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About Spooli

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    On the Coast
  1. I've searched forums, youtube, and have applied multiple methods to increase my framerate, and to be honest, my framerate is GREAT. I'm having an issue here that I cannot really describe well....but I'll try. I last noticed it with a Battleye message, it was a message stating that 15k people were banned in June blah blah blah, but ever since then I have a weird glitch/lag. I'll take a few steps and my entire world pauses for a second, fine again, few steps, pauses. Over and over. I've updated everything, including Battleye, but I'm still having this weird stutter-step while I'm in game. My friends outpace me with the same gear due to the stutter-step so I thought it was latency, but I don't appear to be lagging to people I play with. The entire world freezes, zombies pause and move/teleport to where they should be in a mid run, so it makes shooting hard to say the least. So I'm at a loss for what to do. My settings are all low, the intensive stuff is all disabled. Should I just try a reinstall? I know it's silly to fret over items in Day Z but I'm kinda decked out at the moment hahaha will reinstalling make me lose all my stuff? If it'll fix me I don't care I'll do that in a heartbeat, I just don't want to do it on a doubt. Thanks all for your time, I hope someone has the answer!