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Everything posted by deepseamk21

  1. I do not think the "if you don't like dayz, then gtfo there are other games for you to play" is the right attitude. If your friends does not like what he has done in the stand alone then have him play the dayz mod. the SA is far from finished so I wouldn't expect someone who is not familiar with the game at all to be interested since 90% of the content is missing. Let him play some EPOCH or one of the other dozen or so dayz mod mods. I'm sure it will perk his interest and he will come to understand what the SA is about and how fun it will actually be when it is finally done.
  2. deepseamk21


    When I have my weapon out (weapon ready) and am prone, when I go to get up there is a slight pause that's really annoying. It does not happen when you do not have the gun lowered. Because of this I can't tell if this is on purpose or not. I have not tried it with other items, just while using the Mosin. If it is intended I would hope some day the pause is removed because it is really annoying. If anything the pause should be when the weapon is NOT in the ready position. Kind of like how it takes a slight bit longer to aim down sights when weapon is not in the ready position. Also, for some reason (and it happened in dayz mod as well), I'd be holding down ALT to look around while running in a straight line and it will often get me stuck in a shaky camera, where I would have to let go of the ALT key, just to realize that for some reason the game though I pressed ALT twice (toggle mode) when I indeed did not. Happens a lot. Lastly, is there a reason why I cannot use Mumble while playing Dayz? I can hear my guys talking to me, but they cannot hear me because my bound push to talk key won't work while in game. Using the "suppress key in application" function in Mumble does not help either.
  3. Because this game was meant to be a survival horror game and not Call of Duty. It's supposed to be a challenge to survive, not just getting the most awesome weapon within 3 minutes of spawning and then go killing as many bambis as possible. There has to be a balance if the game is going to be worth playing. It's not very fun or much of an adrenaline rush if I know I can just walk into a food mart and pick up a M240 or AKM. The more rare military grade weapons are, the more they are sought after, meaning the more action and more satisfaction when you actually survive a raid on a base and find a nice weapon. I know this is supposed to take place in the soviet union but why can there not be other countries weaponry there? Why can't it be in the back story how the worlds forces came together to fight the infection and task groups from multiple countries were sent to other countries where they might be needed to fight off the infection at the time? We all know the infection always starts in China! Lol. To one side is an ocean, to the other land, more specifically, the soviet union. Perhaps the world sent forces to TRY to hold back the infection from spreading across Asia and Europe? They clearely lost, and left weaponry behind. Anyways, IRL we keep our weapons in really thick vaults. Most civilians would never get in or know how. I can't picture a tax preparer or fast food drive through person knowing how to operate a blow torch, lets put it that way. Not to mention the ammo is stored in an even more secure location in several huge metal rooms covered in earth with huge doors you would never get through. SO, be grateful you even can find military weapons so easily just laying on the ground in this game (dead soldiers spawns randomly would be cool, they could have their weapons and ammo still on their bodies).
  4. deepseamk21

    Dayz SA Killed my Hype for ESO

    star citizen looks pretty sick I must admit. A lot of people are spending hundreds of dollars at the moment on a game they can't play, which I find hilarious. You will definitely need a top of the line computer or don't bother playing. I still want to play ESO though, it's completely different from dayz so I don't know how one could even compare them. I still don't even consider dayz an MMO. It has no more players than a 64 player server on battlefield.
  5. deepseamk21

    First person only players need to band together

    FOV 360 first person, you'd be super awesome then.
  6. deepseamk21

    Why are we making it harder to be friendly??

    Zogvarn, Not sure if you can't read, or if you just felt like completing take something out of context to make yourself look cool. ANYWAYS, You should read my post again. Perhaps 4 or 5 more times so it sinks in this time (not to be a dick, I know it comes off that way, so sorry). Not everything is so black and white. Literally the first few sentences in my wall of text was stating I and my friends KoS. I still KoS. I will continue to KoS. But, I understand that the more people that play a game, the more chance of the game staying around and continuing to get funding. So, if I need to compromise with people who cannot stand KoS I will. They have just as much of a right to play as you or me. There are times when you may love a game, for instance BF4 like I do, but there is something that is almost game breaking (BF4 netcode) and it makes it not as enjoyable. But if you can fix it, why wouldn't you? So what's it to you, if we suffer a sanity cripple, and they get to still enjoy the game. It's adds more of a dynamic than anything. First off rocket did not intend for this game to be KoS, it's just how it turned out. This is not CoD or BF series. There SHOULD be more depth to this game and how your actions help you survive or not. Also, Your one post about being deployed and your buddy being deployed and how it didn't change your state of mind. But you, like I, went to boot camp. We then went to school after school after that. The whole time shit was engrained in us that allows us to handle war better than some civilian with ZERO training or experience. This isn't Arma, this is dayz. You spawn in as a random nobody, not a soldier. Did you walk into any mosques and kill everyone just for fun while you were over there? I bet not. THAT is KoS dude. It's like killing a bambi who just spawned. Dick move. The kind of people that kill without purpose for no other reason than to just kill DO have something mentally wrong with them. They are the thieves, rapists, and murders we see getting locked away all the time, but after the zombie apocalypse and no prisons or laws to hold them they would be free to do whatever, and it would bring a toll to them for many reasons, just see hurricane Katrina, hell just look at Syria or any other major event that includes chaos. Fact is, warzone survival is much different than this games type of survival (remove zombies and it no different from a post government collapse). I say, let us be penalized a bit, whatever, it will make everyone happy in the end. If you can't play because your screen is hazed a bit like in what I said earlier, you shouldn't be playing an FPS because apparently it's just to hard for you.
  7. deepseamk21

