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Everything posted by gyzmo392

  1. gyzmo392

    [97ADU] Is now recruiting

    - What name you go by in game?: Gyzmo - Do you have a working mic? yes - How did you hear about us? just looking around for people to play with. -What is your age (note: we do not have an age restriction, only a maturity restriction, so be truthful please) 21 - Do you have Teamspeak? yep - What are your best qualities that you think would benefit the 97ADU? i can fly i can do tedious things and dont mind and ive spent hours learning even the simplest of many weapon's bullet drop and travel speed (can snipe with an akm easy) i love being a mechanic and helping people get thier wheels and my favorite thing of all is team coordination. - How long have you been playing DayZ? since it came out - Are you associated with any other clans? a long time ago but nothing at the moment.
  2. gyzmo392

    [ARAB] Clan recruitment.

    How old are you? 20 Are you able to log on atleast 3 nights a week?(minimum 10 hours) every night How long have you been playing Dayz. over a month now Do you have ventrilo? yep Who is your favorite prophet?never really thought about it... What role do you prefer while playing dayz. i like it all :) medic, engie, sniper, support sniper, close range, mid range, retrieval. wherever i am needed the most Are you familiar with the Lingor map? can navigate it without a map. i am really looking forward to playing with a group on lingor. its hard to fin people interested these days so hopefully im excepted.
  3. ive tried to contact you but i have gotten no response yet..
  4. gyzmo392

    DayZ Group Phoenix PMC Recruitment

    Your Real Name:John Your Screen Name:gyzmo Were Are You From:california Your Age:20 How Long Have You Been Playing Arma:not a fan of arma Did You Start Because Of DayZ:yes Do You Have Any Recording Software:i intend to Do You Have A Skype:yes but i prefer a push to talk program due to all of my background noise Can You Be A Leader:i can efficiently not only lead a team but organize one. How Regularly Do You Play Arma:i play dayz every day during the mornings and all day during my days off How Well You Work With A Team (1-10):10 wouldnt want it any other way Why You Would Like To Join (4 sentences or more): http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/67774-so-here-is-what-happened/ everything you need to know plus more
  5. go to my third post if you dont want to read this and just want to see why im here instead! i guess you could say that from the start of my dayz experience i knew that i wanted to get to the top and be a "try hard" kind of guy with this game and now im ready to take the next step. ima start this off with a story of why im here.. my friend from the airforce told me to check this game out and i was unsure at first but i decided to anyway because i was never able to convince him to play any online games with me and like many others i immediately found the values of this game and why it was so enjoyable. i also got two more friends into this game but i rarely have had the chance to play with them. early on i found a couple of tents and told my friend that we should start a base of some sort and he agreed. we were just north of stary and i thought it to be a good location at first but we all learn our lessons some day. i was still working to get the tents up and going and we were having trouble with them cause tents do that sometimes but anyway we ended up finding a crashed helicopter and the NV FAL so we were not going to put it in the tents until we knew they would work properly. we decide to raid stary being naive and not knowing how popular it was we spring into action... well more like crawl but either way keep moving and then next thing you know my friend says "what the hell?" i turn to see a cloud of smoke followed by gun shots and my friend dying. i try to get a firing point but all i see is smoke. he takes a shot at me and i take cover from wherever i can yet i still have no clue where he is.. the smoke clears and he is nowhere to be seen so i try to spot my friend who was already looted and hidden and sure enough he flanked around got me from the side.... well played. (to be continued due to work) and yes this will be about joining a group!
  6. gyzmo392

    so... here is what happened

    to make the story short.. im tired of losing everything and i want to rise to the top again. i want the best weapons and vehicles and a fulfilled base. but i cant do it only two people. i need a group.. or to join a group a serious group. im 20 i live in california and im awake in the mornings and play as often as possible even on my days off. i want a good group of people who are on often and some throughout the day to keep a potential camp safe. post below if you are interested in joining me or if you already have a group and have room for me and maybe up to three other friends. i also have skype but dont like to use it for voice calls because my home has a lot of background noise i prefer a push to talk program.
  7. gyzmo392

