A1 Holo age:21 current clan (if in one): Chernarus Tactical Force will you be using overwatch (for my own safety): No
  2. Kaizh

    gunrunners trading?

    Can you please at least restart your server so those of us who have camps on it can access them without getting 2-3 fps due to the intense memory leaks?
  3. Kaizh

    US 1543 Server

    Funny story, Keta. I was literally about to post this exact thread... I was going to call it "To the owner of US 1543, please restart" But yeah, I understand it's not our server, but people (ourselves included) have invested a lot of time into that server instead of literally thousands of other servers and we'd appreciate the courtesy of keeping it playable so that our time investments don't go wasted.
  4. Kaizh

    Chernarus Tactical Force [CTF] ~RECRUITING~

    1. How long have you had DayZ? -- 2 months 2. How old are you? -- 21 3. What is your favorite weapon/role? -- Spotter/rifleman 4. If you have any prior clan experience, list it here: --Not on DayZ, but I've done all the clan stuff (raids, camps, helis ect...) with my friends, just without the organization and logistics of a clan. 5. Are you willing to follow commands/use tactics? -- Yes (sir!) Steam or Skype name: Steam: Kazzuchiro