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About oldpainless

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  1. Sorry for the necro, but I just remembered this thread now. I actually bought a new motherboard and processor. Went with the ivy bridge i5 3570(replacing the old i5 750) and overclocked it from 3,8 ghz to 4,5.. It's officially made the game playable for me. Now I rarely drop below 50 fps. I'm still getting an SSD in a month or so, will be curious if it affects my fps in any way.
  2. Thanks, will run this overnight.
  3. That's it, I'm getting a SSD! Thanks for the reply. I'm gonna try and let my processor last a bit longer. Edit: didn't see the second comment. Officially lost again :)
  4. Sup guys, I have a fairly good computer: Win 7 Intel i5 OCed to 4.0ghz Nvidia 670 8 gigs of ddr3 ram Asrock p55 pro motherboard and finally.. my 500gb 7200rpm SATA HDD with my OS and steam folder. I used this system to play shogun 2 with everything on ultra at great frames, along with BF3/skyrim/NS2. I've read DayZ/ArmA 2 are very HDD based. I recently installed DayZ Namalsk, as I wanted to play again after a break, but wanted a fresh map. My FPS is even worse than in vanilla DayZ. In woodlands, it's bad(30-ish), my fps in cities is terrible(20-ish and unplayable). My max is around 40 when staring at the ocan. As someone used to playing fps games at 60+ fps, this isn't acceptable and severly affects my will to play. I'm even considering buying a SSD drive just for this game if I have to. So.. any ideas? Edit: It makes almost no difference in my FPS if I have the game set to ultra high or ultra low. Except for object quality, which gives me about 5 extra frames if set to very low.
  5. oldpainless

    DLC Pricing

    I realise this, but it would be in the best interest of bohemia to lower the price of these DLC packs. They would sell way more copies if they were cheaper.
  6. oldpainless

    DLC Pricing

    BAF stands for british armed forces. I think the camo skin is taken from there. If I understand how this works it works like this; If you have PMC, then all your survivor textures should be at full res (not the camo skin). When I bought combined ops on steam, neither DLC was included.
  7. oldpainless

    DLC Pricing

    Are you saying all the models used by DayZ are included in BAF?
  8. oldpainless

    DLC Pricing

    I'm getting tired of these smudgy model textures, but I don't feel like paying 20 bucks for nothing but better textures. Don't give me the "BAF/PMC have great storylines and lots of content" because I only play arma for dayz :) The military sim experience doesn't appeal to me. Do you think they'll lower the price anytime soon? Alternatively, they could add a "DayZ model texture pack" for 5 bucks.
  9. oldpainless

    Not able to get on

  10. oldpainless

    GTX 680 --- Low FPS in DayZ.... help pls...

    I get below 40 frames in cities with a 670 :(
  11. oldpainless

    [Video] 3rd person rage

  12. oldpainless

    [Video] 3rd person rage

    Good question, writing "3P:Off" in the filters is what comes to mind first.
  13. oldpainless

    [Video] 3rd person rage

    As much as I like looking at my character, this was extremely frustrating. First time I got something like this on fraps(well, bandicam)... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VahyatRMvDA
  14. oldpainless

    Post your STUPID DEATHS

    Definitely pressing the "respawn" option in the menu instead of "options" on my day 17 ultra-kitted out character:dodgy:
  15. oldpainless

    Respawn Confirmation

    FFUUUUUUUUUUUUUU day 17 character kitted out with almost every fucking ninja item in the game. All weapons silenced, kicking ass. Was gonna mess with the graphics settings, it was a fatal decision. I don't mind losing to a good player or a mistake I made in game(outside the main menu) but this was extremely frustrating.