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Everything posted by neil.nitro@gmail.com

  1. neil.nitro@gmail.com

    You were kicked off the game!

    Been playing DayZ throughout the week with no problems. Got home after work yesterday, started it up and now I can't get into any DayZ servers. As soon as I get join, I get booted 5 seconds later with "You were kicked off the game". I have check my router, reinstalled DayZ, reinstalled Battleye, everything i can possibly think of. But still getting nowhere. Any help would be appreciated.
  2. neil.nitro@gmail.com

    You were kicked off the game!

    Just re-installed the game, still getting kicked. Resolved, latest update has fixed this.
  3. neil.nitro@gmail.com

    You were kicked off the game!

  4. neil.nitro@gmail.com

    Kicked out of every single game [nvm fixed]

    What was the fix?