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Everything posted by Rescindent

  1. Rescindent

    Want to host a DayZ Server? Read in here.

    I'm slightly confused now. I contacted one of your staff regarding my server assigned a dynamic WAN IP and they said it was fine. I have a domain tied to a DNS service updating the IP; does your system allow domains to be white listed or only IPs?
  2. Rescindent

    [Idea] Server Admin Forum/Mailing List

    Seconded, it can only be a good thing to have server admins talking through the same channels :)
  3. Rescindent

    Should We All Use Timezones in Server Names?

    Why would the script need to login into the remote desktop? A Windows batch script on the server itself can be used to edit config files. Setup a scheduled task to run the start batch file, which calls the script to edit the server name in the config file, and it will be handled every time the task starts. :)
  4. Rescindent

    Do non-PK servers exist?

    The issue with adding servers without pvp would be that supplies could be farmed in the current game state, so other features such as npc bandits would need to be put in place. Non pvp servers would quickly become farming grounds for people to then jump onto other servers and go on rampages with all sorts of gear. I can partially understand people's argument regarding the anxiety it causes, you just want to get onto a game and have fun. If you want to enjoy the game I can only give this advice: trust nobody (at least until you can defend yourself), be cautious and dont make it obvious to anybody where you are, unless they're friends you can trust. You'll meet trustworthy people eventually, but you need to survive long enough to bump into them :)
  5. Rescindent

    Should We All Use Timezones in Server Names?

    I would say yes. Geographical location and server time are, as you say, not always identical. The question is do servers carry a UTC format or a local time zone flag (I.e. GMT/ BST/ EST)? Also daylight savings, as ever, would need to be taken into account and server name adjusted. An automated mechanism for detecting the server time and naming the server appropriately could be useful for lessening the burden on admins. I'll have a look at putting a script together, but I'm sure there are existing ones on the inter webs :)
  6. Rescindent

    Want to host a DayZ Server? Read in here.

    [probably daft] Question regarding the new contact form: Are server hosting e-mails previously sent outside of the contact form being trawled-through or do people need to re-submit through the contact form? I don't want to add to what must be an extremely large pile of messages if it can be avoided :)
  7. Rescindent

    Want to host a DayZ Server? Read in here.

    In the same boat, sent some e-mails and messages around so they must be swamped with requests. It isn't surprising how popular this mod is, considering that occasional Left4Dead players such as myself wanted more interesting maps. Haven't got a dedicated server up yet, awaiting approval to get my US East coast (FL) server running. It's just a shame I don't have enough bandwidth on my UK connection (where I live), as it was murder the last 2 days trying to find one that was empty and stable.