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Everything posted by damule

  1. So thats basically it, i found camo clothes yesterday, and when i tried them on, they deleted my backpack, replacing it for a normal patrol backpack. I had the biggest one, and when i put the clothes on i went through the floor for 1 second, and when i "spawned" with the clothes, i didnt had my backpack... It didnt delete everything in it, just the "extra" slots i was supposed to have.
  2. damule Ate my items.

    WELL... as they stated before... dont get too attached to your stuff
  3. The hotfix ate my iteams =S everything seems fine other than that, I left the game by elektro's damn, spawned by cherno's coast, without anything and shaking, i was still wearing my ghillie, other than that not even bandages. Does this happen to anyone else?
  4. damule Ate my items.

    Lol... i lost everything too, im still wearing my ghillie, other than that, i lost absolutely everything. I dont even have a backpack! i was by the dam, spawned at elektro's coast, shaking and without anything.
  5. WOOPS double post =S my bad
  6. Actually it DOES make a different, cuz lets say, u die @cherno, u hit respawn till u there and u recover your stuff? u sure theres no difference?
  7. is there a place i can check the changelog?