    so... here is what happened

    continuing my story... we decided that we were being to careless and needed to be in a safer location so we move again but to lesnoy. we figured higher up people wouldnt want to bother going that way. i decide to explore the barracks for the first time. all i had was an akm. at the time i also had a mentality that made me think that i could get away with not shooting at people and they wont bother me.. man was i wrong. i was in the bathroom part when i heard a bullet wiz by my head and drop down to prone and try to take cover. it isnt long before i discover where the sniper was shooting from. we engage eachother back and forth but eventually i get taken down by a second shooter.. luckily m friend who had been running to me catches them by surprise and i make it back and we get some nice stuff out of it. yet again we decide that we didnt feel comfortable about where our base was so we move way north just above devil's castle. again im at the barracks alone looking for better things with my trusty akm and its late at night and hard to see. again i am in the bathroom and i start to hear footsteps. i freeze completely contemplating my actions. we runs by me and starts at the last room and slowly makes his way down with his flashlight and full ghillie suit. should i run? should i kill him? maybe i should see if he just passes by and doesnt see me. i stand completely still and watch him vault over the bench and as he slowly turns my direction i open fire... no remorse or hesitation i take him out. would he have killed me? probably. could i have avoided killing him? possibly. but i wasnt feeling to good about how i killed him.at the same time you never know who you can trust. after all you never know who will try to kill you. does that mean that you should kill them first? in a sense we are all bandits by default. from there it was a quick climb to the top. we were finding good guns one after the other and had a few maxed tents with everything we could ever need. i felt powerful. zombies were no longer a worry. they were my toys, my targets, something i could just unload all fury at for every new gun i found. but it wasnt enough for me. i needed a vehicle. i had never seen one even spawn. that is how rare it was for me. i began my search for them anywhere i could both high and low with no luck. eventually i spotted one! it was only a bus but i didnt care at the time i jumped right in and there was just enough fuel to make it back to base. with my new found power i waste no time. i head strait back while my friend was looking for a gun that seemed legendary. the L85.. night vision, thermal, pretty quiet, laser point what's not to love? i continue my way back day dreaming about the adventures yet to come and then in my pathway i see a crashed helicopter and holy shit the L85 was sitting right there like it was meant to be. i make it back to camp when i realize i havent even seen what was in the bus. so i immediately check it out and my god... this bus had all the goodies in it including another L85! i hide the bus somewhat close to base and my friend and i waste no time. we start transferring the stuff in our well organized tents and the bus. then suddenly we were sitting at the camp organizing things when suddenly i see my friends head start pouring blood.. it was like slow motion when my friend fell over dead and i try to dash to safety but there was no escape... we sat there for a while in silence. he decided to go to bed. i respawned and ran strait back there. first i saw the bus and it was still there.. my thought was that i knew he couldnt carry everything so maybe i could salvage what i could but he didnt touch anything yet.. instead he waited there for the rest of the day and killed anyone who came by. it was hard to sleep that night but i got up the next morning and headed back to camp.. the bus was gone and the tents destroyed.. who would do something like that? i understand just looting what you want but he destroyed everything.. we had nothing.. i felt like never playing again.. i kill myself and respawn for no reason.. no hope. i change servers i see a helicopter drop down and pick up an ally of theres and i think about how much i had and fealt a little crazy and decided to run at them and jump in and out of the chopper while they try to kill me out of annoyance but i run around and toy with them just to grief them anf i think to myself "am i being THAT guy?" i stopped and let them finish me off and thought about if i could continue on. i just wanted to be on top again. i was well organized and hard at work and lost everything in an instant. i got desperate and started running through the edge of the map server hopping only to loot camps on the edge of the map and i thought to myself again "am i really being THAT guy?" no.. i can be better that this.. i can be more organized and do better.