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spliff (DayZ)

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Everything posted by spliff (DayZ)

  1. spliff (DayZ)

    Best Epoch Panthera Server

    disgusting. hope this will never be possible with the SA.
  2. spliff (DayZ)

    Server files?

    i hope they'll never release the server files to the public.
  3. rest assured, you are. on top of that you sound highly delusional, i'd seek professional help.
  4. one of the greatest features indeed. it enables cheaters to permanently server-hop.
  5. spliff (DayZ)

    How to get M4 in Minutes.

    this exactly. cheating to have a good gun is so lame like using aimbots in cs/cod/bf.
  6. spliff (DayZ)

    every server is dark

    and THAT is exactly what's the problem with nighttime play. i LOVE the night, i love the immersive feel when i make my way through moonlit woods and have to use my flashlight when scavenging buildings - always risking to be seen from miles away. but all this immersion bursts like a soap-bubble when you KNOW that 90% of all players do what you do. they kill the night. it's sad.
  7. spliff (DayZ)

    Noob to DayZ+... What is it?

    strange, i always thought the goal was to NOT GET HIT by zombies. in most other "zombie settings" this means certain death.
  8. spliff (DayZ)

    day z needs more vehicles!

    because this is DayZ.
  9. spliff (DayZ)

    Has the DayZ Mod come to a stall?

    that's what already happening, and i don't think it will stop when the SA is released.
  10. spliff (DayZ)

    day z needs more vehicles!

    cars should be extremely rare. i like where they are now. so, no to your suggestion. servers with a lot of vehicles are stupid.
  11. just because his opinion is different and you guys can't take the accusation that you do play "ezmode"? i say no, as i find this discussion interesting, and would love to hear more about the reasons why people like the 3rd person look around corners and above walls camera more. oh, did i give the answer already? edit: bad try. his points about the camera which magically hovers 1 meter above your head, behind or in front of you to allow you to look around corners without being seen are 100% valid. and you know it, that's why you're butthurt.
  12. his post is not stupid. he is right when he says 3rd person camera is a cheat. because it is. and i love how he uses super mario 3d as an example. it's very fitting. oh, and crosshairs are a cheat, too. dayz should be as realistic as possible, so i hope mr. hall disables those cheats for the standalone version.
  13. spliff (DayZ)

    What if you only had one life in DayZ.

    nobody would play this game.
  14. spliff (DayZ)

    DayZ PC vs Console

    haha, good joke. really. :-)
  15. 1. i want to be rich and have all the gear 2. i want to be fearsome and mighty 3. i want to be successful and happy ;-)
  16. 1. this makes me sad. dayz is not about your gear. 2. no. only if you never play again.
  17. abolutely no! that's what you flashlight is for. if you have a night were you can see everything, why have a night at all? not every night is star-bright and with a full moon.
  18. spliff (DayZ)

    Discussion of the standalone defecation\poo feature

    well said. look people, this is reasoning. and logic. and some maturity. oh, intelligence, too. you could take a leaf out of his book kids!
  19. spliff (DayZ)

    Dayz Auto Run - [Application]

    i don't think you understand the meaning of "bots" in computer games.
  20. spliff (DayZ)

    Dayz Auto Run - [Application]

    it's an external app that automates keyboard input for a game. in most games this is forbidden. the step to auto-scavenge addons and aimbots is not that far away, by the way. i hope stuff like this will be detected / forbidden in the standalone. i don't care about the mod. but i don't think it's "ok", even if you could just "cram a penny into your keys". it's a survival simulator zombie game thing. if you don't want to run that far, don't do it. there won't be teleporters in the game for the same reason...
  21. spliff (DayZ)

    L85 Should it stay or go

    i don't understand. the rarest weapons always are the most duped ones, so you're contradicting yourself. edit: if this thermal sight stays in the game because of a few third-person cheaters i'm disappointed. but i guess this (poll) only concerns the mod, not the standalone?!
  22. spliff (DayZ)

    DayZ sickness

    isn't your name lxxgodxxl? must be funny to pronounce.
  23. spliff (DayZ)

    DayZ standalone should not be TOO cheap

    no, the price has nothing to do with it. you could sell it for $200 and there would still be cheater. because they have more money than you have! ;)
  24. spliff (DayZ)

    Build Rolling Update

    i guess so, too. and it's a good thing that you guys stay on your own little private hives where you can hack the mod files like you want, and don't need to bother the regular players with your demands / cries.
  25. spliff (DayZ)

    Return to DayZ worth it?

    the game has no concept besides "do what you want". it's what the players make out of it.