Hi all, I started playing Dayz like 2 or 3 weeks ago, so I'm still learning the game ! Last night, I found my first Sniper near a Spawm Point. Today, I reconnected and I saw a horde of zombies in the horizon. I checked if it was a player, and yes,it was one. So I decided to snipe him (yes shame on me because it was a free kill, and also, it was quite sure that the guy was on a fresh spawm :P). But who well, I just wanted to try the snipe, since I never tried it in Arma or Dayz. Well, I hitted him (to be honest it was quite a shot), but it didn't killed him instantly. But like, 4 or 5 second later, he died ( maybe because of the blood-lost). I did not get the murder so I want to know, if you shoot someone and he dies, not because of the shot, but because he lost all his blood, is it suppose to give a murder or not ? PS : Sorry about my english, I'm from the French part of Canada !