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About teamrax101@gmail.com

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  1. teamrax101@gmail.com

    DayZ NWAF Battle

    There is a lot of action within these three videos, I fucked up my perspective, so, it's in two parts, very raw footage, Milk decided to make a little montage of the battle, with his own perspective My Perspective http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5vUoZHHFCo Part 2 of my perspective: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tldONOSp0H0&feature=youtu.be Milk's perspective: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-tn34u8-BA This was around a 20 minute battle.
  2. teamrax101@gmail.com

    Taviana... Stealing a helicopter like a pro...

    Get back to your hole piggeh, you should of never came out :(, Jus' kidding <3... Ontopic: Taviana is an awesome map, deffo worth to get it.
  3. teamrax101@gmail.com

    DayZ Humanity Exploit... Please, for the love of god fix this

    I posted it there, nothing came out of it, I believe :/, so, I posted it here.
  4. teamrax101@gmail.com

    DayZ Humanity Exploit... Please, for the love of god fix this

    Yeah, fortunately I haven't met a hero which kills on sight.
  5. teamrax101@gmail.com

    DayZ Humanity Exploit... Please, for the love of god fix this

    You've come to the wrong part of town, sonny Jim, return to your cave at once! or you will be executed within the terms of banditry.
  6. teamrax101@gmail.com

    monky antihack

    They bought it I believe.
  7. teamrax101@gmail.com

    DayZ Humanity Exploit... Please, for the love of god fix this

    Good idea, but wouldn't it make them want to fix it faster, if it wasn't private? Also, it takes the same amount of time for the humanity to add, as normally adding blood, it's actually exploiting the whole humanity system, there is a delay (don't quote me on this).
  8. teamrax101@gmail.com

    DayZ Humanity Exploit... Please, for the love of god fix this

    You don't even need to shoot anyone, just need them damaged, a cool down would be awesome, would stop the humanity system being exploited in many ways.
  9. teamrax101@gmail.com

    monky antihack

    No, no... It is, I heard from an admin from Reinvited.nl that Monky made an anti cheat script, to literally, block all of the hackers from doing anything, don't quote me on this, I just heard from an admin from one of their servers. A private Anti Cheat.
  10. ******************************************************** link removed. I know I'm going to get a lot of hate posting an exploit it just needs to be fixed.
  11. teamrax101@gmail.com

    Friends Banned on US 1187

    Tripple ouch lol
  12. teamrax101@gmail.com

    [VIDEO] DayZ Massive Camp Destroyed w/ Satchel Charges!

    Oh, I don't really mind wasting two satchel charges, not like we found many more in the forests. lol
  13. teamrax101@gmail.com

    Tons of Groups Getting Wrecked on Veteran Servers

    You've got a perfect aim, nice job. Here's my beans!
  14. teamrax101@gmail.com

    [VIDEO] DayZ Massive Camp Destroyed w/ Satchel Charges!

    Haha, so true, we've got another present for their camp soon.