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About a3r0nethius

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  1. In-Game Name: Aeronethius Age:15 on feb 25 YouTube Channel(URL):http://www.youtube.com/user/A3r0n3thiu5 Why you would you want to join:Videos! plus i can make sweet intros.
  2. a3r0nethius

    Elite Squad Recuitment

    Real name:Tristan A Jennings Skype name:Aeronethius (GMT) timezone:Central IGN:Aeronethius Age:15 Why do you want to join Elite: My friend and i need a squad. Please put a (x) beside the class you want to be. Sniper (x) I have an m24 which is my preferred rifle Heavy Assault (x) C.Q.B (x) Medic Engineer If there is anything else you want us to know about please but it in here:
  3. hit me up on skype my squad and I will consider you, we have been searching for a recruit. Skype: Aeronethius
  4. a3r0nethius

    Official Servers Group

    i can join, i have afriend who will join as well we are from U.S we are well geared. skype: Aeronethius
  5. me and a friend would like to help you, it would be you me and my friend, so as to give you a more centered teaching and more individual attention for optimal learning. Skype: aeronethius
  6. a3r0nethius

    Looking for a small group 2-3

    Skype: Aeronethius Age: 14 be 15 in 2 weeks Gender: male 1-10 rate on your expertise on DayZ:9 Are you fun: Hell yeah Write a little about yourself: I am a tactical player,loyal and will defend my friends i have 1 friend whom i play with, who is 16 and is the same as me. i consider myself a veteran and i am a skilled sniper with experience as a bandit squadron leader(tactical) and a permanently designated marksman for 2 squads.
  7. a3r0nethius

    Making a new clan/Just bought a server!

    I am a tactical bandit player, I consider myself to be a veteran of dayz and am looking forward to meeting you Skype: aeronethius
  8. a3r0nethius

    Recuitment for bandit squad Elite

    Real name:Tristan Andrew J Skype name:Aeronethius (GMT) timezone:Central IGN:Aeronethius Age:14 Why do you want to join Elite:I am a bandit of bandits and i wish to see community. Please put a (x) beside the class you want to be. Sniper(x) Heavy Assault C.Q.B Medic Engineer If there is anything else you want us to know about please but it in here:
  9. a3r0nethius

    Finding group or making a group

    My skype is Aeronethius i live in america but i speak english ;)
  10. a3r0nethius

    New Squad 2-4

    How old are you:14 Your time zone (GMT):Central,louisiana Your in-game name(IGN):Aeronethius Your real name:Tristan andrew jennings Skype:Aeronethius Put a (x) beside what class you want to be Medic Assault Sniper[X] I know alot of people want to snipe, but I was the Permanently designated marksman for TopShelf, a squad that ran its own server and dominated others Heavy CQB(shot gun,hand gun)
  11. a3r0nethius

    Looking for people

    I am looking for players to team up with and possibly starting a camp with. I currently work with my brother and my friend, If interested my skype is: Aeronethius or email me at aeronethius@gmail.com
  12. a3r0nethius

    Looking for a tacitcal partner or group.

    Age 14 Must be Mature very mature but i like to have fun. Comms is required ventrilo and skype. Gear List: food drinks hatchet hunting knife binocs matches medical supplies coyote backpack 24 slots map compass watch. Main Weapon:as50 50 cal. sniper Side Arm:m1911 Medical:alot of antibiotics blood and painkillers bandages Dosier: had game for about a month and my 4 man squad is looking for more this was more of an invitation than a join request. feel free to email me at aeronethius@gmail.com Tactical Position:sniper What your looking for in a partner/group? security reliability the abillity to communicate easily and quickly survivability