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Posts posted by Xarti

  1. Why should we lose gear? it unbalances gameplay invalidating the whole concept, fix the f***king bug b4 releasing it , goddammit.

    This "game" (it's a mod) is still in alpha and thus is bound to have buggs, but ye getting knocked out from 1 hit at 11000 blood is a bit harsh

  2. Well as the topice says. I got nuked while in Cherno on the server DE 1144 (v1.7.2.4/beta 95417) [VETERAN][GMT+2] dayzmod.com - hosted by PG-server.de at about 21:55 UTC/GMT +2H

    Me and two friends where looting the city and talking over Skype when suddenly we heard a guy talk in the direct voice saying something in Russian(?) and then I saw a bright flash and my blood went from 11000 to something like -2352 e34256 (yes the e was acctualy written in the Debug-window)