    Guns I Dont / Want To See In The Game

    I know this is a Russian map and all, but this is a game and they can make whatever back story they want. Why not have other than Russian weapons? Who says other countries military's weren't sending aid to the region to stop infection? Perhaps another timeline of Russia where it never was a communist country and they had a similar right to bear arms as the US. ANYWAYS, IMO, military weapons should be rare, more like vanilla dayz not like epoch for instance. As cool as it can be, I do not want an M240 within 4 minutes of being in Cherno.....I think AR-15's, basic AK's, hunting rifles, shotguns, lever actions should be most prevalent, found mainly with just iron sights and semi-automatic fire modes only (very rare exception could have better sights) because this is what one could imagine a civilian population would have for hunting and home defense. Of course you would find this more commonly. The military grade weapons could be some of the same weapons (plus more) but have burst fire, full auto, lights, lasers, range finders, holographics and stuff on them. Rare, but worth it. Same with pistols. I don't know why everyone wants for example, the glock 17 or M9 to be considered military grade. They aren't. Civilians carry them all the time and are JUST as common. What rocket SHOULD do, as I described above, civilian owned weaponary that is found is basic, while military version are upgraded. A pistol found in an apartment may just be a regular M9. But an M9 found in military barracks could have a red dot sight or flash light on it, making it rarer but more valuable/more sought after. All that shit is in ARMA II and can be utilized, it's not like it's rewriting a shit ton of code. I, and many others, want a survival horror sim, not an arcade shooter like COD or BF. If you want to get great guns fast and just KoS everyone go play CoD or find a server that is made just for that. My above idea to me, would make the game more "realistic" (I use the term loosely because well, it's still just a game).
  8. deepseamk21

    Oculus Rift = Pay2Win

  9. deepseamk21

    Why are we making it harder to be friendly??

    I can agree with people that the KoS way of thinking does make the game more like BF or CoD. I know it became all my clan did. If we died who cares, we would never wipe so we would just hold the position or take our chopper and pick the person up and boom, he has his stuff again. It was cool at first but it got SO incredibly boring because it was way to easy. In real life (at least from my prospective, traveling to different countries, different states, meeting all types of people) that there would be a lot of random panic killings because well, most people are not prepared to starve to death. There are a lot of people who I am glad I am friends with because I KNOW they would just killed people they didn't like because there was no more law. So KoS does have its place in the realism of this game. But, that being said, I believe there is TOO MUCH KoS in DayZ. It's not realistic but at least in real life (and I use real life as the example since I assume most people prefer this game to be a survival/horror simulator not an arcade shooter) the chance of dying actually means something. You wouldn't necessarily just open fire on someone just for the pure simple fact you don't know who they might be with or if they have back up. It would be a bit insane unless you yourself had large numbers and were organized. Even still, is it worth the huge chance of dying? We all know there has never really been a good punishment for people who strictly KoS. Though I like one of the above ideas about "Sanity". Picture this, you KoS person after person. The more people you KoS you lose your sanity. The lower the "sanity" the more nightmares you see/have. You start to see players and zombies that are not there. Causing you to shoot at non existent targets, thus giving your position. You get random head aches that make it extremely hard to see, kind of like when you are low on blood except some awesome pulsing blurring to your screen. Basically, it makes it much harder for you to play. I doesn't mean you can't play and still be a KoS player, but you will eventually put yourself at a huge disadvantage. To regain humanity/sanity stop KoSing for XX amount of time (server decided I suppose). It would be just based on time in game to. No logging then coming back later and being fine. No blood bagging a friend 20 times. No killing zombies. Just time. So if you want to play the game and have even more fun, you would be more.....selective with you KoSing. Just a thought. I like my style of, let people do what they are doing unless they see me. If they see me I run/KoS depending lol.
  10. because everytime i tried to say hi or "friendly", im immediatly greeted with a hailstorm of bullets. its a downward spiral. one person has it happen to often to them, then they decide there is no longer any choice but to do the same thing. personally, i see someone i would rather hide, let them pass, GTFO outa dodge while watching my 6. but sometimes i have to shoot and as you put it "as questions later" was in a shopping mart today, saw a dude crawling, stand up, and enter from the back. now, i knew that dude was most likely coming in so i stayed put and got ready to attack. he came into the main room and i blasted him. did i have a choice? yes? could i of not shot him? yes. but was i going to just let him walk unknowingly towards me with his gun pointed in my direction? heck no. he would got scared and shot me. if i would of said "friendly" there is a 50/50 chance he would of still killed me. cannot trust anyone in this game. i'm going to try and get together with a group later who was advertising on the forums. i can only hope they are trustworthy and wont shoot me on site so i can actually play with some respectable people, but we shall see!
  11. deepseamk21

