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About doomtrain

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. doomtrain

    Sound Problem

    The directional sound on dayz it is very good if you have true 5.1 somewhere between confusing/terrible if you dont.
  2. doomtrain

    Using DayZ Chat system problem.

    If your using usb headset, try using the line in and out headset/mic ports instead if you have an amp, game seems flaky by usb for mic but fine via these. Ye though game seriously should have a mic test in the options........
  3. Is this a vote thread for the worst feature ever added to fps?
  4. doomtrain


    Di Canio on the dev team? good shit.
  5. doomtrain

    Are Helicopters worth the effort?

    With 50s removed worth it surely.
  6. doomtrain

    Infected camps!!

    True and if you search "testers" it doesnt even come up on the first page lol, tho tbh i generally only open threads on the most recent sidebar and theres only a few pages in there so no suprise it didnt match up in the top 10 most recent at any point when i was here, thanks for the link now i know i can keep a better eye out for the next one. Its clear just as many need spoonfeeding the threads as me though as it appears they were always short and id guess 100s here would have volunteered had they know about it like i would. I see everything i read previously inferred the split of directions would happen at SA release not prior so i thought there would be a rush to get these in, i understand the split time would be variable and forced by SA changes at some stage just missed the announcement the split had happened so kk. Ye cos i clearly come to the dayz forum for these reasons not to find the current state/issues of the dayz, but thanks for the tip il bare it in mind. Back on topic anyone have some other loot reports from the camps?
  7. doomtrain

    Infected camps!!

    Hmm iv read 1000s of threads here and have never seen one advertising server names where the next patch is being tested i assumed you partially tested them in private servers, or i definatly would have. But it still wouldnt be possible without the tables lol. Things that are debugged in the mod will be fully working features in the stand alone no? Of course the stats should be withdrawn post beta on the sa, thats the other half of my point on when it should be provided/witheld. You didnt offend me bro we are just chatting ;)
  8. doomtrain

    Infected camps!!

    Fraggle its cute you think finding an easter egg is more pressing than bug testing a new feature (which cant be done without the facts of the addition) on a beta but obviously wrong priority wise. Im not suggesting you handcuff every forum member to the loot chart till they can reel it off by heart simply that you make the info more available to the people who are more interested in making sure they work right than they are about opening xmas presents. I realise some people like to go round going OHHH look at this OOOHHH look at that rather than finding something to be fixed, you need to realise not everyone does as the whole purpose of a alpha/beta is the opposite.
  9. doomtrain

    DayZ - How to take down a heli

    Good quality vid wp.
  10. doomtrain

    1.7.7 FPS

    Yes this, specifically when zombies spawn off me in the wild, does not happen in towns. Base fps the same aside from the spikes.
  11. doomtrain

    Infected camps!!

    Lol thanks for the really helpfull troll, i never considered i could actually play the game what a novel idea! If you had told me the loot chart had spent the last month lodged up your ass i wouldnt have asked for it,mb. No wonder its not in the patch notes where it belongs eww. For the record op i found a fresh one last night and it had a m1014 with no ammo and a tin or sardines, which seems like a medium military loot not a chopper crash.
  12. doomtrain

    Infected camps!!

    Razor can you be more specific, link to the loottable?
  13. doomtrain

    DayZ Mod 1.7.7 Patch

    Played a few hours now patch is great aside from as few people above say the infection ratio to antibiotic spawn is way off, give the special infected juggernauts a 20% chance of dropping antibiotic should level it, or a 0.1% chance of immune sytem heals infection per 5 blood taken would also be a good level for an average of 5k blood lost per infection if not healed rather than always death. Also i only played one server so its possible it might not be hivewide, but the loot at chopper crashes (i found 3 all the same) were all stupid distances away from the chopper. http://tinypic.com/r/a3d1mg/5 The chopper had not rolled or been pushed as the loot not circled was wide out the other side,is this a known bug?
  14. doomtrain

    DayZ Mod 1.7.7 Patch

    Patch sounds pro :thumbsup:
  15. Dude, a vid paints a thousand words :P