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[ZD] Insertcoins

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Everything posted by [ZD] Insertcoins

  1. [ZD] Insertcoins

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Do you guys need things like maps and bino's and the like for training your new medics? I've got some hoarded that I have no real use for, so pm me if you want them.
  2. [ZD] Insertcoins

    Potential Graphical Artifacting Fixes

    the ati fix froze my computer, twice. Had to remove it via safe mode.
  3. [ZD] Insertcoins

    how do I download dayZ from this website

    I'm sick and tired of people telling me Google is my friend. Google is not, nor has ever been my friend. We're acquaintances at best.
  4. [ZD] Insertcoins

    Pro Tips! Post Pro Tips Here!

    To defeat the Cyberdemon, shoot at it until it dies.
  5. [ZD] Insertcoins

    Heli crash sites

    At least tin cans are deadly in the right hands
  6. [ZD] Insertcoins

    the debug monitor disappearing

    I'd go and raid heli crash sites.
  7. [ZD] Insertcoins

    Really, Barn? ... REALLY?!?!

    1. Pick up a hatchet 2. remove from toolbelt 3. reload hatchet 4. pick up new hatchet 5. ???? 6. Profit!
  8. [ZD] Insertcoins

    Unknown files filling up my HD

    Hi, I recently bought a new ssd, and installed windows on it. It filled up quite quickly (bought it yesterday, already full) although I only have windows installed. I remember from my other drive that it just had windows and some programms, and this took up roughly 20gig of space. Now, I have this: What could these two files be that take up nearly 30gig of space?
  9. [ZD] Insertcoins

    Unknown files filling up my HD

    I disabled both, thank you kind sir!
  10. This is why whe can't have nice things.
  11. [ZD] Insertcoins

    DayZ Screenshots!

    what the hell is CC?
  12. [ZD] Insertcoins

    Life time, In game

    yes, god yes. yes yes yes
  13. run arma at least once just from the shortcut or w/e
  14. [ZD] Insertcoins

    very serious counter hacking :)

    Understatement of the year.
  15. [ZD] Insertcoins

    Talk about luck!

    So, there I was making my way into a barn after my 12 day character got served by a fresh spawn I was saving from the horde, when suddenly a bandit strolls in like he owns the place (Which he did, seeing as I had a flashlight and a hatchet). So, Naturally I go alpha on his ass and hack the living daylights out of him. I steal his gear and make a run for it. About 5 minutes in (looking for a soda because that dude didn't pack any) I hear a crash behind me. I look around and see a helicopter tail sticking out of the ground. Thinking Oh shit he's on to me, I hear pfts and am dead. Well, You win some you lose some. So I log back in and think to myself, let's find a bloody flashlight in this night server. I spawn, look to my right and what do my eyes see!? Another helicopter crashed, with two body's around! So I check it out, and these guys are packed! I loot what I can (AS50, map gps the works) and DC like I'm on fire. What a day! inb4 enjoy your ban
  16. [ZD] Insertcoins

    Talk about luck!

    sever: DE 933 possible hacker: Ghost
  17. Surely I cant be the only one? Right? Fellas? You do too, right? Right?
  18. [ZD] Insertcoins

    How do you change your name in the game?

    The game works via cd-key, not player profile. You get one character, just like everyone else.
  19. Zombies killed: 351 times using a gun: 0 I'm Hatchetmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!
  20. [ZD] Insertcoins

    helicopter crash site

    What are these magical placed you call helicopter crash sites? I though those were legends and fairyfales...
  21. [ZD] Insertcoins

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Big up to soulshaper2 for patching me up! And thanks to his team as well! one question, you had me face away to the wall and all, why not have me sit down as well? This would buy you more time to counter any malicious intentions from the patient.
  22. [ZD] Insertcoins

    Low level trade

    sadly no where near bolota atm
  23. [ZD] Insertcoins

    Low level trade

    I have both, will trade for antibiotics