    Afraid to die - are you?

    cool idea about radio S3v3n. anyways, I find i am not afraid to die. though i don't like to die either. yesterday was doing my normal deer stand raids, living in the same section of woods i have been living in for a couple of weeks. raided airfield a few times, survived. raided stary a lot, survived. would normally see a survivor and just lay low instead of being a dick and killing them. all in all i had some really nice gear. more ammo than i knew what to do with. several guns, 1 for CQC, 1 long range, a side arm. never went hungry or thirsty. THEN IT HAPPENED. i was crossing a danger area (AKA a field) and of course as always, checking my 6 every 4-5 seconds. literally 1 second after i turn around to face foward a hacker spawns behind me with wierd purple gloves and an anti-material rifle and he kills me. at first i was like, " could he really of snuck up on me like that? was it a player or a hacker?!". so then i respawn, and am in "wilderness". not even close to a town or city. i start to run nothernly and suddenly the same dude with those stupid purple gloves spawns behind me again. this time i ran circle around him for 10 seconds (mind you i had NO gear at that time because i just had spawned) cursing at him through direct chat, then finally giving in, letting him kill me, and i left the server there after. after ALL that work, all the close calls, and fun with my character, he was gone, and so was my awesome gear i'd worked so hard for. but something happened. i found my self, more annoyed than angry or upset. i stopped and thought to myself "hey, you know how to play, you can be back on your feet with cool guy gear in no time, its easy!". well, my new character i started today already has an AKM with 8 clips, several painkillers, bandages, and morphine, side arm with several clips, all the stuff i need to venture up north and it only took me about 30 minutes of sneaking around to get it. so sure, it sucks i died, ESPECIALLY to a G.D. HACKER, but in the long run, it was fun to have to start over and be humbled, get what i need, and GTFO of dodge and head back to my old stopping grounds up north. lets just hope i find some more cool helo crashes with M4A1 CCO's and DMR's and M249's lol (and don't run into any biotch hackers again).
  12. deepseamk21

    ~Chernarus Tactical Force~ [CTF]

    1. i have had dayz for 3 months. had a character for a LONG time. literally 5 mins ago got killed by a hacker so will be starting from scratch but am experienced enough to be geared in a day. 2. assualt/raider/squad leader. honestly i can play all roles to a T. 3. eastern US, generally play 5-6 days a week at night time (1900-2130), will disapear sometimes for a couple of weeks but do come back. 4. 28 yo 5. i have played many FPS games in my lifetime. as corny as it sounds i believe in the whole PTFO (play the f'ing objective) or GTFO (get the f out). I am active duty military and have a lot of actual tactical knowledge from squad based manuvering, convoy, to land navigation (if the game ever adds in diving, i got that too). the majority of this game is what i do in real life (MINUS THE ZOMBIES hehe) so up until the hacker killing me, i survived quite easily. i am not a bandit but will shoot first if i feel threatened. i have vent and skype. if you need any other comms i can D/L it. 6. steam: deepseamk21
  13. I am looking for a few people (3-4 people, or more if platoon sized but split into squads and fire teams. nothing wrong with strength in numbers back at the base of operations lol) to team up with for raids on towns/cities/airfields, and general survival. i have no specific server i play on but i do prepfer veteran servers and servers that are US based (im east coast). here is a little info about me: Age:28 Play Style: I play as a survivor not a bandit, and when i see someone i normally hit the ground to stay concealed until they pass. this said though, if i KNOW the person saw me i will most likely kill that person or MAYBE warn them that "I'm friendly, but you need to leave". learned real quick that its better to shoot first and ask for forgivness later, unfortunate, but it's better than dieing because of hesitation and trying to be overly nice and letting the enemy trick you into thinking they are actual friendlies. Current Setup: I have what i need to survive. been surviving out in the wilderness raiding deer stands and the occasional heli crashs for awhile now. Playing Hours: like i said above, US, east coast. i am usually on for about 2 or 2.5 hours starting somewhere between 7 and 8. weekends i play more. i do tend to disapear for a bit here and there do to my job, but i wont leave anyone hanging. i do have skype and vent, but can D/L team speak or whatever is needed to keep good comms. Background: I have a lot of experience in actual land nav, survival skills, squad based combat and tactics. I am military trained and still actively serving, so my knowledge could definetly benefit the team. i can act as a scout using cover and concealment, combat medic, or sniper. if you have a group of trustworthy people looking for someone who knows how to work as a team, then send me a message or reply to this post. thank you.