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About ebburrr

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    On the Coast
  1. awkward moment when Swisher isn't 18.. LOL
  2. ebburrr

    Ryan on ZDU

    neosky5k, we didnt cheat! We founda camp near our camp with the Ural and v3s! We wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible, and as Misty Peak is a very common spot to camp for a while, with barely anybody in our server we decided to give it a quick shot to hold camp for a while while we scouted other possible camp areas! I think you should give ZDU another shot, you can't expect to find NO COMPETITION in any servers. At least you guys have a big group, as do we. So, why not come back, nd lets have a dayz turf war? (: im always lookin forward to some action in our quiet server.
  3. So, recently we killed off 3 clans from playing in our server. and now there are no more! We are the only large group left in server ZDU. (NORTH AMERICAN SERVER) We are looking for more players to be actively involved in the ZDU server community, my group or perhaps to play against us. Server is set on Veteran, map markers work, coords are on. 3rd person: on. crosshairs: on Come play (: Just inbox me on the dayz website, reply to this forum post with your contact information. (EMAIL, SKYPE, XFIRE, STEAM) ALL AGES WELCOME (NO IMMATURE CHILDREN THOUGH PLEASE) Having fun is welcome, just not out of hand. We are looking to domminate this server. - Alex
  4. So, recently we killed off 3 clans from playing in our server. and now there are no more! We are the only large group left in server ZDU. (NORTH AMERICAN SERVER) We are looking for more players to be actively involved in the ZDU server community, my group or perhaps to play against us. Server is set on Veteran, map markers work, coords are on. 3rd person: on. crosshairs: on Come play (: Just inbox me on the dayz website, reply to this forum post with your contact information. (EMAIL, SKYPE, XFIRE, STEAM) ALL AGES WELCOME (NO IMMATURE CHILDREN THOUGH PLEASE) Having fun is welcome, just not out of hand. We are looking to domminate this server. - Alex
  5. ebburrr

    Ryan on ZDU

    Ryan is a very good partner of mine on DayZ. My friend Greg (Tallhasse, Gregimon, Dempsey, ect.) runs the ZDU server. If you honestly think he hacks. I suggest you add Ryan on xfire yourself. killer987 Or maybe add greg? xfire: gregimon Maybe you want to discuss this with me? aleximinatorcod2